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1.2 The Fibonacci Sequence

In mathematics, we can generate patterns by performing one or several mathematical operations repeatedly. Suppose
we choose the number 3 as the first number in our pattern. We then choose to add 5 to our first number, resulting in 8,
which is our second number. Repeating this process, we obtain 13, 18, 23, 28, … as the succeeding numbers that
form our pattern. In mathematics, we call these ordered lists of numbers a sequence.

A sequence is an ordered list of numbers called terms that may have repeated values. The arrangement of these
terms is set by a definite rule.

Example. Generating a Sequence

Analyze the given sequence for its rule and identify the next three terms. (a) 1, 10, 100, 1000 (b) 2, 5, 9, 14, 20

Let us now have an example that will illustrate generating a sequence. The problem asks us, first, to analyze each
given sequence for its rule, and then, identify the next three terms.

(a) Looking at the first set of numbers, it can be observed that each term is a power of 10. We have 100 = 1 the first
term; 101 = 10 the second term; 102 = 100 the third term; and 103 = 1,000 the fourth term. Following this rule, the
next term would be 104 = 10,000; 105 = 100,000; and 106 = 1,000,000

(b) On the other hand, looking at the second set of numbers, it can be seen that the difference between the first and
second terms (2 and 5) is 3.and adding 1 equal 4 that will be subsequently added to the second term 5 to give us
the third term 9. The difference between the second and third terms (5 and 9) is 4 and 4+1=5, add this up to the third
term 9 will give us the fourth term 14. The difference between the third and fourth terms (9 and 14) is 5 and 5+1=6
that will be added up to the fourth term 14 to give us the fifth term 20.
The rule is that the next term is determined by difference between the two previous terms plus one
Following this rule, it can be deduced that to obtain the next three terms, we should add 7, 8, 9, respectively, to the
current term. Hence, the next three terms are 20+7-27, 27+8=35, and 35+9=44.

Now, analyze the given sequence for its rule and identify the next three terms:

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ….

The above sequence is a special sequence called the Fibonacci sequence. It is named after the Italian
mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, who was better known by his nickname Fibonacci. He is said to have discovered this
sequence as he looked at how a hypothesized group of rabbits bred and reproduced. The problem involved having a
single pair of rabbits and then finding out how many pairs of rabbits will be born in a year, with the assumption that a
new pair of rabbits is born each month and this new pair, in turn, gives birth to additional pairs of rabbits beginning at
two months after they were born. He noted that the set of numbers generated from this problem could be extended
by getting the sum of the two previous terms.

Starting with 0 and 1, the succeeding terms in the sequence can be generated by adding the two numbers that came
before the term:

0+1=1 0, 1, 1
1+1=2 0, 1, 1, 2
1+2=3 0, 1, 1, 2, 3
2+3=5 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5
3+5=8 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8
5 + 8 = 13 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13
… 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, …

While the sequence is widely known as Fibonacci sequence, this pattern is said to have been discovered much earlier
in India. According to some scholarly articles, Fibonacci sequence is evident in the number of variations of a particular
category of Sanskrit and Prakrit poetry meters. In poetry, meter refers to the rhythmic pattern of syllables.

Fibonacci sequence has many interesting properties. Among these is that this pattern is very visible in nature. Some of
nature’s most beautiful patterns, like the spiral arrangement of sunflower seeds, the number of petals in a flower, and
the shape of a snail’s shell – things that we looked earlier – all contain Fibonacci numbers. It is also interesting to note
that the ratios of successive Fibonacci numbers approach the number Φ (Phi), also known as the Golden Ratio. This
is approximately equal to 1.618.

1/1 = 1.0000 13/8 = 1.6250

2/1 = 2.0000 21/13 = 1.6154

3/2 = 1.5000 34/21 = 1.6190
5/3 = 1.6667 55/34 = 1.6177
8/5 = 1.6000 89/55 = 1.6182

The Golden Ratio can also be expressed as the ratio between two numbers, if the latter is also the ratio between the
sum and the larger of the two numbers. Geometrically, it can also be visualized as a rectangle perfectly formed by a
square and another rectangle, which can be repeated infinitely inside each section.

(a+b)/a = a/b = Φ = 1.61803

Golden Rectangle with the Golden Spiral

Shapes and figures that bear this proportion are generally considered to be aesthetically pleasing. As such, this ratio is
visible in many works of art and architecture such as in the Mona Lisa, the Notre Dame Cathedral, and the Parthenon.
In fact, the human DNA molecule also contains Fibonacci numbers, being 34 angstroms long by 21 angstroms wide for
each full cycle of the double helix spiral. This approximates the Golden Ratio at a value of about 1.619 (1 angstrom =
10-10 meter or 0.1 nanometer).

1.3 Mathematics for Organization

We have seen how evident mathematics is in the natural world, specifically in how the patterns that we observe in
store follow logical and mathematical structures. It is, therefore, important that we learn mathematical concepts and
apply them in solving societal problems

A lot of events happen around us. In the blink of an eye, several children have already been born, liters of water have
been consumed, or thousands of tweets have been posted. For us to make sense of all available information, we need
mathematical tools to help us make sound analysis and better decisions. For instance, a particular store can gather
data on the shopping habits of its customers and make necessary adjustments to help drive sales. Scientists can plot
bird migration routes to help conserve endangered animal populations. Social media analysts can crunch all online
postings using software to gauge the netizens' sentiments on particular issues or personalities.

1.4 Mathematics for Prediction

It is sometimes said that history repeats itself. As much as we can use mathematical models using existing data to
generate analysis and interpretations, we can also use them to make predictions. Applying the concept of probability,
experts can calculate the chance of an event occurring. The weather is a prime example. Based on historical patterns,
meteorologists can make forecasts to help us prepare for our day-to-day activities. They can also warn us of weather
disturbances that can affect our activities for weeks or months. Astronomers also use patterns to predict the
occurrence of meteor showers or eclipses. In 2017, announcements were made about heavenly phenomena such as
the Draconid Meteor Shower and “The Great American Eclipse." They were able to tell when these phenomena would
occur and where would be the best places to view them.

1.5 Mathematics for Control

We have demonstrated by means of examples around us that patterns are definitely present in the universe. There
seems to be an underlying mathematical structure in the way that natural objects and phenomenon behave. While
photographers could capture a single moment through a snapshot, videographers could record events as they unfold.
Painters and sculptors could create masterpieces in interpreting their surroundings, poets could use beautiful words to
describe an object, and musicians could capture and reproduce sounds that they hear. These observations of nature,
as well as their interactions and relationships, could be more elegantly described by means of mathematical equations.
As stated by astrophysicist Brian Greene, “With a few symbols on a page, you can describe of a wealth of physical

It is interesting then to ponder on how mathematics, an invention of the human mind, seems to permeate the natural
law that hold the universe together. There have been instances when a natural phenomenon has been speculated to
exist because mathematics says so but no hard evidence have been found to support its existence. Such phenomena
were proven to exist only when advancements in technology have allowed us to expand our horizons. For example, in
1916, Albert Einstein hypothesized the existence of gravitational waves based on his theory of general relativity. This
was when “ripples” are formed in the fabric of space-time due to large and violent cosmic events, very much like when
a pebble is thrown on a stagnant pond. About a hundred years later, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave
Observatory (LIGO) announced that it found evidence of this phenomenon.

Through the use of mathematics, man is also able to exert control over himself and the effects of nature. The threat of
climate change and global warming has been the subject of much debate over the years. It is believed that unless man
changes his behavior, patterns are said to indicate that sea levels could rise to catastrophic levels as the polar caps
melt due to the increase in global temperatures. To ensure that greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere are
kept at levels that would not interfere with the climate system, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC) was signed in 1992 and has 197 parties as of December 2015

1.6 Mathematics is Indispensable

How is it possible that mathematics, a product of human thought that is independent of experience, fits so excellently
the objects of reality.

-Albert Einstein

In this lesson, it was highlighted how mathematics plays a huge role in the underpinnings of our world. We have seen it
in living creatures and natural phenomena. We have also looked at examples of how mathematical concepts could be
applied. Whether you are on your way to becoming a doctor, an engineer, an entrepreneur, or a chef, a knowledge of
mathematics will be helpful. At the most basic level, logical reasoning and critical thinking are crucial skills that are
needed in any endeavor. As such, the study of mathematics should be embraced as it paves the way for more
educated decisions and in a way, brings us closer to understanding the natural world

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