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The Journal of Laryngology & Otology (2007) 121, 301–305.

Review Article
# 2007 JLO (1984) Limited
Printed in the United Kingdom
First published online 19 February 2007

Acoustic shock

Acoustic shock is a recently recognised clinical entity: following an abrupt, intense and unanticipated
acoustic stimulus, usually delivered by a telephone handset or headset, some individuals report a
symptom cluster that includes otalgia, altered hearing, aural fullness, imbalance, tinnitus, dislike or
even fear of loud noises, and anxiety and/or depression. Symptoms start shortly after the triggering
acoustic incident and can be short-lived or can last for a considerable time. If persistent, the condition
can lead to significant disability. Proposed mechanisms include involvement of the tensor tympani
muscle, hyperexcitability of central auditory pathways, and a precursive state of raised anxiety or
arousal. A formal treatment programme has not yet been proposed, but the potential utility of modern
therapeutic techniques for tinnitus and hyperacusis are considered. Given the large number of UK
residents working in telephone call centres, this condition is of considerable clinical importance.
Key words: Occupational Noise; Hyperacusis; Tinnitus; Serotonin; Ear Diseases

Introduction shock syndrome, acoustic shock injury or simply

Over the last two decades, there has been a huge acoustic shock.
expansion in the number of people employed in Noises that generate acoustic shock do not have an
call centres (contact centres) or similar workplace intensity and duration profile that would be regarded
environments. Approximately 900 000 people as dangerous to the auditory system within the frame-
(3 per cent of the working population of the United work of existing workplace legislation. In this
Kingdom) are now engaged in this type of employ- respect, it is important to distinguish acoustic shock
ment (S Morrell, personal communication), making from acute acoustic trauma that is experienced with
call centre work the most common job in the exposure to extremely loud sounds, over 140 dB.
country. People employed in this fashion are fre- Similarly, acoustic shock is unrelated to noise-
quently required to use telecommunications equip- induced hearing loss, in which repeated exposure to
ment with either headsets or telephone handsets sounds of an intensity greater than 85 dB causes
for protracted periods of time. They may work in cochlear damage.
areas with poor acoustics and relatively high levels The majority of reports of acoustic shock have
of ambient noise. come from Denmark2 and Australia,3 with a signifi-
It has been recognised for many years that people cant but smaller number arising from the United
who wear headsets at work may be subjected to spur- Kingdom.4 However, there is a dearth of reports
ious auditory signals. In 1976, a study of telephone from other countries with large numbers of call
operatives found 36 such signals of between 94 and centre workers. This has led some researchers to
109 dB in 2000 hours of recording, or approximately question whether the syndrome is a genuine entity.
one signal per operative per week,1 although no One of the possible explanations for this seeming
significant audiological sequelae were reported paradox is that, as an emerging syndrome, the con-
after these exposures. dition often passes unrecognised and is almost
As the number of people employed in call centres certainly under-reported at present.
has risen, so too has the number of reports of workers Although acoustic shock has become firmly associ-
developing a pattern of both physical and psychologi- ated with the use of telecommunications equipment,
cal symptoms arising immediately after or soon after it is likely that exposure to other forms of sudden,
exposure to sudden, unexpected noise over their unexpected sound can generate similar symptoms.
headset or handset. This symptom cluster occurring There are anecdotal reports of people developing
after noise exposure has become known as acoustic symptoms resembling acoustic shock after exposure

From the Department of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Essex County Hospital, Colchester, and the *Department of
Audiology, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, UK.
Accepted for publication: 13 November 2006.


to noise from engineering equipment or from their sounds have been described as acoustic shocks,
personal stereo headphones. However, these types audio shocks, acoustic shrieks, high-pitched tones,
of exposure form a much more heterogeneous set spikes, howls, screeches or squawks. There are
and have largely been excluded from formal defi- many potential ways that such sounds may arise
nitions of the syndrome. within a call centre workplace. There may be faulty
Acoustic shock and post-traumatic stress disorder telephone or headset equipment or transmission
share many clinical features, including persistent faults within the network. Positive feedback may
avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma, occur with some cordless and mobile phones.
sleep disturbance, hypervigilance and exaggerated Tones from facsimile machines or modems may be
startle response.5 Parallels can also be drawn with misdirected to an operative’s earpiece. There have
other forms of altered sound tolerance, including been occasions on which a customer has maliciously
hyperacusis and phonophobia. These observations generated an acoustic incident by shouting or
have led some workers to question whether acoustic blowing a whistle into their telephone.
shock is a discrete entity or whether it is simply a Although many disparate sound sources seem
subset of one of these conditions. capable of generating acoustic shock, there are
Much of the information pertaining to acoustic some common features in the characteristics of the
shock is located on websites, in conference proceed- sounds. A Danish study identified acoustic incidents
ings, and in health and safety documents; little has featuring sounds of intensities varying from 56 to
yet reached peer-reviewed medical literature. This 108 dB, in the frequency range 100 Hz to 3.8 kHz.2
paucity is hampering both recognition of the con- Work in Australia by Milhinch3 suggested that
dition and further research. the causative sound is often in the frequency range
2.3 to 3.4 kHz, with an intensity of 82 to 120 dB.
Definitions The rise time of the sound is usually very short,
varying between 0 and 20 milliseconds. The duration
As this is a new and developing field, there are still
of exposure is very difficult to estimate because the
several slightly different definitions of acoustic
natural response of the affected person is to remove
shock, and global consensus has yet to be reached.
the headset or handset from the affected ear(s).
One of the first definitions of acoustic shock was
Because removing a headset from the head takes
produced by the International Telecommunications
longer than moving a handset away from the ear, it
Union and European Transmission Standards Insti-
seems likely that wearing a headset carries more
tute, which defined the condition as ‘any temporary
risk of incurring acoustic shock.
or permanent disturbance of the functioning of the
ear, or of the nervous system, which may be caused
to the user of a telephone earphone by a sudden
sharp rise in the acoustic pressure produced by it’.6 Symptom profile
The Health Services Australia Group has pro-
Although most people develop their symptoms
duced a slightly different definition which states
immediately after exposure to the acoustic incident,
‘acoustic shock refers to the combination of exposure
there are a small number of people who develop
to a brief, sudden, unexpected, high frequency, high
their symptoms several hours after the event.
intensity sound emitted (the stimulus) and the sub-
The largest systematic study into symptoms of
sequent symptoms (the response) which can
acoustic shock was carried out in Australia between
develop’. This group also produced a definition for
1995 and 1999.3 One hundred and three patients
the causative sound or ‘acoustic incident’: ‘acoustic
who had been exposed to acoustic incidents were
incident refers to a sudden, unexpected, high-pitched
investigated. Of the symptoms seen immediately or
sound of high intensity. It may be emitted from a
soon after exposure to an acoustic incident, ear
headset or handset and is commonly reported as a
pain was the most common complaint, occurring in
81 per cent of cases. There were reports of pain
In the United Kingdom, the Acoustic Safety
in the neck or jaw in 11 per cent and of pain in the
Programme has recently published the following
face in 7 per cent. Tinnitus was described in 50 per
definitions: ‘an acoustic incident is a sudden, unex-
cent of cases and balance problems were present in
pected, noise event which is perceived as loud, trans-
48 per cent. Other symptoms included a sensation
mitted through a telephone or headset’ and ‘acoustic
of blockage or aural fullness, numbness or even
shock is an adverse response to an acoustic incident
collapse. Hearing loss was relatively uncommon,
resulting in alteration of auditory function’.8
occurring in only 18.4 per cent of cases, and there
Several other definitions exist with subtle vari-
was no statistically significant audiological difference
ations on the above themes. All of the available defi-
between exposed and non-exposed ears except at a
nitions have advantages and disadvantages, and it
frequency of 1.5 kHz. Other symptoms took longer
seems likely that further honing of the definition
to emerge and included anxiety, depression, head-
will occur.
ache, sensitivity to previously tolerated sounds,
hypervigilance and anger. Affected people devel-
Acoustic incidents oped a mean of 2.7 symptoms per shock. For many
Although the sounds that can generate acoustic people, the symptoms resolved within hours or
shock are increasingly referred to as acoustic days, but for some the symptoms persisted in a
incidents, other terminology exists. The triggering chronic fashion.

These findings are in broad agreement with obser- there is a potential link between emotional state
vations made in the United Kingdom9 and and middle-ear muscle contraction.
Epidemiology The high incidence of tinnitus in the acoustic shock
There are no reliable data available regarding the population may cause one to consider cochlear dys-
prevalence and incidence of acoustic shock. function as a potential mechanism. However, the
A study in Denmark looked at reports of acoustic low incidence of frank hearing loss is at odds with
shock from 14 call centres.2 Some centres reported such a proposal. In the few cases in which persistent
no incidents, whereas one centre reported that hearing loss has been identified, there has been no
22 per cent of 90 operatives had experienced an characteristic pattern, contrasting with the typical
acoustic shock. The study examined the character- audiometric findings seen in noise-induced hearing
istics of those who had experienced an acoustic loss.3
shock and found a statistically significant correlation
with stress, smoking, and neck and shoulder pain. Central auditory system
Employees who had experienced more than one Various mechanisms involving the central auditory
acoustic shock tended to report worse symptoms. system have been suggested as causes of other
In an Australian study of 103 people reporting forms of auditory hypersensitivity (such as hyperacu-
acoustic shock, 91 (89 per cent) were female and 12 sis and phonophobia); it is possible that these mech-
(11 per cent) were male.3 This compares to a sex anisms may also be applicable to acoustic shock.
ratio of 74 per cent female to 36 per cent male in It has been suggested that disturbance of central
the call centre workforce in Australia. auditory serotoninergic pathways may result in
It has been suggested that exposure to an acoustic altered sound tolerance, without involvement of the
incident does not automatically result in the develop- middle-ear muscles. Certainly, auditory hypersensi-
ment of acoustic shock symptoms, and that even tivity is seen within several conditions that are
when acoustic shock does result it is short-lived in thought to be due to abnormal function within sero-
the vast majority of cases. Whilst this may seem tonin pathways, including migraine, post-traumatic
like common sense, it is not yet underpinned by evi- stress disorder and depression.14,15 Medial efferent
dence, highlighting the need for robust studies in this system dysfunction has also been suggested as a pos-
area. sible cause of hyperacusis; nerve fibres from the
medial efferent system terminate on the outer hair
Pathophysiology cells in the cochlea and this system has been pro-
posed as being important in modulating auditory
The pathophysiological mechanisms underpinning gain.16 Dysfunction of this system could result in
acoustic shock remain obscure, and it is reasonable the auditory system being kept in a state of abnor-
to assume that these will be complex and multifactor- mally high sensitivity.17 Such central auditory
ial. The symptom profile includes experiences that system mechanisms have the merit of suggesting
can variously be ascribed to middle ear, cochlear how acoustic shock could arise without any evidence
and central auditory pathway involvement. Addition- of accompanying peripheral auditory deficit.
ally, the marked emotional impact of the acoustic
shock experience leads one to consider a role for
psychological mechanisms. Each of these will be Psychological mechanisms
considered in turn. It should be noted that such The suggestion that some individuals who experience
mechanisms are by no means mutually exclusive. acoustic shock have a precursive state of anxiety,
stress or arousal is of some interest. Auditory
startle is potentiated by anxiety and arousal, and it
Middle ear may be that the onset of acoustic shock is triggered
The ossicular chain has associated muscle and tendon by a hyperintense startle to an unanticipated noise.
structures. The role of the stapedius muscle in pro- Jastreboff18 (2000) suggested that aversive reaction
tecting the cochlea from intense sound exposure is to sound can occur, mediated by the limbic system
well known. The function of the tensor tympani and autonomic nervous system, and that this reaction
muscle is less well established; however, an involve- is independent of the intensity of the sound. Work in
ment in setting the operating point of the eustachian the field of chronic pain19 has demonstrated that, in
tube has been proposed.10 Both of these muscles certain situations, a fear-avoidance pathway can be
have been implicated in acoustic shock, with a par- set up: pain produces fear which results in limitation
ticularly important role proposed for the tensor of movement, and the subsequent inactivity causes
tympani muscle.3,11 A comparison has been made further pain, setting up a vicious circle. Translating
between acoustic shock injury and tensor tympani this observation to the auditory system, fear of
syndrome,12 wherein spontaneous contractions of sound can result in avoidance of sound, which in
the tensor tympani (similar to blepharospasm) give turn causes increased central auditory sensitivity,
rise to a fluttering or beating sensation. Additionally, thereby enhancing the fear. Evidence supporting
there is evidence that middle-ear muscle function is this hypothesis in acoustic shock is seen in the obser-
influenced by the serotoninergic system,13 and thus vation that if one person in a call centre suffers an

acoustic shock, there is increased risk of other oper- However, it would seem sensible to educate staff to
atives within that centre also developing symptoms. understand and have confidence in their telecommu-
This process could also help explain the patchy distri- nications equipment. They should also be instructed
bution of the condition; it is relatively common to set the output level of their headset to the lowest
in some workplaces and geographical locations and level commensurate with satisfactory speech
completely absent in others, despite similar intelligibility.
working environments and similar or identical tele-
communications equipment. Treatment
Anecdotally, one of the common complaints of
Prevention patients who have experienced an acoustic shock is
Output limiters that their symptoms are ignored or minimised by
Circuitry to limit the acoustic output of telecommu- medical staff. Following normal audiological tests,
nications equipment is widely available and undoubt- many patients are simply reassured that no damage
edly has a useful role in the prevention of has been sustained and are dismissed.
noise-induced hearing loss. Equipment fitted in call Recognition of the condition and a sympathetic
centres in the United Kingdom does ensure that approach are simple and helpful measures. One of
noise above 118 dB is not transmitted. A study of the first actions of many patients with all forms of
15 call centres20 showed that daily personal noise loudness intolerance is to try to avoid sound by pro-
exposure was unlikely to exceed the 85 dB(A) level tecting their ears with plugs and muffs. However, this
defined by the 1989 noise at work regulations.21 may be counter-productive, as by reducing the
However, simply limiting the output seems less amount of incoming auditory information central
effective in preventing acoustic shock. The sounds auditory gain is increased, further increasing the
that trigger acoustic shock are not necessarily loud hypersensitivity of the auditory system. Patients
by conventional definitions and would not be filtered should be counselled to use ear protection measures
by simple limiting devices. In 1991, Blumenthal and only when they are in genuinely noisy environments.
Goode22 demonstrated that startle responses could Techniques used for mainstream hyperacusis and
occur following exposure to sounds with levels as phonophobic patients, such as tinnitus retraining
low as 60 dB SPL. Also, reducing the overall output therapy17,23 and psychological therapies,24,25 have
level through a headset can reduce the intelligibility been used to treat patients with acoustic shock.
However, no firm evidence of the efficacy of this
of speech, particularly within the sometimes noisy
approach has yet emerged. Westcott11 reported four
environments of call centres. This can result in oper-
cases of acoustic shock which were treated with soph-
atives straining to hear and therefore increasing their
isticated in-the-ear digital hearing aids, set up to act
central auditory gain. This could negate the intended
as electronic filters and compress all sounds down
protective function of the circuitry or possibly even
to the range of conversational speech. The rationale
render the operative more susceptible to acoustic
shock. Therefore, any limitation circuitry should for this approach was that it would protect against
dangerous sound levels while avoiding the risk of
preserve speech clarity.
overprotection. Three of the four patients treated in
this fashion showed improvement, but it is difficult
Acoustic incident filtering to draw firm conclusions from such a small study.
There have been several attempts to design more
sophisticated filtering equipment that can recognise Conclusions
and reject acoustic incidents while allowing normal A symptom complex arising from exposure to
speech to pass through in a largely unaltered state. sudden, unexpected sound has been recognised.
Several such devices are commercially available, This condition shares some features with other
but firm scientific proof of their efficacy in preventing conditions such as hyperacusis. However, there are
acoustic shock is still awaited. sufficient differences to warrant its recognition as a
separate condition in its own right, rather than as a
The call centre environment subsection of an existing condition. As an emergent
Because acoustic shock seems more common among condition, the terminology is still somewhat con-
operatives who have pre-existing high levels of stress, fused, but there does seem to be merit in simplicity,
it would seem sensible to try to design low impact and it is suggested that the condition should be
working environments and to utilise working prac- termed acoustic shock and the triggering sound
tices that do not cause or exacerbate stress. Ensuring should be termed an acoustic incident.
a quiet workplace with good acoustic properties Further research in this area is strongly indicated.
should be beneficial, by reducing the operatives’ Suggested topics include: prevalence and incidence
need to strain to listen. studies; longitudinal study of cohorts of call centre
workers; interrelationships between symptoms; treat-
ment efficacy; functional imaging of patients with
Staff education acoustic shock; and more detailed audiometric
There is no evidence that making staff aware of testing of patients with acoustic shock, using tech-
acoustic shock as a potential problem has any niques such as distortion product otoacoustic emis-
direct effect on the prevalence of the condition. sions, to detect subtle cochlear changes.

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