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J‎ ulio's .

NET Backend
‎Developer Roadmap

‎How does the Internet work? 

‎What is .NET?  ‎What is HTTP? 

‎.NET CLR basics  ‎Internet Basics ‎What is DNS? 

‎C# Language  ‎What is hosting? 

‎.NET Essentials
‎Essential .NET libraries and types  ‎How to browsers work? 

‎Basic .NET CLI commands 

‎What is ASP.NET? 
‎NuGet 

‎App startup 

‎Dependency injection 
‎What is a REST API? 
‎Middleware 
‎Controllers 
‎ASP.NET Core Fundamentals ‎Host 
‎Minimal APIs 
‎Web server 
‎Postman  ‎Web API
‎Configuration 
‎Swagger / Open API 
‎Routing 
‎Error handling 
‎DTO 

‎Validation 
‎Git 
‎Version control
‎GitHub 
‎MySQL 
‎Relational 
‎Azure SQL Database 
‎Databases ‎xUnit 
‎MongoDB 
‎Moq 
‎NoSQL 
‎Unit testing 
‎Azure Cosmos DB 
‎FluentAssertions 

‎Testing ‎TDD 
‎ASP.NET Core Authentication 
‎Frameworks ‎Integration testing  ‎WebApplicationFactory 
‎ASP.NET Core Authorization 

‎JSON Web Tokens 

‎Docker 
‎OAuth 2.0  ‎Standards
‎Docker Compose 
‎OpenID Connect 
‎Docker Hub 

‎IdentityServer 
‎Azure Container Registry 
‎OpenID providers ‎Security
‎Azure Active Directory 
‎Kubernetes 

‎.NET Secret Manager 

‎Orchestration ‎Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) 
‎Secrets management
‎Azure Key Vault 
‎Deployment ‎Helm 

‎TLS 
‎API Gateway  ‎NGINX 

‎CORS  ‎Emissary-ingress 

‎Azure CLI 
‎Background service  ‎Task Scheduling ‎Terraform 

‎HttpClient 
‎Synchronous 
‎gRPC 

‎ILogger 
‎RabbitMQ 

‎Serilog  ‎Logging
‎Message brokers ‎Azure Service Bus 

‎Seq 
‎Centralized logging tools
‎Communication ‎Asynchronous  ‎Apache Kafka 

‎Elastic Stack 
‎Frameworks ‎MassTransit 

‎OpenTelemetry 
‎WebSockets 
‎Distributed Tracing
‎Jaeger 
‎SignalR 

‎Prometheus 
‎Grafana 
‎Caching ‎Redis 

‎Continuous integration 
‎Single Responsibility Priniciple ( SRP )
‎Continuous deployment 
‎DevOps ‎Open-Closed Principle (OCP)
‎GitHub Actions 
‎Services ‎SOLID  ‎Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
‎GitHub Packages 
‎Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)

‎Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)

‎Singleton 

‎Design Principles ‎DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) 

‎Repository 

‎KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid!) 

‎Retries with exponential backoff 

‎YAGNI (You Ain't Gonna Need It) 

‎Circuit breaker 

‎DDD (Domain Driven Design) 

‎Publisher-subscriber  ‎Design Patterns

‎Saga 
‎Clean architecture 
‎Mediator 
‎Architectural Patterns ‎Microservices 
‎Competing consumers 
‎Monolithic Apps 
‎Event sourcing 

‎Polly 

‎MediatR  ‎Essential Libraries

‎FluentValidation 
‎ eep learning at


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