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My 2 weeks of “vegan”

So, I just finished this assignment where I tried eating vegan and vegetarian dishes for two weeks
instead of going full vegan. Let me tell you about my experience.

First off, I totally get why they made it a two-week assignment. The first week was a bit challenging. I
mean, I'm used to having my usual non-vegan options, and making the switch was a bit of a shock to
my taste buds. But here's the thing - it got easier as the days went by.

At the start, I did some research on vegan recipes and made a list of vegan-friendly ingredients. I hit
the grocery store with my list in hand and stocked up on things like tofu, beans, lentils, veggies, and
all that good stuff. I also grabbed some spices like chili, garlic, and soy sauce to add that extra flavor.
Believe me, a little spice goes a long way in making vegan dishes tasty!

Now, I'll admit I was a bit skeptical about feeling satisfied on a vegan diet. But here's the secret:
protein and good fats. I made sure to include foods like chickpeas, quinoa, and avocados in my meals
to keep me feeling nourished. It worked like a charm.

During these two weeks, I experimented with different recipes. I tried everything from creamy vegan
pasta to spicy tofu stir-fry. It was actually kind of fun discovering new flavors and cooking techniques.
And yes, I did enjoy my meals, even though I'm not giving up my non-vegan options entirely.

One thing I noticed was that I felt lighter and had more energy as the days went by. I guess it's true
what they say about the benefits of a plant-based diet. Plus, it was a great opportunity to try out
dishes I probably wouldn't have tasted otherwise.

If you're already a vegan, the alternative assignment is pretty cool too - inviting non-vegan friends
over for dinner. It's a chance to showcase how delicious vegan food can be and maybe even inspire
them to try it out.

So, here's the deal. If you're taking on this assignment, don't be discouraged by the initial resistance.
Embrace the challenge, get creative in the kitchen, and take notes on your journey. You might be
surprised by how much you enjoy it. And remember, it's not just about salads; there's a whole world
of vegan flavors waiting to be explored.

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