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This is my bedroom or at least one that looks like it, I have this

bedroom since
I moved in this house and since that day 2 days have passed.I
almost move everything in this room like thousands of times,
this because im always indecisive about how my room is
settled, now my bed is in a corner like the picture and I have
my desk before the bed this because I want my desk nearby my
bed in case I dont wake up early for my online lessons.

Also I adjust my desk to be in front or the window so If Im

falling asleep I can open the curtains so the sun can wake me
up I also have my closet next to the door in case I forgot to
wear a hoodie or a hat for the cold I dont have too much books
but i got some funkos and posters above my bed this if i want
to read some of my mangas or read “The flowers of evil” I
used to have a TV and a Xbox but lately I havent played too
much so I save it in the other closet.

Finally I dont think I have to much things in my room I only have what i need and the things I got because i Like it
like the funkos or mangas.

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