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your friends. T hat’s all. You will be doing them a favor.

YOUR REAL Who knows what this will do for you?

Professor H . Spencer L?wis seems to have lifted the
veil of mystery that has enveloped the science of Astrology
for centuries past. Combining his knowledge of Psychic
Force with his wonderful system of Astrology, he has

LIFE TOLD brought his method down to an absolutely scientific basis,

reading the strange workings of the planets under whose
sign one is born with amazing accuracy. So startling are
his predictions that those who receive them are almost
carried back to the days of great miracles and forced to

believe that Professor Lewis must be possessed of a
strange but wonderful power. Even astrologers stand
amazed at the accuracy with which he foretells the future.
“ I - followed your advice and succeeded,” writes Miss
T. St. Clair. “ All of your predictions come true. I wish
I had sent for the wonderful free reading you gave me
before I did.”

Startling Predictions for I f you wish a free reading of your life, on a beautiful
Astral-Psychic Chart; if you wish to know your lucky
and unlucky periods; what pitfalls to avoid; what oppor­
tunities to grasp; suggestions on business, friends, enemies,
Everybody, Almost love, marriage ties, travels, sickness, deaths, etc., w rite a
short letter to Prof. H. Spencer Lewis, Room 61, No. 48
West 27th street, New York city, and you will receive it
Beyond Belief! by mail without delay and absolutely free. Be sure to
give date of birth and age and spell out your first name
and last name and write your address plainly. Kindly
send ten cents in silver or stamps to cover cost of mailing
and chart, and Professor Iyewis will send your reading and
Remarkable Psychic Astrologer a free copy of his new and finely illustrated book, entitled
“ Your Past, Present and F uture Revealed,** without any
Tells Past and Future with charge whatever. Be sure to tell your friends to send also.

Amazing Accuracy to

All Who Write, Ab­ % DO YOU W A N T
solutely Free. J TO KNOW

Hh About your Love Affairs, H ealth,

IKusincss, Journeys, Speculation,
IMarriage, Legacies, Changing your
IfaPosition, Home or Business, your
lucky or unlucky days, your chil-
H dren or family affairs, about buying
1 and selling property? 1
Let He Tell Yonr Fortune Free.
For 20 years I have been guiding people to SUCCESS
|and H A P P IN E S S .W ho Senddoesfor n free
o t need them ? Give
Horoscope. T hrough
I A 1address,
name, P/% P sychic sex,
birth-date, Pow er and an d Awhether
state strology married
I w ill
1 ^ single.
or 1 1 V Send 10 assist an dsilver
cents, in struorc stamps
t yon how to to
and clerical work. ly Address:
a tta in th is grand trin ity ; including
|_ | 1 1 IP R OaF delineation,
. A L BfruE Rit, giving
T tree, T Ecolors,
P O Syour num bers,,
Lm, usical
F I g% hif I r l symbols, in stru -
RI oom
| « L {543,
1 I |N
II o.1 126 W ea
m ent, t 3 4th
and the Scom
t., Npdser
e w Y who
o rk , N . Yia
m essage for yon.
ff v C IIU 1 Salt* 3, 76 Huntington A vo., Boston.
H e T o ld M is s T . S t. C l a ir .

W ould you like to know, for the asking what the
future has in store for you? Would it be any advantage
to you to know how your health will be; how your busi­ Treatment.
ness will go; w hether you will be happy or unhappy; what We will send any one addicted to Opium, M orphine.
your weak points and strong characteristics are, and how L audanum or o th er d ru g h ab it, a free tria l tre a tm e n t of
to Improve your condition, financially, socially and physic­ th e m ost rem arkable rem edy ever discovered. Confidential
correspondence invited from all, especially physicians,
ally? I f so, here is an opportunity you should grasp at fit. JTttaaen M e c le ty , Salte 119, 1101 Broadway,
once. It will cost you nothing. I f you are pleased, tell Hew York.
When replying to advertisements please ‘mention T h * N a u t il u s .
The Nautilus
Magazine of New Thought, Volume 9, Issue 9
July 1907
Edited by Elizabeth Jones Towne
Holyoke, Mass.
Page 65

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