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1) Who is the guest of the channel?

Please say a few words about his degree and the background
and achievements.
John Mearsheimer is a distinguished service professor of political science and the university of
Chicago where he was taught since 1982 and he graduated from West Point in 1970 and then
served five years as an officer in the US Air Force he published 6 immensely influential books
principally on international relations theory. His recent book was “the great delusion, liberal
dreams and international realities”. In 2020 the professor won the James Madison award which
is given once every three years by the immune political science association to an American
political scientist who has made a distinguished scholarly contribution to political science.

2) What are the origin and history of the crisis? When did this start?
What do we need to know about crisis is that the West has been trying to do since 2008 -to turn
Ukraine into a western bulwark on Russia's border.
3) Who is responsible for the crisis from Prof. Mersheimer point of view?
4) If we are talking about the origin of the crisis The United States and its allies are responsible for
the crisis but not Putin and Russia.

5) What is the essence and parts of the strategy which the US had towards Ukraine?
What do we need to know about crisis is that the West has been trying to do since 2008 -to turn
Ukraine into a western bulwark on Russia's border. This idea had three dimensions and 1st and
most important is NATO expansion. The idea was to expand NATO eastward to include Ukraine.
The second element of this strategy was EU expansion. And the third element of the strategy
was the color revolution So the idea was to turn the Ukraine into a liberal democracy (like
written like the United states).

6) Which event is of immense importance in terms of the abovementioned strategy?

The most important element of this strategy is NATO expansion that's why the April 2008
Bucharest NATO summit is of immense importance. Because at the summit NATO announced
that Georgia and Ukraine would become a part of NATO.

7) What were the first 2 tranches of NATO expansion?

The first tranche of native expansion was in 1999 (including Poland Hungary and Czech
Republic). Then there was a second tranche in 2004 which included (Romania and Baltic states).
Russians swallowed them.

8) What was the reaction of Russia to the decision made during the summit?
The Russians drew a line in the sand and they said this is not going to happen. Then the war
between Russia and Georgia happened (august 2008).

9) What is the date the crisis broke out over Ukraine? What happened then?
In February 22nd in 2014 the grises broke out over Ukraine. The crisis happened because a coup
in Ukraine overthrew a Russian leader and installed a pro american leader .The United states
was involved in the coup and the Russians went ballistic. So the Russians did two things: first
they took Crimea from Ukraine, and the second is that they took advantage of a civil war that
broke out in eastern Ukraine in 2014. Russians told that the Crimea is never going back to
Ukraine and that they will wreck Ukraine before it will become a member of NATO.
10) What the Monroe doctrine says?
This doctrine says that no distant great power is allowed to form a military alliance with a
country in the Western Hemisphere and it is not allowed to move military forces into the
Western Hemisphere.
11) What was the Cuban missile crisis (Korebean krisis) about?
The Soviet put nuclear tipped missiles in Cuba and the United states said this is categorically
unacceptable. The Soviets built a naval base in Cienfuegos and the United states told them you
are not building naval base here.
12) Why did the crisis that tamped down a bit after 2014 events began to ramp up in the fall of
The answer is that the United States and its allies were effectively turning Ukraine into a de
facto member of NATO. So The United states are now arming Ukraine but they were not arming
Ukraine during the Obama administration in 2014 because they thought that it was going to
scare Russians. And the Russians they took that thread really seriously and they were willing to
use military force if it's necessary to eliminate this thread.
13) What are the defensive and offensive weapons? What is the security dilemma?
14) What are the diplomatic relations between the US and Ukraine?
15) What were the provocative measures by the US and UK that made Russia to reach the boiling
16) What was the economic situation in the Ukraine?
17) What could be the best and obvious solution to put an end to the crisis?
18) What the story was invented by the US after February 22 2014?
19) Tell me few words about Munich accords as it was mentioned in relation to the current crisis.
20) What is the role of the Minsk accords in this situation?
21) Do the UK, UN, EU play any role of importance in the current crisis?
22) What are the costs and benefits of invading Ukraine for Russia?
23) Why does Professor Mearsheimer think that the US policy blew up in their face?
24) What is the role of the rise of China for the US, and for the balance of powers in the world?
25) Can the logic of the buffer states be applied to the conflict of Southeast Asia vis-à-vis China?
26) What were the guaranties of the West not to move NATO eastward? Were there any written
27) When the US started to arm Ukraine? Who was the president then? Why this actually started
(2 reasons)?
28) Tell a few words about Russophobia in the west. How that developed from the Cold War to
the present days.
29) What is the liberal international order? When was it possible, and why is that over now?
30) What is the role of Putin’s and Lavrov’s strategy in the current Russia’s status?
31) What is the idea of the “Russian threat”? Why NATO needs that?
32) Do the NATO members spend 2% of GNP on defense? Why?
33) What is the role of nuclear weapons during the Cold War and in the current crisis?
34) Why the US is not going to come to the defense of Ukraine?
35) What are the Article 5 guaranties?

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