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Sent by Muhammad Aram

To: Rabar Saedoon

Greeting Mr. Rabar

Of course, I am aware of Hawbir, but to be completely honest, I don't know him

all that well. He has a degree from the University of Sulaymaniyah and is 23 years
old. I'm not sure if he is employed. And I believe his parents are both employed.
I'm not sure if he has brothers or sisters, but I believe they are a close-knit family.

Hawbir is such a good man and ambitious, he’s so calm and patient, and I feel so
comfortable with him, and I don’t see any negative side of him yet. He often
watches movies and series, his favorite movie is John Wick, and he likes action
movies. He’s interested in reading books, especially psychological ones. In his free
time, he likes to do research on psychological things; he studies so hard to learn
new languages; we often talk together, and he’s so friendly. At first, I was kind of
hesitant to get to know him, but when we talked together, everything changed. I
recommend he watch the Stranger Things series because it’s so good and fun to

If you need more information about Hawbir, just let me know. I hope this helps.

With much love,


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