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Edi Zulkarnain

UAS Bahasa Inggris Profesi

Part A

1. The Qur'an is the book of Allah

2. Recitation or reading
3. Allah the Almighty revealed the Qur'an through the angel Gabriel
4. Then the Prophet Muhammad ( p.b.u.h ) asked his subordinates to write down exactly
what Gabriel told him . These writings were then collected to form the Qur'an.
5. Consists of 114 chapters or surahs
6. In general, the loger Surahs were revealed in Medina ; the shorter in Mecca.

Part B

B. 1

1. How are you

2. Bowling
3. On seventy-nine
4. Tab
5. A lot of
6. Chemistry
7. Nervous
8. Help you out
9. Don't worry
10. Bye

B. 2

1. Don.
but Don. Invited Tom to go bowling
2. Playing bowling and asking to drive
3. Too bad for him, because he has homework and exams
4. Accept decision from tom
5. Don't worry

Part C

C. 1

1. Jerry and he go to bowling every Friday night.

2. Tom not, accept of Don’s invitation.
3. Qur’an guide humanbeings to happylife.
4. Qur’an consist Of 114 surahs.
5. It to be the holy book of Allah.

C. 2

1. Jerry (noun) and (conjunction) he (noun) go (action verb) to (verb be) bowling (action verb)
every (preposition) Friday night. (adverb)
2. Tom (noun) not, accept (action verb) of (preposition) Don’s invitation. (verb)
3. Qur’an (noun) guide (verb) human (noun) beings (verb) to happylife (adverb)
4. Qur’an (noun) consist Of (preposition ) 114 surahs (noun).
5. It (verb be) to be the holy book (noun) of (preposition) Allah.

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