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SZRZ6014 is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills to conduct research scientifically.
In particular, research designs, strategies, methods, and processes of conducting research will be stressed
in this course. In addition, the steps in planning a research project, such as problem identification and
formulation of research question, developing the objective of the study, reviewing related literature and
formulating research framework will also be covered. Apart from that, methods for data collections, data
analyses for both quantitative and qualitative approaches will also be discussed. Additionally, how to write
a research proposal and final report of the research will also be discussed in this course.


Assessment of the course will be 100% coursework. All students are required to furnish ONE (1) individual
assignment, ONE (1) test, and ONE (1) presentation.


3.1 Assignment 1: Writing Research Proposal (Individual) = 80%

The objective of this assignment is to assess students' knowledge and skills to write research
proposal. Research proposal consists of Chapter One: Introduction of the Study, Chapter Two:
Literature Review, and Chapter Three: Research Methodology. The details of entire chapters are
explained in paragraph 3.1.1; 3.1.2; and 3.1.3 respectively. Students are required to apply the
American Psychological Association (APA) formatting style for all tables, figures and references.
You are expected to complete this assignment independently. Students must write in English.
Last day to submit Assignment 31st March 2022 (31/03/2022).

3.1.1 Chapter One: Introduction to the Study = 20%.

The objective of this assignment is to assess the ability of students to write introduction
to the study. In order to fulfill this assignment, the students are needed to select a topic
and research problem in their area of interest. Provide some background for the problem
including its significance or importance for their field and why and/or how it attracted
your interest. Define the constructs and technical jargon that are included in the problem
statement. Formulate research questions and, if appropriate, associated hypotheses
related to the problem. In not more than 1,500 words write a complete introduction to
the study, which consists of the following sub-topics:

1. Title of the Study
2. Introduction
3. Background of the Study
4. Problem statement
5. Research Objectives
6. Research Questions
7. Research Hypotheses (For Quantitative only)
8. Conceptual Framework of the Study
9. Significance of the Study
10. Operational Definitions
11. Assumptions and Limitations of the Study
12. References for Chapter One

3.1.2 Chapter Two: Literature Review = 20%.

The objective of this assignment is to assess student’s skill in writing a literature review.
Reading theories and landmark researches related to variables chosen in Chapter One is
imperative. Apart from that, students are also required to analyze the gaps of the previous
studies. In not more than 1,500 words write Chapter Two, which consists of the following

1. Introduction
2. The definitions/concepts of the variables to be studied
3. Theories of the variables to be studied
4. Past research findings on the topics to be studied
5. The gaps of the previous studies
6. References for Chapter Two

3.1.3 Chapter Three: Research Methodology = 40 %.

The objective of this assignment is to assess student’s abilities to write the methodology
of the research properly. In order to fulfill this assignment students are required to
understand the research design, population and sampling methods, the validity and
reliability of the instruments or questionnaires to be utilized in research, and the
procedure of collecting and analyzing data. In not more than 1,500 words write Chapter
Three which consists of the following sub-topics:

1. Introduction
2. Research design
3. Population and sampling
4. Instrumentation (Instruments/questionnaires)
5. Pilot test/Testing the reliability of the instruments/questionnaires
6. Procedure of data collection
7. Procedure of data analyses

8. References for Chapter Three
9. Appendices: Instruments/Questionnaires

3.2 Assignment 2: Presentation = 10% (Individual)

The objective of this assignment is to assess student’s ability in proposal defense. During
presentation session, students have to response to questions raised by participants or course
instructor. Time allocated for presentation is 30 minutes. Students are required to submit
hardcopy of the material to course instructor one (1) week before presentation date. The
presentation will be based on Assignment no. 1 (Research Proposal). Specifically, the sub-topics
to be included are:

• Research Title
• Research problem
• Objectives of the study
• Research questions
• Hypotheses of the study (for quantitative only)
• Framework of the study
• Literature review
• Research design
• Sampling techniques
• Instruments/questionnaires: Results of the pilot test.
• Procedure of data analyses
• Appendices: Instruments/questionnaires must be attached.

Students must present in English.

Individual presentation will be held on the 13th, 20st and 27 March 2022. The schedule of
presentation will be announced on the 06th March 2022.

3.3 Test = 10% (Individual)

Test will be held on the 06th March 2022.


Plagiarism and Cheating Policy of the University

Plagiarism is the act of passing off as one’s own the ideas or words of another. Cheating is violating rules
dishonestly. A students who cheats or plagiarizes another’s work, purchase papers, or present previous
work as this semester’s assignments, faces disciplinary action. Plagiarism or cheating results in an “F” for
the course/assignment, and may result in suspension or expulsion from the University. Students must
communicate accurately material that is directly quoted, paraphrased, or your own.

All the work that you submit must be ORIGINAL. Any form of PLAGIARISM (Above 20 %) will not be
accepted and will adversely affect your grade.

To fulfill the above regulation, students are required to make a written declaration as below:

I/we hereby declare that the work in this assignment is my/our own except for quotations and
summaries which have been duly acknowledge.

Saya/kami akui karya ini adalah hasil kerja saya/kami sendiri kecuali nukilan dan ringkasan yang tiap-
tiap satunya telah saya jelaskan sumbernya.

Dated: Signature:

Name and Matric No:


Dated: Signature:

Name & Matric No:

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