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(A Day cum Residential CBSE Senior Secondary School)


1. How many countries are there in the world?

2. How many countries are there in Asia?
3. Which is the smallest country in the world?
4. How many countries are there in Europe?
5. Which is the largest country in the world?
6. Name the country with least population in 2023.
7. Which is the 7th smallest countries in the world?
8. Which is the 2nd largest population country in 2023?
9. Name the 2nd largest country in the world?
10. What is meant by International Organization?
11. What is the total area of India?
12. How many states are there in India?
13. What is the India’s total population in November 2023?
14. What is the Birth and Death rate per day in India?
15. Name the state which is removed from 29 states.
16. How many districts in Tamil Nadu?
17. List down the number of districts in Tamil Nadu.
18. What is the world’s largest democratic country?
19. What is the capital of India before New Delhi?
20. Which is the health capital city in India?

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