Tugas 2 - Bhs - Inggris Niaga - Annisa Ayu

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NIM : 043142751

Starting from the meaning of exports and imports. Export is the activity of producing goods
and services domestically, then sending them to other countries. Meanwhile, imports are the activity
of bringing in goods from other countries. Export and import activities both provide benefits for a
country. Export activities usually occur when a country is able to produce goods or services in large
quantities and domestic needs are met. This results in excess production of these goods so that they
can then be sent for sale abroad. When carrying out export activities, the country will receive
income which is usually referred to as foreign exchange. The more often a country exports, the
greater the foreign exchange profits it will gain. The following are several factors that influence
export activities:

1. Market conditions abroad

2. Exporter's expertise in capturing foreign markets

3. The business climate created by the government

4. Provisions of international agreements

Meanwhile, here are several reasons why a country carries out import activities:

1. The importing country can produce the goods, but the costs incurred will be more expensive
which will then make the price of the goods sold more expensive

2. Importing countries can produce their own products, but not enough to meet domestic demand

3. The importing country cannot produce the goods due to lack of raw materials, skills

Types of Exports in Indonesia, there are 2 types of exports, namely oil and gas exports and
non-oil and gas exports. Oil and gas commodities include petroleum and gas. Meanwhile exports
non-oil and gas products such as agricultural, plantation, forestry, livestock, crafts, industrial goods
and mineral mining products. The types of imported goods are consumer goods or finished goods,
capital goods, raw materials and auxiliary materials.

What are the existing policies in Indonesia regarding exports and imports?

Export and import policies in Indonesia include a number of initiatives and regulations aimed at
Indonesian government includes:
managing the flow of goods and services at home and abroad. Some general policies implemented

 Import Duties and Export Taxes: The Indonesian government sets import duty rates for
various types of imported goods. For example, for certain commodities such as electronic
products or motorized vehicles, certain import duties are imposed to protect domestic
 Export and Import Permits: Before carrying out export or import activities, companies or
individuals are required to obtain permits from the relevant institutions. This aims to
monitor and control the flow of goods.
 Export and Import Prohibitions: Some goods have prohibitions or restrictions on export or
import. For example, hazardous materials or antiques that have cultural and historical value.
 Import Quotas: Some commodities such as rice or sugar have import quotas set by the
government to regulate and control the amount of imports.
 Tax Incentives and Facilities: The government provides tax incentives and facilities to
companies active in export activities, such as tax reductions or tax exemptions.
 Technical Regulations and Quality Standards: The government sets quality standards and
technical regulations to ensure that goods exported or imported meet certain standards in
terms of quality and safety.
 International Trade Agreements: As a member of international trade organizations such as
the WTO and ASEAN, Indonesia is involved in international trade agreements that influence
export and import policies.
 Domestic Industry Protection: The government can implement policies to protect domestic
industry from unfair import competition, such as by implementing protectionist tariffs.

Of course, here are some examples of exports and imports that are relevant to Indonesia:


1.Palm Oil: Indonesia is one of the largest producers of palm oil in the world and ships this product
to various countries, especially China, India and the European Union.

2. Mining Commodities: Coal, tin, nickel ore and copper are some of the main mining commodities
exported by Indonesia. They are an important source of income for the country.

3. Textile and Garment Products: Indonesia has a strong textile and garment industry. Many clothing
and textile products are exported to various countries around the world, including the United States
and Japan.

4. Agricultural Products: Agricultural products such as coffee, rubber and tea are Indonesia's main
exports. Indonesian coffee is known throughout the world for its quality.

1. Oil and Gas: Indonesia is one of the countries that imports crude oil and natural gas to meet
domestic energy needs.

2. Electronic Machinery and Equipment: Industrial machinery, electronic components and high-tech
equipment are often imported to support the manufacturing and information technology sectors in

3. Motorized Vehicles: Imported cars and motorbikes are the choice of consumers in Indonesia,
especially from foreign manufacturers such as Japan, South Korea and the United States.

4. Consumer Electronic Products: Consumer electronic goods such as smartphones, computers and
other electronic devices are often imported to meet local market needs.

5. Chemical Products and Raw Materials: Chemicals and raw materials for the manufacturing
industry, such as plastics and industrial chemicals, are often imported to support domestic




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