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Product Data

The “7700 & 5500” series of Half Masks

550030 (shown with 7580P100 filters) 770030 (shown with 7580P100 filters)

Product Description:

The 7700 series is the most comfortable and durable series of half masks available on the
market. This series is made of very soft, non-allergenic, silicone material. The silicone conforms
to wearer’s facial features to offer better seal on the skin. The 7700 series has a low profile
design which gives the users a wide field of vision. Besides, this series offers very low inhalation
and exhalation resistance that reduces the wearer’s fatigue. The 7700 series can be used as an
Air-Purifying respirator (with all the North’s cartridges and filters), as a Powered-Air-Purifying
respirator (with the CA102 PAPR assembly) and as an Air-Line respirator (with the CF2007
breathing tube).

The 5500 series incorporates all the comfortable and efficient design of the 7700 series with low
cost. The 5500 series is made of a TPR material.

Product Description Pack Case Case Dimensions Case

Number Quantity Quantity Weight

770030 Black Silicone Respirator / 1 12 37 X 20 X 54.5 cm. 3.7 kg.

Three different sizes (S,M,L) 14.5” X 8” X 21.5” 8.2 lb.

550030 Gray TPR Respirator / Three 1 12 32 X 32.5 X 40.5 cm. 3 kg.

different sizes (S,M,L) 12.5” X 13” X 16” 6.5 lb.

Product Certification:

Both the 5500 and 7700 series of half masks are approved by the NIOSH standard with all
the different North’s combinations of Cartridges, Filters, PAPR, and Air-Line.
Refer to the NIOSH approval labels for the specific NIOSH combination number.

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March 8 2007
English\ Half Masks (7700 & 5500) series Data Sheet Eng-Rev-00
Product Data

The “7700 & 5500” series of Half Masks

Fit Testing:
A respirator should not be assigned to a person unless the person is given a respiratory fit test,
and the results of the test indicate that the face-piece of the respirator fits properly. If the
respirator is used voluntarily, where no respirator hazard exists, then certain elements of a
respirator program, such as fit testing, can be omitted. The North’s half masks can be fit tested
qualitatively by using Bitrex or Saccharin, and quantitatively by using our adaptable kit 770021.

User Seal Checks:

The wearer of a mask can perform a negative pressure seal check, at any time while wearing
the respirator, by putting a small pressure with the palm of the hand on the filter on both sides
and gently inhaling. The mask should collapse on the face. A positive pressure seal check can
also be performed by putting a small pressure with the palm on the exhalation valve in the front
and gently exiling. The mask should blow up a bit.

Product Characteristics:
Face Seal Material: 7700: 100% Silicone, medical grade
5500: TPE that contains silicone
Cartridge Connectors: Polypropylene
Valves Material: Rubber
Exhalation Valve Seat: Polyphenlene Oxide
Exhalation Valve Guard: Polyisoprene
Cradle Strap: Polyethylene
Head Straps: Nylon with woven elastic
Straps Connecting Pieces: Polyethylene
(Note: The North’s half masks series contains no latex material)

Country of Origin: Made in Mexico

Material Declaration:
We declare that the materials and processes used in the manufacturing of this product are not known to
cause harmful effect to the wearer. However, it is the user responsibility to do the proper tests for the
specific application.
The data, included in this communiqué, incorporates the best information currently available to North Safety
Products; and it is derived from sources believed to be reliable. North makes no warranties to the accuracy
of the source material.
North products are covered by and subject to the terms and conditions of the North Safety Products Limited Warranty
that appears in our annual price list. The North Safety Products Limited Warranty is the only written warranty of any force
and effect, and all other written warranties are disclaimed in their entirety. In no event shall North Safety Products or any
of its authorized dealers be liable for any damages in excess of the purchase price of the relevant product. This limitation
applies to damages of any kind, including but not limited to direct or indirect damages or other special, incidental,
exemplary or consequential damages, whether arising out of the use or inability to use the product, even if we or any of
our authorized dealers has been advised of the possibility of the damages or any claim by any other party. Servicing of
any product with parts not approved by us will void the warranty and may result in loss of any certification or approval
applicable to the product.

C:\\ Malkhawam\ My Documents\ Respiratory Protection\ Data Sheet th

March 8 2007
English\ Half Masks (7700 & 5500) series Data Sheet Eng-Rev-00

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