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CẤP TỈNH LẦN 3 NĂM HỌC 2023 - 2024

Ngày thi: 12/10/2023
Thời gian làm bài 120 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề
Choose the best option to complete the following sentences.
11. Science has made great ___________during the past 30 years.
A. motions B. advances C. advantages D. opportunitie
12. I don’t think you have been watering the plants near the gate. The soil is ___________.
A. as dry as rice B. as dry as a tile C. as dry as a bone D. as dry as wood
13. He always takes full ___________of the mistakes made by these competitors.
A. advantage B. benefit C. profit D. advice
14. Without delay, she booked a(n) ___________flight to Manila so as to be in time for the meeting.
A. instant B. even C. straight D. direct
15. I don't like quizzes because my general ___________is so poor.
A. appearance B. memory C. knowledge D. thinking
16. ___________in some developing countries may be the cause of poverty and hunger.
A. Modernization B. Literacy C. Pollution D. Overpopulation
17. According to Rob’s___________, he would pay less tax this year than last.
A. calculations B. figures C. counting D. computations
18. Even if you are rich, you should save some money for a_____________________day.
A. windy B. foggy C. snowy D. rainy
19. Children with _________ parents often do better than those without.
A. loyal B. trustworthy C. supportive D. dedicated
20. Conservationists are worried that many potentially valuable __________ of plants and animals are
threatened with extinction.
A. examples B. variations C. brands D.species
Choose the best answer (A, B , C or D) to complete each of the following sentences.
21. Not only _________in the project, but he also wanted to become a leader .
A. did Jack involve B. had Jack been involved
C. was Jack involved D. was involved Jack
22. It turned out that we _________rushed to the airport as the plane was delayed by several hours.
A. hadn’t B. shouldn’t have C. mustn’t have D. needn’t have
23. By the end of last summer, the farmers _________all the crop.
A. harvested B. had harvested C. harvest D. are harvested
24. _________, he felt so unhappy and lonely.
A. In spite of his being wealth B. Rich as was he
C. Rich as he was D. Despite his wealthy
25. I was just kind to her _________she would decide to leave me.
A. in case B. so that C. for fear that D. lest
26. _________, I would give a party.
A. Were she to come next month B. She were to come next month
C. If she comes next month D. Should she come next month
27. Let’s leave early, so we’ll be ahead of the rush of commuters. We can’t risk _________in heavy traffic
during rush hour.
A. holding up B. being held up C. to be held up D. to hold up
28. This car is much more economical, but it costs _________the other.
A. twice as much as B. so much as C. twice as many as D. twice more than
29. Despite their normal cylindrical form, some of the documents ______ on silk that were found at
Mawangdui, an archaeological site in southeastern China, were folded into rectangles.
A. wrote B. written C. were written D. be written
30. The chairman requested that ___
A. the members studied more carefully the problem.
B. the problem was more carefully studied.
C. with more carefulness the problem could be studied.
D. the members study the problem more carefully.
Choose the option that best fits the blank of the sentence.
31. Alice hasn't been working; she won't___________her examinations.
A. get off B. keep up C. keep off D. get through
32. Tom arrived___________the train station___________good time for the last train.
A. in - on B. to - in C. at - in D. to - for
33. Did Mr. Tan___________the class while Miss Fiona was ill in hospital?
A. take away B. take over C. take up D. take off
34. Do you have any objections___________this new road scheme?
A. at B. with C. to D. for
35. The concert was ___________because of the heavy rain.
A. put out B. called off C. run out D. set off
36. She is looking ___________a new place to live because she does not want to depend ___________her
parents any more.
A. for / on B. after / with C. up / forward D. at / into
37. After her mother died, she was raised by her grandparents.
A. grown up B. brought up C. come into D. put up
38. According ___________Bill, there's something wrong ___________my computer.
A. after / for B. on / about C. to / with D. upon / at
39. He went ___________a bad cold just before Christmas.
A. down with B. in for C. over D. through
40. I won’t ___________these excuses any longer! I demand to see the manager.
A. put up with B. put off again C. put up for D. put off with
Passage A: Read the text below and choose the best answer to each question.
There are three different types of rives associated with the Amazon rainforest. Of course, these types
exits elsewhere in the world, yet, in the Amazon, they are most distinct. They are classified as
whitewater , clearwater, and blackwater rivers, and each displays elements that make it ecologically
distinct from the others. Clearly, one of the main reasons they have been named as such is due to the
qualities of their appearance, but there are also fundamental differences in everything from their water
consistency to abundance or lack of organisms within each type of river. While whitewater and
blackwater rivers occupy areas on the floor of the forest at minimal elevations, clearwater rivers tend to be
present at higher elevations in mountainous regions. Still, each contributes in its own way to one of the
most diverse ecosystems on the planets, the Amazon.
The clearwater rivers of the Amazon region, also called bluewater rivers, are noted for their crystal-
clear water and are typically found flowing through the rocks of the highlands and at upper elevations.
One of the main reasons why the waters are so clear is that the rocks they flow through and over are
extremely old, making erosion by the river waters difficult. This lack of erosion lends to a lack of
sediment in the water and its more transparent nature. Clearwater rivers are also much swifter than
whitewater or blackwater rivers due to their abrupt changes in gradients. Overall, clearwater rivers have a
very high mineral content, which allows plant life as well as algae to proliferate. Because of the
abundance of aglae, many other types of species of fish are able to thrive as well.
A second major type of river found in the Amazon is the whitewater river. The formidable Amazon
River itself is in this class. Ironically, whitewater rivers are usually light-chocolate colored and have
extremely low visibility because they contain heavy loads of sediment. Two of the main causes of their
high sediment content are the natural erosion of the river basin itself as well as the deforestation of the
rainforest. As deforestation continues, soil is no longer anchored by the roots of vegetation and trees and
its instead washed into the river during heavy rains that frequent the rainforest. Still, whitewater rivers are
inherently rich in nutrients and therefore support numerous types of aquatic organisms. In contrast to
clearwater rivers, whitewater rivers such as the Amazon tend to flow much more slowly because of the
low gradients involved. For example, the Amazon itself experiences only a 107-meter change in elevation
for Peru to its mouth, a distance that covers over about 3.219 kilometers.
The final major type of river in the Amazon is known as a blackwater river, of which the Rio Negro in
Brazil is a prime example and also the largest in the world. Blackwater rivers are the most common type
in the Amazon. They exhibit a deep, dark brown color due to the decomposition of leaves and vegetation
in the waters. Most vegetation contains the chemica tannin, which is released into blackwater rivers as it
begins to decompose. Blackwater rivers have excellent clarity due to their highly acidic nature, which also
benefits the river in a couple of other ways. A high acid content is an excellent trait for a river to have
because it keeps the river clean and, in many ways, more saniatry than others. The acid kills parasites and
bacteria which can threaten fish populations, as well as insect larvae such as that of mosquitoes, reducing
the spread of dangerous diseases such as malaria.
While the Amazon is a highly diverse ecosystem, one of the reasons this is so is due to the different
types of river systems within it. The Amazon is the main vein, and most blackwater and clearwater rivers
are estuaries or branches of it until they finally link at certain points along the Amazon’s main route. For
example, the Amazon and the Rio Negro finally meet at Manaus, Brazil, and, once they do, their distinct
ecosystems are combined to form an even more complex river system of life and water quality until it
eventually empties into the ocean.

61. In paragraph 1, the author’s description of the major types of Amazon rivers mentions which of the
A. They are classified by what is able to exist in them
B. They are determined by their length and breadth
C. They are unique only to the area of the Amazon.
D. They are all located at altitudes at or beneath sea level.
62. The word “transparent” in the second paragraph is closet meaning to:
A. veneered B. refreshing C. glassy D. beneficial
63. Which of the following can be inferred for the paragraph 2 about clearwater rivers?
A. Their water is not really as clear as their name implies
B. They flow at a slower pace than blackwater rivers
C. There is not much algae present in clearwater rivers
D. They do not exist on more level areas in the Amazon
64. According to paragraph 2, which of the following is NOT true of clearwater rivers?
A. They eventually connect with Amazon River itself
B. They have very high levels of nutrients and minerals
C. They have enough sediment for algae to multiply
D. They often occur where ancient stones or boulders are present.
65. The author discusses “ natural erosion” in paragraph 3 in order to:
A. indicate the types of threats the Amazon region faces
B. realate why whitewater rivers are not as clear as some others.
C. Show how deforestation contributes little to whitewater rivers
D. Suggest that sediment is not the main cause of the color of the rivers
66. According to paragraph 3, deforestation is a negative factor in the Amazon because ____________.
A. too many trees are cut down, never to grow back
B. valuable soil is washed away into the rivers.
C. Other species of animals will not have a natural habitat
D. Rivers become more erosive without strong boundaries
67. The word “inherently “ in the passage is closet meaning to ____________.
A. partially B. subsequently C. naturally D. externally
68. According to the paragraph 4, blackwater rivers are named so because ____________.
A. they lack the necessary nutrients needed to produce life
B. they are in direct contrast to the two other types of river
C. they are colored by the decomposition of vegetation
D. they are the most common type of river in the Amazon.
69. The word “it” in the passage refers to ____________.
A. vegetation B. chemical C. tannin D. rivers
70. The word “vein” in the passage is closet in meaning to____________.
A. clasp B. diversion C. appendage D. thread
Passage B: Read the text below and choose the best answer to each question.
Langston Hughes was one of the greatest American writers of the twentieth century. He was born in
Joplin, Missouri, and moved to Cleveland at the age of 14. Several years later he spent one year in Mexico
before attending Columbia University in New York. For a few years after that, he roamed the world as a
seaman, visiting ports around the world and writing some poetry. He returned to the United States and
attended Lincoln University, where he won the Witter Bynner Prize for undergraduate poetry. After
graduating in 1928, he traveled to Spain and to Russia with the help of a Guggenheim fellowship. His
novels include Not without Laughter (1930) and The Big Sea (1940). He wrote an autobiography in 1956
and also published several collections of poetry. The collections include The Weary Blues (1926), The
Dream Keeper (1932), Shakespeare in Harlem (1942), Fields of Wonder (1947), One Way Ticket (1947),
and Selected Poems (1959).
A man of many talents, Hughes was also a lyricist, librettist, and a journalist. As an older man in the
1960s, he spent much of his time collecting poems from Africa and from African-Americans to popularize
black writers. Hughes is one of the most accomplished writers in American literary history, and he is seen
as one of the artistic leaders of the Harlem Renaissance, the period when a neighborhood that was
predominantly black produced a flood of great literature, music, and other art forms depicting daily city
life for African-Americans.

71. What is the main topic of this passage?

A. The life of Langston Hughes B. The Harlem Renaissance
C. African-American writers D. American twentieth-century writers
72 .Where was Langston Hughes born?
A. Spain B. New York C. Missouri D. North Carolina
73. As used in the passage, which of the following words could best replace the word "ports"?
A. Islands B. Ships C. Friends. D. Harbors
74. To which of the following movements might Shakespeare in Harlem refer?
A. The Civil War B. The Harlem Riots
C. The Harlem Renaissance D. The Civil Rights Movement
75. What provided Hughes with assistance for his travel to Spain and Russia?
A. His job as a reporter B. His career as a soldier
C. A literary fellowship D. A college study program
76. The word "talents" in the passage could be replaced by which of the following?
A. Desires B. Abilities C. Strategies D. Careers
77. According to the author, what did Hughes do during the later years of his life?
A. Write short stories B. Popularize African-American writers
C. Advocate racial equality . D. Write about life in Harlem
78. Which of the following could best replace the word "accomplished" as used in the passage?
A Successful B. Prolific C. Brilliant D. Imaginative
79. Which of the following can best substitute for the word "depicting" in the passage?
A. Congratulating B. Blessing C. Screening D. Portraying
80. According to the passage, Langston Hughes was all of the following EXCEPT:
A. A novelist B. A poet C. A historian D. A journalism

Fill in each blank with ONE word to make a complete passage).
It has been said that the British and Americans are ‘two peoples (81) ____________by a common
language’. However, the (82) ____________between British and American English are comparatively
small. Although some British people occasionally complain about the latest American TV series of which
they are (83) ____________to understand a word, it is clear that few people have serious (84)
____________. In fact, it is television, films, and pop music that have helped to (85) ____________them
closer together, and those minor difficulties (86) ____________might occur in comprehension are
probably much fewer than 40 or 50 years (87) ____________. Normally four or five American
programmes are found in an evening on British television, and 6 or 7 of the American 20 best records are
played (88) ____________ British artists. It is true that most Americans would say:
“Pardon me ! Do you have …………………?”
while in Britain it would be more (89) ____________to say :
“Excuse me ! Have you got …………………?”
However, both forms would be (90) ____________ in both countries.

Fill in each blank with ONE word to make a complete passage.
In 1877, George Eastman, who worked in a bank in Rochester, wanted to take photographs on holiday.
However, he was very disappointed to discover that the only cameras available (91) ____________ very
large and heavy, and required the use of complicated equipment.
Eastman realized that many other people were keen to take photographs but were prevented from (92)
____________ so. What was needed was a simple, hand-held camera, and so, in (93) ____________ spare
time, he began to experiment.
After a (94) ____________ deal of work he was ready to open a factory and succeeded in producing his
first camera in 1888. It was a small rectangular box and inside was a roll of special paper. This paper was
sensitive (95) ____________ light and replaced the heavy pieces of glass that had been used before. When
the roll was finished, the camera had to (96) ____________ sent back to the factory in New York (97)
____________ the photographs to be developed and printed. The following year a transparent film was
invented and was better than the paper roll. This could be removed by the photographer and taken to a
local center for (98) ____________ . The new camera was an instant success and within a (99)
____________ years Eastman was very rich. But he was a generous man and during his lifetime, he gave
away millions of dollars to support a number (100) ____________ educational institutions.


Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given words.
101. Many people still refuse to believe that smoking is ____________. (HARM)
102. She always listens ____________ to what she is told. (ATTENTION)
103. She is a highly- ____________ woman. (EDUCATE)
104. Books in the home are a wonderful source of ____________ and pleasure. (KNOW)
105. You may be surprised at the large ____________of animals that live in Nairobi National Park.
106. We were told to stay seated and ____________ our seat belts. (FAST)
107. The family managed to get out of the burning house , but they lost nearly their________.
108. Dozens of ____________ are injured on the city roads every year. (CYCLE)
109. The duty of the police is the ____________ of law and order. (MAINTAIN)
110. He says he has no ____________ of resigning. (INTEND)

Complete the following passage with the correct forms of the words in the box.
Ask any adult over forty to make a (111) _______ between the past and COMPARE
the present and most will tell you that things have been getting steadily
worse for as long as they can remember. Take the weather for example.
Everyone remembers that in their (112) _______ the summers were YOUNG
considerably hotter, and that winter always included (113) _______ falls ABOUND
of snow just when the school holidays had started. Of course, the food in
those days was far superior too, as nothing was imported and everything
was fresh. (114) _______ was negligible, the money in your pocket really EMPLOY
was worth something, and you could buy a (115) _______ house even if SIZE
your means were limited. And above all, people were somehow nicer in
those days, and spent their free time on innocent (116) _______ making PURSUE
model boats and tending their stamp (117) _______ rather than gazing at COLLECT
the television screen for hours on end. As we know, this figure of the past
simply cannot be true, and there are plenty of statistics dealing with heath
and (118) _______ which prove that it is not true. So, why is it that we all PROSPER
have a (119) _______ to idealize the past and to be so (120) _______ of TEND
the presents? CRITISIZE


Identify 10 errors in the following passage and correct them.
Children who say pop music do not interfere with their homework 0. do not → does not
receive support today, with the discovery that pay attention to visual 121._____________
stimuli and sounds requires completely different brain pathways which
can operate at a same time without your appreciation of either being 122. _____________
damage. Researchers have found that listening to car stereos does not 123. _____________
create much interference when you are driving. Similar, pop music 124. _____________
should not interfere to children’s homework. The effect of pop music on 125. _____________
their performance at it is far outweigh by other factors, such as how 126. _____________
happy they are to be doing it. These findings could be apply to the 127. _____________
design of places which people have to take in large amounts of 128. _____________
informations very quickly. They could, for example, be relevant to the 129. _____________
layout on pilot cockpits on aircraft. 130. _____________


Rewrite the sentences with the given words or beginning in such a way that their meanings remain
131. She never seems to succeed, even though she works hard.
 However _____________________________________________________________.
132. People believe that the Chinese invented paper in 105 A.D.
 Paper ________________________________________________________________.
133. If you changed your mind, you would be welcomed to join our class.
 Were you_____________________________________________________________.
134. “I will give you some more books and pencils,” said my father.
 My father promised_____________________________________________________.
135. Laura participated in many social acitivities although she was severely disabled.
 In spite ______________________________________________________________.
136. It’s not worth asking the manager for the day off. (POINT)
 There _______________________ in asking the manager for the day off.
137. It’s more than six months since I went to the dentist. (FOR)
 I haven’t _________________________ more than six months.
138. Dan never takes any notice of my advice. (ATTENTION)
 Dan never ______________________ my advice.
139. Why didn’t they tell us about the change earlier. (SHOULD)
 We ___________________________ about the change earlier.
140. I wasn’t a bit surprised to hear that she had changed her job. (SURPRISE)
 It came __________________________ hear that she had changed her job.

---------------------------------- THE END -----------------------------------

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