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Analysis of the 2017 report of the United Nations Human Rights Council on the

financialization of housing.
The 2017 report of the United Nations Human Rights Council on the financialization
of housing is a document that raises concerns about the possible negative impacts of the
growing influence of the financial sector on the housing market. In this essay, I will analyze
the arguments presented in the report and assess whether I agree or disagree with its
This paper highlights that the financialization of housing has led to an increase in
housing prices, making it difficult to access affordable housing for many people. This can have
negative consequences for human rights, as access to adequate housing is fundamental to
people's well-being and dignity. I agree with this concern, as it is important to ensure that all
people have access to safe and affordable housing.
It also notes that the financialization of housing has led to an increase in speculation
and housing market volatility. This can create housing bubbles and increase the risk of financial
crises. I agree with this concern, as the stability of the housing market is crucial for the overall
economy. It is important to implement effective regulations to prevent excessive speculation
and protect consumers.
However, it is also important to recognize that the financialization of housing has had
some benefits. For example, it has allowed wider access to mortgage credit, which has allowed
more people to become homeowners. This can be an important step towards wealth
accumulation and long-term financial stability. In addition, the financialization of housing has
facilitated investment in real estate, which can stimulate economic growth and job creation.
It highlights the importance of addressing challenges related to the financialization of
housing, such as lack of transparency and lack of adequate regulation. I agree that it is critical
to implement measures to ensure that the financial sector operates fairly and transparently. This
includes promoting ethical standards and effective oversight of financial institutions.
In conclusion, the 2017 report of the United Nations Human Rights Council on the
financialization of housing raises valid concerns about the potential negative impacts of the
financial sector's growing influence on the housing market. I agree with the need to address the
challenges related to speculation, volatility and lack of transparency in the real estate market.
However, it is also important to recognize the benefits that the financialization of housing has
brought, such as broader access to mortgage credit and stimulation of economic growth.
To address these challenges effectively, it is critical to implement adequate regulations
and promote transparency in the financial sector. In addition, comprehensive solutions must be
sought that promote financial inclusion and affordable access to housing without
compromising the stability of the real estate market. A balanced and collaborative approach
among stakeholders, including governments, financial institutions and human rights
organizations, is essential to ensure that the financialization of housing benefits all of society.
Bello, Odalys

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