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Air Quality in Jakarta

By Fabio Nicholas Kho

the deteriorating air quality in Jakarta due to pollution is a significant public concern, and it
has the potential to harm residents' health, causing Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI). According to
the data that was took from the IQAir air quality monitoring website Friday, 18 th August 2023 7 A.M,
Jakarta’s Air Quality Index reached 125. Jakarta is also a city with the ninth highest pollution in the
world after Shenyang, China. These details underscore the severity of the air pollution problem in
Jakarta and its potential health implications for its residents.

The PM2.5 Particulate Concentrations in Jakarta on Friday, 18 August 2023 were 9 times
above the annual air quality guideline value of the World Health Organization (WHO). Based on the
official website of Badan Meteorogi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG), PM2.5 is an airborne
particle that is smaller than or equal to 2.5 micrometres. PM2.5 particles which include dust, soot,
dirt, smoke, and liquid droplets can only be seen with an electron microscope. Meanwhile, IQAir
reports that PM2.5 air pollution is the biggest health threat in the world. Its small size allows PM2.5
to remain suspended in the air for a longtime and can be absorbed deep into the bloodstream when

Based on IQAir’s data, this air pollution causes 8,100 deaths in Jakarta during 2023 and
causes a loss of 7,1 Billion Dolar in Jakarta during the same period. This value is equivalent to IDR
32.09 trillion Rupiah. Other research, from the global health organization Vital Strategies and the DKI
Jakarta Environmental Service, which was released on February 27, 2023, estimates that air pollution
in Jakarta has the potential to cause more than 10,000 deaths and 5,000 people treated for
cardiorespiratory diseases every year. In addition, more than 7,000 adverse outcomes in children cost
more than US$2.9 billion annually.
Depok’s Air Quality
By Fabio Nicholas Kho

August of 2023 is the month that could be the worst month for West Java region. Lately
people cannot breathe fresh and clean air due to air pollution in West Java. This unhealthy air even
now threatens the lives of thousands of people in the capital city and surroundings. By this day on
Sunday, 27th August 2023, Depok is the most polluted city in Indonesia.
The city of Depok occupies the top position as the city with the worst air pollution
according to the IQ Air website on Sunday morning, August 27, 2023. DKI Jakarta and surrounding
cities still dominate Out of the 10 cities with the worst air quality, 6 of them are in the West Java
region. The Depok City air quality index reached 200 which is in the unhealthy category.

the city of Depok has experienced extremely poor air quality during the month of August
2023, with specific emphasis on notable instances of high pollution levels during nighttime. It
happened at night at 3 A.M. In the early hours of this morning, Depok City's air quality was also in a
very unhealthy state. At 2 A.M, the air quality at Depok had reached level 206. Four hours later,
Depok air quality had also touched 205.
First Article Outline
 Jakarta’s Air pollution and Air Quality Index

 Paragraph 1:
Main Idea: the deteriorating air quality in Jakarta due to pollution is a significant public concern,
and it has the potential to harm residents' health, causing Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI).
Supporting details: the specific Air Quality Index (AQI) reading of 125 on August 18, 2023, and
the ranking of Jakarta as the ninth most polluted city in the world, following Shenyang, China. These
details underscore the severity of the air pollution problem in Jakarta and its potential health
implications for its residents.

 Paragraph 2:
Main Idea: The PM2.5 Particulate Concentrations in Jakarta on Friday, 18 August 2023 were 9
times above the annual air quality guideline value of the World Health Organization (WHO).
Supporting details: PM2.5 is an airborne particle that is smaller than or equal to 2.5 micrometres.
PM2.5 particles which include dust, soot, dirt, smoke, and liquid droplets can only be seen with an
electron microscope. Meanwhile, IQAir reports that PM2.5 air pollution is the biggest health threat in
the world. Its small size allows PM2.5

 Paragraph 3:
Main Idea: Based on IQAir’s data, this air pollution causes 8,100 deaths in Jakarta during 2023 and
causes a loss of 7,1 Billion Dolar in Jakarta during the same period.
Supporting details: This value is equivalent to IDR 32.09 trillion Rupiah.

 The main points are:

I. Air quality in Jakarta has been deteriorating due to pollution, which has been a topic of public
discussion and media coverage.
II. air pollution in Jakarta has the potential to cause health issues, particularly Acute Respiratory
Infections (ARI), among its residents.
III. on August 18, 2023, at 7 A.M., Jakarta's Air Quality Index reached 125, indicating poor air
IV. Jakarta is mentioned as the ninth most polluted city in the world, following Shenyang, China,
which underscores the severity of the air pollution problem.
V. PM2.5 particulate concentrations in Jakarta on the same date, exceeding the annual air quality
guideline of the World Health Organization (WHO). PM2.5 particles are described,
emphasizing their small size and health risks.
VI. The significant health threat posed by PM2.5 air pollution, as these tiny particles can remain
suspended in the air for extended periods and can be absorbed deep into the bloodstream when
VII. Air pollution caused 8,100 deaths in Jakarta in 2023 and resulted in a loss of 7.1 billion
dollars. It also mentions research from Vital Strategies and the DKI Jakarta Environmental
Service, estimating even higher death tolls, cardiorespiratory disease treatments, and adverse
outcomes in children, along with significant annual economic costs.
Second Article Outline
 the air pollution in the West Java region, particularly in the city of Depok, during the month
of August 2023.

 Paragraph 1:
Main idea: August of 2023 is the month that could be the worst month for West Java region.
Supportive Details: Lately people cannot breathe fresh and clean air due to air pollution in West
Java. This unhealthy air even now threatens the lives of thousands of people in the capital city and

 Paragraph 2:
Main Idea: The city of Depok occupies the top position as the city with the worst air pollution
according to the IQ Air website on Sunday morning, August 27, 2023.
Supportive details: DKI Jakarta and surrounding cities still dominate Out of the 10 cities with the
worst air quality, 6 of them are in the West Java region and Depok City air quality index reached 200
which is in the unhealthy category.

 Paragraph 3:
Main Idea: the city of Depok has experienced extremely poor air quality during the month of
August 2023, with specific emphasis on notable instances of high pollution levels during nighttime.
Supporting Details: On Saturday, August 26, 2023, the Depok City air quality index reached 222
which was categorized as very unhealthy. At 2 A.M, the air quality at Depok had reached level 206.
Four hours later, Depok air quality had also touched 205.\

 The main points are:

I. August 2023 is the worst month for air quality in the West Java region due to severe air
II. People in West Java have been suffering from poor air quality lately, which is preventing
them from breathing fresh and clean air.
III. This unhealthy air quality poses a direct threat to the lives of thousands of people in the capital
city and its surroundings.
IV. Depok is identified as the most polluted city in Indonesia on Sunday, August 27, 2023, based
on data from the IQ Air website.
V. Out of the 10 cities with the worst air quality, 6 of them are located in the West Java region,
indicating the extent of the air pollution issue.
VI. Specific AQI levels are provided to illustrate the severity of air pollution in Depok, with
mentions of "unhealthy" and "very unhealthy" categories.
VII. The very unhealthy air quality in Depok on August 26, 2023, reached its peak at night,
specifically at 3 A.M., and persisted during the early morning hours, with AQI levels
remaining high at 2 A.M., 206, and later at 205.

Similarities Differences
The topic is about air pollution First article is located at Jakarta while second
paragraph at Depok City
High Air Index Quality First article has the data of deaths during the
pollution while Second article doesn’t

Both cities are included in 10 Indonesia cities Second article describes about detail
with the worst air quality information about when was the air quality
index reached the max level while first article
described in outline.

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