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Cummins College Of Engineering For women, Pune-52 Third Year B.

Tech E&TC

VLSI Design
Aim: Using Behaviour style of modelling design, simulate and synthesize 8:1 Multiplexer using
Verilog HDL

Theory and Diagram:

Multiplexer is a combinational logic circuit which allows only one input at a particular time to
generate the output. The SELECT lines control which input will be reflected at the output end . A
multiplexer is often written as MUX in the abbreviated form. It is also called as Many-to-One
circuit. This is because of its ability to select one signal out of many inputs.
Cummins College Of Engineering For women, Pune-52 Third Year B.Tech E&TC

Verilog Code:
module muxtest(S, D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, OP);

input [2:0] S;

input D0;

input D1;

input D2;

input D3;

input D4;

input D5;

input D6;

input D7;

output OP;

reg OP;

always @ (S or D0 or D1 or D2 or D3 or D4 or D5 or D6 or D7)




else if(S==001)


else if(S==010)


else if(S==011)


else if(S==100)
Cummins College Of Engineering For women, Pune-52 Third Year B.Tech E&TC


else if(S==101)


else if(S==110)


else if(S==111)






Simulation Result:
Cummins College Of Engineering For women, Pune-52 Third Year B.Tech E&TC


The experiment utilized the Behavior style of modeling to simulate and synthesize an 8:1
multiplexer in Verilog HDL revealed valuable insights into digital circuit design.

By employing the Behavior modeling, we achieved the representation of the multiplexer's

functionality, streamlining the design process.

Through simulation, we observed the performance across various inputs, while synthesis effectively
translated Verilog HDL code into gate-level configurations.

This experiment not only emphasized the importance of abstraction in digital design but also
highlighted the critical role of accurate synthesis in creating functional hardware.

1. Write a Verilog code for 8:1 mux using structural style of modeling.
2. Compare both the modelling styles of designing.

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