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a BEHAVIOURAL PSYCHOLOGY hapter B.SC. NURSING (4-YEAR) THIRD PROFESSIONAL . REVISED SCHEME Behavioral Psychology and Culture, Health & Society (Short Essay Questions) Max. Marks: 45 Time Allowed: 2 HOURS Attempt ALL Questions. : What are the major sources of stress? s sjor Sources: e major sources of Stress are as follow. Environmental: Includes Physical Stressors that impinge upon the. five senses, illution, and disturbing Images. such as weather, traffic, noise, nen demands are made on our time, attention and skills, ‘Includes Psychological Stressors triggered w! Work presentations, interpersonal conflict, competing ach as in Job Interviews, Public Speaking, tiorities, financial Problems and loss of relationships and loved ones. |. Physiological: Produced at various stages in our life, such as during growth s Includes Physical stressors that are spurts in adolescence, menopause, ack of exercise Poor nutrition, illness, Injuries and aging. «Includes also the Physical Stress Produced by Psychological Stressors, which produce muscle tension, headaches, Stomach upsets, anxiety attacks and bouts-of depression. 4, Cognitive- emotional: This type of Stress is 0 and automatic the body's defenses and wh ur own thoughts. Our brain interprets Changes in our environment and body “threat assessment” to decide whether a danger is Present and thus mobilize ether to remain Stressed or relax. Q.2: counselling is a scientific Process, what are the goals of counselling? Ans Stals of counselling: Tre goals of ‘Counselling are as follow. 5 t help the counsellee, become self- actualizing. af a rele the counsellee, attain self-realization. to help ‘the counsellee, become @ fully-functioning Person, Tpithiewe postive mental health 7G (solve the problems of the counsellee Tamprove the Personal effectiveness of the client. Modify the maladaptive behaviour of the counsellee. Behavioural Psych : Define Perception and what are the five major functions of Perceptual system? Perception: Perception as the Process of obtaining knowledge of external objects and events by means of senses Major Functions: ' 1. Receiving: Perception is a Process of receiving Interpreting Stimuli, a 2. Perceptional Selectivity (Selecting stimuli): The Process of filtering information received by our senses is called selecting Stimuli 3. Interpreting (Perceptual Errors): After the data have been received and organized, the perceiver interprets or assigns meaning to the information. 4, The Process of checking: After the data have been received and interpreted, the perceiver tends to check whether his interpretations are right or wrong. 5. The Process of Reacting: This is the last phase. The action depends on whether the perception is favorable or unfavorable. Q.4: Define Personality. Discuss developmental stage or Psychosexual developmental stages? Ans: Personality: The individuals typical or consistent adjustment to his environment is called Personality. Developmental Stages: Freud discussed five stages of development which are called Psychosexual Developmental Stages 1. Oral stage: In this stage the mouth is pleasure zone. Child feels Pleasure in sucking and biting and thus, learns two important skills of sucking and biting. 2. Anal Stages: In-this stage, the Pleasure zone shifts to anus. Child has to learn toilet training and language development also starts from this stage. 3. Phallic stage: . Pleasure zone shifts to sex organs and the child learns to control sexual impulses. This stage Produce Oedipus complex in boys and Electra complex in girls. 4, Latency stage: Pleasure zone Shifts to sense organs and the children tends to explore the environméht. Curiosity is high. Sexual impulses get repressed and children do not experience Sexual attraction toward ‘opposite Sex. 5. Genital stage: Sex organs again becomes the Pleasure Zone. Opposite Sex attraction becomes dominant and individual wants to make family. Q.5: There are five main schools of thought in Psyct works, Discuss on which health Psychology is based? Ans: Health Psychology: ‘The aggregate of the specifi Psychology to che Promotior hology in which academic Psychologist normally ic educational, scientific and Professional contribution of the discipline of d feted enn n and maintenance of health. The Promotion and treatment of Illness an x Bic ho-social model Ith and tine: lo - Giinatics Psycho © social viruses Behavior Class Bacteria’s bake Ethnicity Lesions coping Employment : Pain Stress cael key to UHS Nursing ~3" Year OS EE Pe Sa) ~ on eit hiGhih (oe eee a 203 Susceptibility Severity Cost Demographic variables Benefits ©— 4 Cues of action \ikelihood of Behavior Health motivation Perceived control Q.6: Enlist at least five stages of learning? Ans: Learning Stages: 1. Motivation: First essential condition for learning that organism must be having motivation. Without motivation nothing can be learnt. 2. Barrier: Achievement of goal is always not easy. When some barrier or obstacle come in the way for achievement of goal, it drives the person to make efforts and the person learns new skills 3. varied response: To remove the obstacle, the organism makes variety of responses. Varieties of reactions only give some Probability of success. 5. Sudden success: Variety of reactions are made and by chance some reaction results into solving the Problem. That successful response is never Planned. It turns into success by chance. 6. Repetition of successful response: Successful Response is repeated again and again by the organism. 7. Achievement of goal: This is the last stage of learning where the achievement of goal give satisfaction and It acts as reinforcement. ° Q.7: Explain goals of counselling? Goals of counselling: The goals of counselling are as follow. 1. To help the counsellee, become Self-actualizing 2.To help the counsellee, attain self-realization. 3.To help the counsellee, become @ fully functioning person. 4.To achieve Positive mental health. 5. To resolve the problems of the counsellee. 6.To improve the personal effectiveness of the client. 7.To modify the maladaptive behaviour of the counsellee. Q.8: Define Personality. Differentiate between type 2 & type b Personality? Ans: Bersonali The individual's typical or consistent adjustment to his environment is ¢ alled Personality 204 ‘ - Behaviouray Pay — | Type A Personality ___ @ Type Aare hard driving and competitive. Type B persons are quite the opposta : ir They are easy goiny . live under constant pressure, largely of thei 1B Noncompatiti ey placid and unflappable, Y® own making. They seek recognition and advancement and take | © They whether stress more calmly, on multiple activities with deadlines to meet. * They may be little dull, but they are Much of time, they may function well as alert, likely to live longer than the type a, competent, efficient people who get things done. When put under stressful conditions, they cannot control, however they are likely to become hostile, impatient, anxious and disorganized. Q.9: Describe Strategies of conflict management? Ans: Strategies of conflict: 1, Meet conflicts head on. 2. Show mutual respect by separating the persons from the problem. 3, Set goals that lead to a win-win Situation for both the parties in conflict rather than the victory of one party at the expense of the other 4, Resolve the conflict through free Communication 5. Be honest about concerns and reservations and verbalize them early as possible 6. Agree to disagree, as healthy disagreements lead to better decisions. 7. Discuss differences in values openly. Q.10: Enlist and explain Gestalt's laws? jestalt's laws: 1. Proximity 2. Similarity 3. Closure 4. Continuity 5. Inclusion 6. Common fate 7. Figure and background. Proximity: i fs Stimuli that are close to each other at a certain Place and time get organized in a unit in Perception. For example: Following figure will be perceived as two lines of circles. Similarity: This law states. /that those stimuli which are similar to each other gets organized as 4 unit in Berception. For example, figure will be perceived organized in circles and crosses separately. : It is the nature of human perception that it tends to perceive things in complete form. ‘or example: figure will be perceived as circle, triangle and square, a Continuity: ! a Stimuli which are in continuity at certain time or Place are organized as one unit in percel For example, Continuity will be perceived as one unit in a direction of Continuity only. _ ption. Key to UNS Nursing ~ 3" Year 205 Inclusior According to this, that any figure or forms is not perceived in parts, but the parts are organized in ception best possible whole form. For example, two inverted triangles are perceived as a star Percep' Pe ple, jerte al ps shape, Common fate: It is applicable for m mi ome Stimuli are moving in one direction ari A le for moving Stimuli, If some Stimuli are ie N are perceived as unit in Perception. For example, Trees tilted in one direction because of speed of blowing wind are eived as one in Perception, jived at the sai per! a is cave ine oleae For example, in this two faces will be perceived as figure or perceived together because one figure has to be background to allow Other as : Name § (ive) branches of Psychology. What Is abnormil Psychology? How does It fer from lopmental Psychology Experimental Psychology cial Psychology. the study of behavior of an abnormal individual. Abnormal individuals are those who are suffering various mental sicknesses, Psychological disorders, Personality disorders, drug addicts, Criminals etc. ides the Clinical Picture, causes and Treatment of abnormalities. d Psychiatry ces that deals with mental Problems of Patients. It of medical Scien :ment mental Problems like Psychosis, neurosis, drug © Psychiatry is the branch : causes and treat studies the clinical Picture, addiction and others. Similarly, in Psychology, deals with the mental therapeutic approaches of Psychology Is behavioral without the inter application of both streams. Name five defense mechanisms that you know of. Define the defense mechanism o! ed branch called Abnormal Psychology which also It also Studies clinical Picture, causes and e focus of Psychiatry is more organic and that jot be successfully achieved there is a specialize Problems of abnormal. of treatment. Although th | but the diagnosis and treatment cann f Repression? tion formation lation = Behavioural Paychology 7. Rationalization 8. Intellectualization. Repression Repression occurs when an individual attempt to remove all their thoughts, felings anything related to the upsetting/ Stressful (Perceived) threat out of their awareness in order nat rates order to } disconnected from the entire Situation. When done long enough in a successful way, this is more thn | Just denial. | Q.13: What is defense Mechanism? Briefly explain Repression and Regression? Ans: Defense Mechanism: These are mechanisms given by Freud. These are the irrational ways of avoiding the stress. Its continuous use can disturb the mental Health. Repression: Repression occurs when an individual attempt to remove all their thoughts, feelings, and anything related to the upsetting / stressful (Perceived) threat out of their awareness in order to be disconnected from the entire situation. When done long enough in a successful way, this is more than just denial Regression: This is a movement back in Psychological time when one is faced with Stress. This type of defense mechanism may be most obvious in young children. If they experience trauma or loss, they may suddenly act as if they're younger again. They may even begin wetting the bed or sucking their thumb. Q.14: Define Motivation. List down the hlerarchy of needs by Maslow's? Ans Motivation: Word motivation is derived from a Latin word MOVERE, which means to propel or to move. Motivation is that internal forcé that Pushes an individual to move toward’a goal. Maslow's Hiers Maslow has given five types of needs, which are arranged in a hierarchy or in an order. 1. Self - Actualization 2. Self-Esteem 3. Love and Belongingness. 4, Safety and security 5. Physiological Needs. Q.15: Define stress. List down the stages of general adaptation syndrome by Seley's? Ans: ‘Stress: A State of mental tension and worry caused by Problems in your life, work, etc, or something that causes strong feelings of worry or Anxiety is called stress, States of General Ad: There are Three Stages of general Adaptation Syndrome, 1. Alarm stage 2. Stage of resistance 3. Stage of exhaustion Alarm Stage: At first, Alarm Stage, the alertness and arousal of brain takes place and cognitive Processes activated like thinking, reasoning memory etc. Key to UHS Nursing ~ 3° Year 207 Stage of resistance: In Second stage of resistance the individual utilize i i all coping Strategies to resist the stress continuous, then maladaptive behavioral reactions appear. cent: ‘At third stage of Exhaustion, the cognitive functioning Starts to disorganize with excessive use of defense mechanisms. It may result in to delusions and hallucinations. Q.16: What are the three individual traits of Personality according to Alport's theory of Personality? 1. Cardinal disposition: it refers to one unique trait of the Personality of an individual which regulates various activities of a person. It is always rare trait which is not commonly observed people. It Shows its impact on the whole life of a person. 2. Central dispositions: These traits are present in every individual with a difference in degrees. Its number is usually 5 to 10. These Construct the Personality of a person. ‘When the behavior of a person is described, it refers to these central traits like honesty. 3, Secondary disposition: These are very common traits which are not much relevant in describing the Personality of a person. These are variable In nature and thus do not have long time determination of the personality pattern of a person. H Q.17: Enlist five goals of counselling? Ans: ii ling: t LL To help the counsellee, become Self-Actualizing, 2. To achieve Positive Mental Health 3, Tohelp the counsellee, attain self- Realization. . To resolve the problems of the counsellee. 5. To modify the maladaptive behavior of the counsellee, 0.18 (a): Define stress? Ans: Stress: ‘state of mental tension and worry caused by Problems in your life, work ete. or something that causes, strong feelings of worry or Anxiety is called Stress. 0.48 (b): Describe different stages of general in adaptation syndrome? Ans: n syndrome: There are three different Stages of general adaptation Syndrome 1. Alarm reaction 2. Stage of resistance 2 3, Stage of Exhaustion 3 i qx Describe five different States of learner which have determining effects on learning Pracess? States of learner: 1. Interest: ° If subject has interest in learning, then learning will take place easily. | } f 208 Behavioural p, 2. Drugs: . Intake of drugs can negatively affect the learning of a person, 3. Age: Speed of learning do increase up to a particular age and afterward, ic slows down or become constant. 4, Mental set: if a person is mentally ready to learn a task, it will be learnt with ease. 5. Health: Health is also Positively correlated wi poor health adversely affect the learning, 6. Traum: th Learning, Good health facilitate the learning Process and Learning during traumatic Conditions of life can affect the speed of learning badly. Q.20: Describe five Gestalt's law of organizations? Ans: Five Gestalt's law: The five Gestalt’s law of organization are as follow. 1. Proximity 2. Similarity 3. Closure 4, Continuity 5. Inclusion 6. Common fate 2. Figure and background Q.21: Define Behavior Psychology and briefly describe introspection? Ans: Behavior Psychology: The branch of science in which we study about the human behavior is called behavioral Psychology. Introspection: It is defined as observing one's own Private internal State of mind, including one's thoughts and feelings. It consists of two words Le, intro and spection. Intro means internal and spection means inspection. So, it means to inspect aré look within mind, It is an oldest method used widely by the Philosophers as-to understand the structure and functioning of mind. In this method, a Problem Presented to self or other Person. An attempt is made to Solve it while Solving it, the working of mind is looked. It is very difficult to study the mind. . Ans: = ° nd ® Stress has @ close, relation with Sickness. It can leave its impact at both Laan acca Physiological mechanism and this continuous Pressure can develop different Physiological melee 3 bles like > It casessome non-repalrable damages in body. It can lead to cardiovascular oe sn hypertension. and heart attack. Migraine, headache, ulcer, Asthma, ete, Some ot! er slender result Because of stress. Such Physiological disorders that develop with Stress PsychoS©matic disorders: : Q.22; Briefly describe the various causes of. stress during an illness? Key to UHS Nursing » Continuous stress produces Catecholamine hormone in the body wh also Observed that Stress Inhibit the reledse white blood Corpu’ infection from different microbes. ® Continuous stress accelerates the aging Process. Stress increate Injury. Stress also develops various Problems at Psychological leve! narrow. To > The Irritation, Anxiety and restlessness may be some of its results co the death of a person Q.23: Enlist Five Non-Pharmacological Interventions for Stress Reductions? A Stress Reduction: 1, Avoid unnecessary arguments with others. 2. Take rest whenever it is possible, 3, Always take care of food and health. 4, Should learn some Yoga exercises which can relax easily. 5. Can listen music or TV Programs. Which Relax and entertain 6. Avoid noisy Conditions if it is possible. 7. Assertiveness training - work on effective communication 8. Express True emotion, self-reflection. 9, Develop an organizational system. Q.24: What do you understand by the term "Systematic Desensitization’s? Ans: ‘Systematic Desensitization systematic desensitization is a technique based on respondent Con Psychologists to reduce fear and Anxiety in their clients. The assumption is that Stimulus or Situation is learned, so it can, therefore, be “unlearned” or extinguished. Fearfui nici are first taught relaxation techniques. eel ire ina saee of — his tex woes jecing is gradually introduced at a non-threatening level so that Anxiety 2 i re not arouses. Be eisteratle desensitization has been used to treat drug addiction, Phobias and Tension headaches: 25: Define Extra Sensory Perceptions and describe any four extrasensory perceptions studied in Parapsychology? * Ans: ° Extra-sensory Perception: The supposed faculty of Perceiving things by means other than the known senses, is called exr=- Sensory Perception. Extra Pr on: The four Extra-Sensory Perception are as follow. 1 Tel t ; The direct transference of thought from one person (Sender of agent) to another (receiver or perciptent) Without using the usual sensory channels of communication, hence & form of extre-sensory erception. 2. Glairvoyance: Clairvoyance is similar to telepathy except that the source of the information 2n object oF event rather than another mind. The supposed faculty of Perceiving things or events in the future o ‘beyond normal sensory Contact 210 Behavioural Psychology 8 Beles oe The supposed ability to move objects at a distance by mental Power or other non- _ means is known as telekinesis. Physical 4 Precognition: Foreknowledge of an event, especially as a form of extrasensory Perception is called Precognition. Q.26: Write down the factors known to obstruct effective communication? Ans 1, Lacking clarity: Avoid abstract, Overly- Formal Language, colloquialism, and jargon, which obscure. Your message more than they serves to Impress people, 2. Using Stereotypes and generalizations Speakers who make unqualified generalizations undermine their own clarity and credibility. Be careful not to get Stuck in the habit of using Stereotypes, or making generalizations about complex systems or situation. 3. Jumping to conclusions: Confusing facts with Interferences is a Common tendency. 4. Dysfunctional responses: \gnoring 4 ornot responding to a comment or question quickly undermines effective communication 5. Lacking confidence » Lacking confidence can be a major barrier to effective communication. Shyness, difficulty being assertive, or lack of Self-worth and a lack of awareness can Prevent you from expressing your needs openly. 6., Lack of attention 7. Lack of Interest 8. Cultural differences Q.27: Enlist five behavioral manifestations of stress? Ans: Behavioral manifestations of Stress: _ 1, Social withdrawal 2. Poor Sleeping and eating habits 3. Poor exercise 4. Excessive drinking and Smoking 5. Drug Abuse 6. Carelessness 7. Problems with authority and rules and regulations, 8. Insubordination. 9. Impaired Social Relaxation 10. Break up of old relationships 11. Reckless behavior Q.28: Describe Strategies of conflict management? Ans: : : Strategies: Meet conflicts head on. sing = 49 Year 2a show mutual respect by separating the persons from the Problem. fesolve the conflict through free communication. te honest about concerns and reservations and verbalize them early as possible. Agree to disagree, as healthy disagreements lead to better decisions. Discuss differences in values openly. Leave individual egos out of negotiations, if you are the one coordinating the dialogue, than handling over the solutions. People Support what they create. and avoid serving or pleasing one Individual let the negotiating team create solutions rather Q.29 (a): Define counselling? Write any two misconceptions about counselling? Ans Counselling: Counselling is that interaction which occurs bet It takes place In a professional setting and is initiated an of the client. Misconceptions about counselling: 4. Does not involve giving direct advice to patients. Does not solve people's problems for them 2 3. Does not make people less emotional 4 Does not work to fulfll the Counsellor’s need to make people feel better. tween two individuals called Counsellor and client. d maintained to facilitate changes in the behavior Q.29 (b): List down the therapeutic techniques of counselling? Ans: ‘Therapeutic Techniques: 1. 7 see ounsellor employs varying degrees of direction to help the Counselee to reach Sound Solutions. Also, through his own specialized knowledge and experience in scientific diagnosis and Interpretation of data, counselees are helped to reach earlier solutions for their Problems. plore z In this approach, the ‘counsellor provides an atmosphere in which the client can fully ex his/her own thoughts and feelings freely without any fear or Pressure 3 ses his/her counselling on concepts taken from various available Here the Counsellor bas Viewpoints. He She owes on specific theoretical allegiance. According to Thorne, Eclecticism is the most - practicable and apt approach to counselling. 0,30; Enlist Five qualities of a Self-actualized Person? They are realistic ‘They tend to Be Problem-Centered, , ‘The Self-Actualized Person Is Autonomous They enjoy Solitude and Privacy Self-Actualized Person are spontaneous. Q.31 (a): Define learning? ‘Learning Is an acquisition of new behavioral reactions and skills. petewuus ar rayururogy 212 Q.31 (b): Enlist four conditioning Principles of areal life? Ans: Conditioning Principles: 1, Acquisition: The stage or Principle of classical jenerating a response similar to the uncon 2, Extinction: ; Extinction is when the occurrences of a conditioned response decrease or disappear. In classical ditioning this happens when a conditioned Stimulus is no: longer paired with an unconditioned | conditioning in which the stimulus under observation starts ditioned response is called Acquisition. con Stimulus. 3. Spontaneous Recovery: ; ‘A Principle or stage of classical conditioning in which a conditioned response, which has been extinguished, earlier reemerges after a long break is called Spontaneous recovery. 4, Stimulus Generalization: A phenomenon in which the stimuli, similar to the conditioned stimulus, starts generating the same response as that generated by conditioned stimulus is called stimulus generalization. Q.32: Define Personality. Briefly describe the components of Personality? Ans: , Personality: 3 The individual's typical or consistent adjustment to his Environment is called Personality. Components: The components of Personality are as follow. 1 on ID is the instinctive and Impulsive part of Personality. It works on "Pleasure Principle. Only objective of Id is to satisfy the impulse to achieve Pleasure. It is Irrational and cannot itself channelize the impulse through behavioral reaction. 2. Ego Ego is the conscious part of Personality, which helps to Channelize the impulses of Id. It works on the “Reality Principles”. Objective of Ego is to bring the Id impulses out in the Environment in safe conditions. It is Rational and can think. 3. Super Ego: : Itis the value based Part of Personality. It consists of Ethical and moral values. It main works is to evaluate the impulses of Id with reference to values. It tells whether the Impulse of Id is morally and Ethically Right or wrong. Q.33: Briefly discuss the concept of Treatment compliances? Ans: freatment complians Treatment compliance is defined as the degree to which patient's behaviors (e.g., attending follow-up, appointments, engaging in Preventive care, following recommended medical regimens) correspond with the Professional médical advice prescribed. The terms compliance and adherence are often used interchangeably; however, because compliance may carry a negative connotation. Some Prefer to use adherence to emphasize Patients active role in health care management as opposed to the submissiveness Suggested in the definition of compliance. : Assessing Treatment compliance: 1. Self-Reports: Self-reports are commonly used to assess compliance. Examples include Likert S uestionnaires, hand held computers, and Phone diaries. Although self-report measures are the simplest nm vasures to use, report bias and recall Precision issues often make results inaccurate. me z ale 2. Objective measures: Pill counts, electronic bottles, and urine or blood serum levels are examples of objective measures of compliance 3, Collateral Reports: {Athird method of measuring compliance is through reports by family and health care provider. .34: Briefly describe the results of group therapy? Here's how group therapy for mental health Treatment can help: 1. Groups provide support 2. Groups Provide a sounding boards. 3, Group Can Propel you forward. 4, Group Promote Social Skills 5, Group therapy costs less than individual counselling. 6. Groups teach you about yourself 7. Sharing can be healing Q.35: Write down the factors Influence learning? Intellectual factor Learning factors Physical factors. - Mental factors Emotional and Social factors Environmental factors Teacher's Personality. Motivation Practice Nature of learning material soy een Sle What are the five Primary Steps in Problem Solving? e Primary Steps: Step 1: Identify and define the Problem Step 2: Generate Possible Solutions Step 3: Evaluate alternatives | Step-4: Decide on a solution - Step 5: Implement the solution. : Write down the qualities of Adult Learners? les: Autonomous and self-directed Goal-oriented Relevancy oriented Practical knowledge and life experiences 1 pwn 5. Competence and mastery 6. Purposeful 7. Emotional Barriers 8. Results-oriented 9. Less open - minded 10. Outside Responsibilities 411. Potential Physical limitations 12, Responsible for Self Ct Pst ek Martie «Serer eee Sr uring cpanel te development. Each Stage has an age Span with distinctive learning on these stages? Ans: STAGES: ‘The Stages are as follow. 1. Sensori-motor Stage 2. Preoperational stage 3. Concrete operational stage 4. Formal operations Sensori-motor stage: > Birth to about 2 years, rapid Change is seen throughout. > The child will: * Explore the world through Senses and motor activity Early on, baby can't tell difference between themselves and the environment If they can't see something, then it doesn't exist: Begin to understand cause & effect. can later follow something with their eyes Preoperational stage: ‘* About 2 to about 7 Years. > Better Speech Communication > can imagine the future & reflect on the past > Develop basic numerical abilities > Still P different, shape is not related to quantity Ex Are ten coins set in a lon rete tional Stage: * From about 7 to about 11 years > Abstract reasoning abliity g i ability & abil > ners comer al as Beneralize from the concrete increases. Formal operations: , ° From about 12 to about 15 Years Be able to think about hyperr 7 Poth i i > Form & test hypothesis /Pothetical situations, > Organize information > Reason Scientifically something doesn't change even though it look . : line more than ten coins in a pile? ey 10 US NUrSIOE art Year 215 39: demonstrate understanding of using effective Communication in complex situations? ans spective com verbal kills active listening questioning skills acknowledge and Reflect feeling + paraphrasing clients concerns. summarizing clients concerns. Encouraging and Praising Empathizing providing and asking for feedback. + Giving needed information — not too much nor too little. + Encouraging client to ask questions. Repeating key messages Nonverbal Skills: ‘Open and friendly facial expression Smiling and head nodding Lean forward towards client Eye contact Relaxed and friendly manner Space between the client and Provider t Friendly tone of voice. munication: hat makes the client comfortable hat are the four major components of emotional intelligence? Q.40; Define emotional intelligence and wi y ‘Ans: y Emotional intelligence: ~~ : ; 4 Emotional Intelligence is also known as emotional Quotient or EQ, is the ability to understand, use and manage your own emotions in Positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict. Components of emotioinal Intelligence: © Self-awareness Self-management Social awareness “as eestor Management. effect on Bality to recognize and understand your moods, fect on others. Seltmanagement: Hrcceme re eiityste control. of redirect 0 think before acting. al Awareness: Pee ability to understand the emotion: ation ae their emotional reactions (empathy). inagement: Inspirational Leadership Developing others and emotions, and drives, as well as their disruptive impulses and moods, the Propensity to suspend ‘al make up of other people, Skill in treating people 216 : Behavioural Psychology © Influence © Change Catalyst © Conflict management : © Building Bonds. © Team work and collaboration : What is the personality characteristics desired in the counselo? nality Characteristic 1. Interested in helping People: This attitude makes the client fee! Comfortable in thelr presence. 2. Perceptual Sensitivity: The counselor Should perceive and understand the thoughts and feelings of the client and should be Sensitive to the clues given by him/her. 3. Personal adjustment: Counsellor Should be normally adjusted. He should be able to cope with his problems in a constructive manner and should not attempt to try and solve the Problems of clients when he himself is facing difficulties. 4, Personal Security: The counsellor may feel secure in his counselling role and feel insecure in certain areas outside counseling. This indicates that he may he conducts himself in a counselling situation is important and not the way, he behaves in all life situations 5. Genuineness: The counsellor Should establish a genuine relationship with his clients by which they can achieve their counselling goals counsellor should be real person to his client. Q.42: Define locus of control, and what you understand by internal and External locus of control? Ans: Locus of Contr The extent to which a person believes they have Power over their successes and or failures in School tasks. : Internal locus of control: ‘© Believes his or her successes are due to factors within their own coritrol. * Behavior is guided by his/her Personal decisions and efforts. External Locus of control: ~@ Believes his or her successes or failures are due to factors outsides of their own control. * Behavior is guided by fate, luck or other external circimstance. Q.43; Differentiate between Gender role and Sex role, also give an example? Ans: Gender Role Sex Role * May differ from society to society * Same in all societies: they are universal, * Can change with history e.g;, it is only women who give birth to ‘* Can be performed by both sexes children all over the world *. They are socially, culturally determined . Never change with history al be performed by only one the sexes Lo : + They are biologically determined au What is a Stereotype; enlist various stereotypes attached to gender differences? Stereotype: i oe “Making positive or negative generalization about a inaccurate assumptions and beliefs and applying thes group”. Group or category of people, ‘usually based on © generalizations to an individual member of 4 “27 Nurturing Feminine Masculine e Not aggressive © = Aggressive e Dependent ® Independent Easily influenced Not easily influenced Submissive © Dominant © Pasiive © Active « _ Home oriented * Worldly «Easily hurt emotionally _@ Not easily hurt emotionally « -Indecisive - © Decisive © Talkative © Notatall talkative . ° Gentle «Tough “e Sensitive to other's feelings «Less sensitive to other's feelings © Very desirous of security ‘© Not very desirous of security © Cries alot © Rarely cries © Emotional Xx © Logical * Verbal» aay © Analytical i © kind ©. Cruel ° Tactful © Blunt . © _ Not Nurturing 3,

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