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MUARA ENIM 2021-2022


Tittle ...................................................................................... 1

Table Of Contents .............................................................. 2

Abstrack.................................................................................. 3

Background............................................................................. 4

Main Body............................................................................... 5

Conclusion & Recommendations............................................ 6

Referenes................................................................................ 7

Appendices.............................................................................. 8


This study discussed “HEAL THE WORLD” composed by Michael

Jackson, the king of pop music who was very famous in the 1980s.
This song was about an idea and dream of someone who started to
fret with the conditions of the world and wanted to do something so
that the world would be better. The points of this study was looking for
the meaning of Heal The World song lyrics.

The song “HEAL THE WORLD” tells about the vocalist’s call and
invitation to make a world that loves peace, is prosperous and safe,
without bloodshed or war, which result in casualties and losses.

The lyrics of the song “HEAL THE WORLD” which was popularized
by the late Michael Jackson tells the story of hope for living between
humans. This song also contains a moral message that is intended for
all humans to keep the earth safe.

There were two findings obtained from the analysis. First, the literal
meaning of Michael Jackson’s Heal The World song lyric was a
human’s personal unrest about the conditions around him. Second, the
deeper meaning of the song was an invitation to all humans regardless
of race and ethncity to be more concerned with fellow humans and the
earth. The singer believed that if humans wanted to give a little space
to humanity and to care then this world would become more beautiful.

This study additionally conveys a few recommendation for the future

researchhers and teachers in connection with education. It is
suggested that the song can be utilized as one of the materials to
show listening skill and poetry. It is additionally proposed that future
researchers may analyze the song utilizing psychological approach
which contains the science of analyzing human mental behavior and
functions in a scientific manner so that it is very relevant to the title I

Keywords: Heal The World, deconstruction,literal meaning,deeper meaning


The song heal the world tells the story of understanding and compassion,
as well as comdemning cruelty to fellow humans. In the 2003
documentary living with Michael Jackson, the pop king said he composed
this song while on his tree farm.

The story behind the song heal the world is very interesting to discuss.
From here, we will discuss the meaning and massages contained in each
of the lyric of the song


The meaning of the song “HEAL THE WORLD” deepens when the
vocalist begins to sing. Lyrics are filled with great hopes, about the
longing for prosperity and brotherhood.

It doesn’t stop there the moral message inthe song HEAL THE
WORLD also invites all humans to care, always take care and as
much as possible to be able to unite with the surrounding nature.

The impact is that many children have lost their childhood, which
should have been used to play and learn, instead they are filled with a
feeling of dread

The topic of MICHAEL JACKSON’S HEAL THE WORLD song is right

for us to voice the current situation and prosperity, and enjoy the
ravaged world.

But if you look at it, this song is stored more than children around the
world, who actually don’t get the treatment they deserve, from their
status as small children.

That’s a little about the meaning of the song HEAL THE WORLD that
we must understand. Because in addition to its strong meaning,the
lyric and translation of the song HEAL THE WORLD is also so
melodious and beautiful

Heal the world is the sixth song on the album dangerous which was
released in 1991. Jackson himself wrote the lyric for this song.
The song is about understanding and compassion,and denounces
cruetly the fellow human beings.
In the 2003 documentary living with MICHAEL JACKSON,the pop king
said he composed this song while on his tree farm.
Michael Jackson admits Heal the World Foundation. A charity that
takes underprivileged children to Jackson’s ranch to play on the
amusement park rides,and raises a number of humanitarian funds.
Millions of united states (US) dollars have been sent around the
world to help children suffering from war, poverty and disease.
The father of 3 has performed at 70 concerts outside the US,all of
which were attended by a total of 3.5 milion spectators.
A portion of the proceeds from the sale is donated to the Heal the
World fundation. This song has also been played to accompany the
funeral of James Bulger,a 2-year-old noy victim of a cruel murder in
England in 1993.
Bulger was kidnapped,tortured,an killed. The perpetratos were 2 10-
year-old boys named Robert Thompson and Jon Venables.
Thompson and Venables went on to become the youngest people in
England to be convicted of murder in the 20th century.
Jackson’s generosity in donating helped him break world records.
In 2000 the Guinness Book of World Records named Michael Jackson
as the most generous pop star in history.
During his lifetime Jackson has donated more than 300 million US
dollar (approximately Rp.4.8 trillion) which was given to the make-A-
Wish foundation,elizabeth taylor AIDS foundation NAACP UNICEF
Red cross and dozens of other foundations.


In this song there are many deep meanings of life. And song was not
haphazardly created, but the song is based on the experience of “HEAL
THE WORLD” song writer Michael Jackson’s. If we understand the
meaning in the song “HEAL THE WORLD” then we will be able to feel
what is told in this song “HEAL THE WORLD”





1 Amelia Putri M. XII.AKL 2 K-pop
2 Adinda Maharani XII.PKM 2 K-pop
3 Mutia Maryanti XII.PKM 2 Pop
4 Devita Nur Azizah XII.OTP 2 Religious
5 Finni Agustin XII.OTP1 Pop
6 Melia XII.AKL 1 K-pop
7 Tiara Dwi Sagita XII.OTP 2 K-pop
8 Fitriani X.PKM 1 Pop
9 Novalia XII.PKM 2 Pop
10 Giska Ramadani XII.PKM 1 Pop
11 Deo Adelliani XII.AKL 1 Pop
12 Zahara Indah M. XII.AKL 2 Pop
13 Sindi Prima Lestari XII.AKL 1 Pop
14 Mutiara Rahma H. XII.AKL 2 Pop
15 Della Apriani XII. PKM 2 Pop
16 Shofyan Mardiyanto XII.MM 1 Religious
17 Djesen Kurniawan XII.NAUTIKA B Religious
18 M.Darwin Agusrianto XII.NAUTIKA B Religious
19 Taufik Hidayah XII.NAUTIKA A Pop
20 Ezi Dwi Anggraini XII.OTP 1 Pop
21 Riesky Damayanti XII.AKL 2 K-pop
22 Tiara Pramana Sapri XII.AKL 2 Pop
23 Meri Santika XII.AKL 2 K-pop
24 Vita Arista XII.AKL 2 K-pop
25 Shela Safitri XII.AKL 1 K-pop
26 Shevia Dina P. XII.AKL 1 Pop
27 Regita Wijaya XII.NAUTIKA A Pop
28 Milenia Eka Putri XII.PKM 2 Pop
29 Maulida Savina XII.PKM 2 Pop
30 Nadya Tasya XII.PKM 2 Pop


1 Pop Music 18 60%
2 Dangdut Music 0 0%
3 Religious Music 4 13,3%
4 K-pop Music 8 26,6%
5 Rock Music 0 0%


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