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Multiplayer Targeting System


Developed by
Dreamrise Studios

Updated 04.03.2023
Integration into existing projects

Integration Process in is also described in BPC_TargetingComponent

1. Go to your project settings and create trace collision with name

"Target" (By Default make it to ignore everything)
2. In your project settings set "Custom Depth-Stencil Pass" to
"Enable With Stencil”

3. Find in your Content Browser "BFL_TargetingSystem" and change

the cast to your character in the "Get My Character" Function.

4. Copy the code from our character to yours.

5. Add "BPC_TargetingSystem" Component To your Player Character.

6. Set Variable in BPC_TargetingSystem component named "Target

Trace Collision" to (new created collision) and make sure your
targets block this collision

7. Add "M_Outline_Material" to your post process material section

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