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Balpreet Atkar

Analysis of BBCS short series After Child After child is based on a mother and sons ordeal set in 1993, and believed as a true story of a child with autism.

Mise En Scene Lighting- Dull miserable day to represent sadness or confusion; red is present when Bus drives by before road incident to present danger; after beginning credits White Screen is present to show different scene and to show emphasis on the title or life after death. Costumes Clothing- Dull colours on costume used, formal coats and other clothing to suggest sense of wealth perhaps. This is also portrayed by their housing and perhaps the fathers job as it seems relatively professional. Colours- Colours used are mostly dull and boring to represent a normal day in life. The white colour after the credits co notates Life after death and a new start perhaps.

Camera Angles/Movement Close ups and extreme close ups are use dint he start and throughout to capture the detail of the child and the mothers relationship, sometimes they are used to depict surrounding characters expressions. Over the shoulder shots are used in the shoe scene to show the agony and stress of the child. A pan is used when they are about to cross the road to co notate perhaps life going by.

Narrative Time Subjective Time- In the start of the clip the scene Is in slow motion to capture detail and emotion in the scene, we also feel what she feels Real Time before the road crossing incident a red bus is seen which co notates danger, after the incident the bus is seen again which presents real time.

Narrative Theories Challenges Toldorovs theory, as the problems and issues in the clip starts from the middle of time, skipping the beginning.

Balpreet Atkar

Enigma/Action codes-These are both present as we never find out Protagonist=Mother

Sound Non Diegetic- Cars screeching, this is to emphasise the danger of the situation, heavy wind and breathing is also present. Diegetic-Distressed, screaming sound, agony moaning and groaning. Child screams frequently. Contraputanal- The non diegetic doesnt match the original diegetic the lively piano and soft violin, is matched to a screaming child in the start. Sound Bridges-As the new scene comes onto the screen, all sound from the background and on the screen is sucked out almost as if time travelled back. Editing/Transitions/Effects After opening a fly in transition of the 1993 date shown on the screen so audience can contextualise. There is frequent action editing that ensures the story is fast paced and emphasises the tension. Stereotypes Child-People judging the mother as being unfit as child is acting out, even though they are unaware of his disability.

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