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Mind Saving From Romance-Ego

Like each cottage, a weak cottage, ready to fall off from the next strong wind passing by.
I was there, once watched a worn box so hard to call home. A young man inside, Used to wait for all days sunset willing not
to miss any, day after an other, few hours after the great lamp dive down the western oceans snd seas. The Moon sparkles, at
first, he was fascinated by the joyful sunset colors, the incredible harmony took all his attention in order to enjoy the divine
creation. The handsome busy guy who spends his day along in seeking a different knowledge, not collecting silly
informations we was taught about human breeding or long boring old mans diaries. No, he used to look inside himself, spent
all his life alone but surrounded by human and animal and breathing creatures, special lies , fake lies, all this was an
unnecessary damage he had to drink from its water since his birth. Silence
Due to the months he spent observing with all his tougher the beauty of the first end’s lape, he deducted the existence of the
moon , lightening and glowing in the sky, like hope in darkness, his best souvenir diving in the attendance of toxic
individuals, a significance of good in the stomach of Evil although his belief that the evil isn’t always the pure illustrator of
bad and harm. He felt in love with that circled light, thinking its the reason behind those colors, the maker and the final
structure.Day after an other, he dedicated the bright colors introduction to spend the night with his beloved.
The shock.
It came to his cognizance that the stars around the moon are more greater and glowy than the moon itself. Not the invisible
factor behind those colors and symphony. Disappointed.
Stolen by his unlimited questioned and confusion ,the greater fire redeemed to remind him of what lasts more. The light and
conscience, the unwavering logic and intent emotions, a sub choice of burying them once for all. The mind, appeared to
prove that nothing is real when it is related to love, before falling in the biggest mistake, his mind rescued him, from the
unlimited desire that push you to keep seeking more and striving for excellence in covering your need, fragile hope based on
unstable element, relation based on human, love based on a beating heart threatened by godly willing to catch its movement,
dying of one is the end of both.
This reality is often hidden by lovers, not expecting the worst that would happen is a slow death, a suicide.
The cottage is my own world, seems so tenuous from the outside but it still home whatever it holds of bad, harm, hazard and
proliferating discrepancy .
The young man illustrates all the hope I had and probably I still keep in the deep dark bottom of my soul, my heart and how it
gets attracted by sparkling feelings and sensations, what I have been missing since ages, since I had no more wright in my
mother’s long hugs, No am not weak or emotionally infected, am just pretending in order to feed the young man in the
insides of an unbeaten intent one.Dont look longer in my eyes in search of a tear you will never meet. Dont stare, you will be
nudged within seeking the reverse. Billions been here before you miss, the shame hat looked perfect on their heads on their
way back to the heaven they bought those shoes from.
The sunlight showed me the fact I tried to resist by getting in the moon’s bosom,
The sun is my mind, material mind, lead by stats, logic actions arrangement, and a result, words that draw my path. Each time
I start sinking in a relationship it comes to whisper somewhere else but my ear, that I don’t belong to there and its where I
never should be. Wake me up before I make any collateral damage to my mind and conscience every time I remember a
mistake, it hurts as a flame on the heart.
Dont get shocked if you was lucky enough to create a link and I end not by cutting it off, but by leaving, with no single word
or previous marks, I do it when you cannot expect it, so don’t look so surprised when I ask you to go fuck yourself, you
should know me after all those wasted letters and effort. Call me what ever you like but none is more significant than a
sociopath highly qualified. They love to call me like that but trust me, all I do is giving more part to my mind than the beating
A part of what I said is a lie, the one you reckon that it is the fake ,is what you feel, go look for it.
Found it.
Your feelings brought you there, that part defines you ,you are guided by your emotions. Am mentored by the power of
mind, one long silly text is a mirror of us, we find ourselves using two distinctive foot prints to find our weaknesses.
You ll never be sure, you won’t stop thinking about the part you chose as my lie, you have no evidence, your pockets are

Abdelmalek Aymane LAHLITI

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