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Value of optimizing one’s Health

When we say optimize, this means that you have to make the best or most effective use
of a situation, opportunity, or resources. Same with our body, make the best of it so you can
have a longer life.

Keeping your body physically active can help improve overall disposition, (which means
something is placed or arranged) increase the release of endorphins (They're released
during pleasurable activities such as exercise, massage, eating or in other words natural pain
reliever) and offer meditation-like qualities. Physical activity can reduce the fight or flight
response often triggered by stress.

a. Mind-booster. Engaging in physical activity can improve moods and make us feel better,
increasing self-confidence, thus reducing stress. Exercise can also improve our quality and
ability to sleep, resulting in a fully rested body which can definitely have a positive impact on
our overall disposition and cognitive function.
b. Endorphin Release. Participating in physical activity can result in an increase in
endorphin levels. Endorphin are chemicals or neurotransmitter hormones that are secreted
from the brain and nervous system. It activates the body’s opiate receptors thus it has
analgesic properties that can make you feel good. It also gives a person the feeling of
achievement and being in control.
c. Mind Stimulator. Exercise can be a form of meditation. While involved in an engrossing
(absorbing all ones attention or interest) physical activity, we may find that we are
concentrating strictly on the physical work. We tend to forget the problems and worries you
have at present. With this, our mind is somehow freed and stimulated to work and find
solutions to our stress.
d. Reduction of Fight or Flight Response. Stress, either big or small, activates our flight or
fights response and in doing so, deluges our body with different hormones including cortisol,
adrenaline, and noradrenaline. Over-secretion of these hormones is brought about by stress,
thus must be controlled and returned to normal state. Otherwise it could interfere with body
functions leading to adrenal fatigue. Physical activity or movement metabolizes the hormones
triggered by stress, processing these chemicals and returning them to normal levels. Once
these hormones have been metabolized, the level of homeostasis improves, regulating the
internal conditions of the body, thus bringing in a state of balance and stability. In this
manner, we feel calm and ready to gear up and face the world once again.
Slamming on the brakes when the car in front of you suddenly stops.
Encountering a growling dog while walking outside.
Jumping out of the way of an oncoming vehicle.
These are examples that trigger the fight or flight response (also known as the acute stress
Keeping the body physically active enables the body systems to function properly with vigor
and alertness. Staying in shape allows the individual to perform daily tasks efficiently and
effectively resulting to better output and performance.

PT – Perform a Zumba dance exercise for a minimum of 3 minutes. Take a video while you
are performing.

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