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Data Warehouse Implementation

Data Warehouse Implementation is a series of activities that are essential to

create a fully functioning Data Warehouse, after classifying, analyzing and

designing the Data Warehouse with respect to the requirements provided

by the client.

The various phases of Data Warehouse Implementation are ‘Planning’, ‘Data

Gathering’, ‘Data Analysis’ and ‘Business Actions’. Every Data Warehouse

needs a few important components, that needs to be defined while

designing the implementation of the system, such as Data Marts, OLTP/

OLAP, ETL, Metadata, etc.

As the volume of data, is increasing day by day the traditional ways and

methods that were used to manage and manipulate data were becoming

obsolete in nature, to overcome this problem we need to have a more

effective and advanced data storage system that is with the use of data

What is Data Warehouse Implementation?
Following are the explanation for what is data warehouse implementation:

• To identify and store the data in an effective manner for an

organization, the concept of data warehousing comes into the

picture. A data warehouse can be said is the storage area where huge

volumes and amounts of data are stored for an organization that can

help them in making decisions based on strong data analysis and

business intelligence.

• It is a repository, which stores data from various sources with various

formats and with the help of ETL tools convert this data into a

standard format that can be used and for reporting and

dashboarding purposes of the organization. This helps in generating

meaningful insights out of the data collected by the organization.

• The process of establishing and implementing a data warehouse

system in an organization is known as data warehouse

implementation. Data warehousing is one of the most important

components of the business intelligence process for an organization.

The data warehousing implementation process requires a series of

steps that need to be followed in a very effective manner. The

processes are as follows:

1. Planning
Planning is one of the most important steps of a process. It helps in getting

a pathway or the road map that we have to follow to achieve our described

goals and objectives. It is the cornerstone of every successful project that is

implemented in organizations. In case of the absence of sound planning,

then there are high chances of failure of the project.

2. Data gathering
As data is available everywhere, but all the data available is not helpful for

an organization. Data gathering is a process that involves the collection of

data from various sources that can be used for data analysis and reporting.

it involves a wide range of steps and it is a time-consuming process. we

need to first identify the data that is going to be helpful for organization.

3. Data analysis
Once the data is collected, the next step which comes into the picture is

data analysis. The process of generating and getting meaningful insights/

out of the day together is known as data analysis.

Data Analysis, is a process for obtaining raw data, and subsequently

converting it into information useful for decision-making by users. Data,

is collected and analyzed to answer questions, test hypotheses, or

disprove theories.

4. Business actions
The insights and information attained from data analysis are further used

for making decisions for the organization. Higher the level of insights

higher would be the efficiency of the business decisions and these

decisions are going to decide the future of the organization. Business

activities refer to the activities performed by businesses to make a profit

and ensure business continuity. Examples include production, sales,

purchase of property, plant, and equipment, acquisition of other

companies, purchasing marketable securities, and obtaining loans from

financial institutions

Components of Data Warehouse

Some of the major components of data warehousing implementation are as


1. Data Marts
A data mart is an important component of data warehousing. It can be said

as the subset of a data warehouse that is focused on a particular Business

line like sales, marketing, human resource, etc.

The OLTP layer deals with the processing of transactional data on the task

associated with an organization. It stands for online transactional

processing. It deals with transactional data which is frequently changing in


OLAP layer helps in processing and analyzing the data stored in the

database. It stands for the online analytical process. This layer deals with

the master data which is not frequently changing in nature.

4. ETL
The ETL process helps in fetching the data from different sources into a

single data warehouse. The process of extraction transformation and

loading is used for data warehousing.

5. Metadata
The data of data is known as metadata. It helps in getting granularity of

data. It helps in getting the information about the data. For example, if we

have country data, then state data, city data, and the area level can be

called the metadata of the data.

Goal of Data Warehouse Implementation

- Creating and Managing efficient data repository

- Secured and easy access of information to Users

- Consistent information to be provided

- For taking quick and effective decisions

- It provides clean and authentic and necessary data for analyst

- Data collection must be accurate and verified

- Data must be adaptive in nature

Advantages of Data Warehouse

There are many advantages and benefits that an organization can facilitate

the use of a sound data warehousing system. Some of the most prominent

benefits and advantages of using the data warehousing system in an

organization are as follows:

1. Better data management and delivery
One of the most important advantages of using a data warehousing system

in the organization is efficient data management and delivery. It helps in

the storage of all types of data from different sources into a single base

that can be used for analysis purposes.

2. Better decision making

The use of effective inside cell, business intelligence the management of

the organization can take effective decisions based on solid data analysis.

3. Cost reduction
It helps in avoiding duplication of works that ultimately helps in reducing

the cost and increasing the efficiency of the organization.

4. Competitive advantage
As the organization is able to make effective decisions, they would be ready

to out with their competitors as they are able to fully utilize their resources

and can focus on activities in a better way.

5. Historical information is provided to analyst.

-Quality of data increases
-Helps in data recovering from the database
-Helps in data mining processes.

6. Benefits –
Increase in product inventory turnover.
Increase Seles with improved target, market
Better business intelligence.

Difficulties/Problems in Data Warehouse

i. Construction of the D.W for a large organization is a complex task

and take years to complete – Accommodating to changes

ii. Administration of D.W is also complex and requires higher level

skills and team with technical expertise. -Complexity increases with


iii. Quality control of D.W issues both quality and consistency of data.

– correct, clean, authentic information.

It can be said and concluded that with the use of a sound data warehouse

implementation in the organization, the organization can easily increase its

efficiency, can easily achieve its goals and objectives with minimal efforts

and can do wonders for the organization. With the use of effective data

warehouse management, one can take advantage of numerous data

available and can reach the heights of success.

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