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NM: Hi David, how are you?

D: Hi Marco, I'm fine, thanks and you?

M: the same but very tired.
M: Hi David, how are you?
D: Hi Marco, I'm fine, thanks and you?
M: the same but very tired.
(AC-S11) Week 11
Daniel Antonio Vidarte vidarte MARICIELO NADIANA

D: Hi Nadiana, how are you?

N: Hi Daniel, I'm fine, thanks and you?

D: the same but very tired.

N: Why?

M: studies and work have me like this.

N: I understand you friend, the same thing happens to me

D: ok, Nadiana, do you admire someone at the moment?

N: yes, yes, the people I admire are my parents and you?

D: Oh, that's good, but I mean some celebrity.

N: well I admire Luis Diaz a lot

D: He's a Liverpool player, right?

N: yes, he is, and you?

D: I admire Benito Martínez a lot.

N: oww, he's an actor, right?

D: No, it's not. He is a singer

N: Do you know his routine?

D: Yes, being his fan I know everything.

N: What time do you usually wake up?

D: In an interview, Benito commented that he usually gets up at 8 in the morning. What

time does your father usually wake up?

N: My dad usually gets up at 5:30 am because he works very far away. Do you know what

else Benito does during the day?

D: When he wakes up, he showers and works out in his home gym, then goes to the studio

to record. what is the routine of luis diaz?

N: You wake up between 6:00 or 7:00 am. and Benito, how do you get to work

D: He doesn't go to work, he records his music from his home studio and Luis Díaz, how

do you get to work by car or motorcycle?

N: He goes to work by car, he has a Tesla and he has to be at Anfield early every day, what

time does Benito usually eat?

D: I usually eat at 2 in the afternoon at home. I imagine your mom usually eats at home?

N: Yes, with me. At what time will I finish recording Benito?

D: You don't have a fixed schedule, what time does Luis Díaz usually finish training?

N: He usually finishes at 5pm, then goes home and continues training at the gym.

D: I understand, Benito is going to release his new album, Luis Diaz won the Champions


N: No, he lost it at the last minute, Real Madrid won it.

D: I understand friend, well take care, I have homework

N: good friend, it was a pleasure talking to you, take care of yourself.

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