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(AC-S05) Week 5 - Task: Assignment - What I

usually do vs. What I'm doing

* Daniel Jesus Chavez Nuñez

* Jhemerson Sierra Aldazabal

* Dustin Samir Rodas Sanchez

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Jhemerson: Hey guys, how are you doing?

Dustin: Hi, good thanks. What topic do you want to talk about today?

Daniel: Hey Jhemerson, do you have any idea in mind?

Jhemerson: I wanted to talk about our daily routines on vacations and the activities we are
currently doing. Is that okay with you guys?

Dustin: That sounds like an interesting idea. I'll start. On my vacations, I like to wake up early,
go to the gym and work out, then have breakfast and go out to explore the local tourist spots.

Daniel: On my vacations, I prefer to sleep in a little bit, then have breakfast, read a book or
watch a movie, and then go for a walk around the city center.

Jhemerson: Okay, and what about you, Dustin? What are you currently doing?

Dustin: Currently, I'm working on a graphic design project for a client. I spend most of the day
in my studio, and when I finish work, I usually go to the gym.

Daniel: I'm also working on a project, but mine is a research project. I spend most of the day at
the library or at my desk, researching and writing.

Jhemerson: Interesting, and what are your plans for the weekend, Daniel?

Daniel: This weekend I'm planning to visit my family and friends in my hometown. And what
about you guys?

Dustin: I have a photo shoot with a client, and then I plan to enjoy a relaxing weekend at

Jhemerson: I plan to go out with friends to a sports bar to watch a football match.

Dustin: Okay, it seems like we are all busy, right? What are you doing to unwind after work?

Jhemerson: Well, I'm learning to play the guitar, so I practice every day.

Daniel: I like to watch movies and TV shows to relax.

Dustin: I prefer to go to the gym or do yoga to release stress.

Jhemerson: Great, it's important to have time to relax. Well guys, I think it's time to wrap up. It
was nice talking to you guys about our daily routines and current activities.

Daniel: Yeah, it was fun. We should do it again soon.

Dustin: Totally agree. See you later guys!

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