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Favorite things

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Nguyễn Khánh An

I enjoy many hobbies, but I like

reading most. Books are always a
best friend to me. It is a good way
to improve my vocabularies by
exposing many new words. I've
read through a number of books
Lê Duy Anh

My favorite thing is my cell phone. It is very easy to

use and it is small so you can take it everywhere, also
because with it you can do many things such as taking
classes, doing homework, watching videos, chatting
with friends, etc.
Nguyễn Tiến Tuấn Anh
My favorite thing is my headphones. I know it's a
little stupid but I like it, I can listen to music with
the radio, use Bluetooth
with my phone and I can be in different places to
listen music, I like it.
Nguyễn Xuân Ánh

Japan is famous for its delicious food, people and traditions, but for me, maybe I
know Japan because Japan is the place where very good anime is produced. Anime
was made very early and is very rich in genres. For me, anime is not only for
entertainment, but it also helps us feel many emotions such as happy, sad, emotional,
... so when you want to learn about Japan or times If you have free time, please
watch anime. it won't let you down
Chử Lê Đức Bắc

One of my favorite hobbies is playing sports

because being physically active brings a lot of
benefits. First of all, doing exercise reduces the
chance of diseases such as diabetes, obesity, heart
Trần Thanh Bình

Playing badminton is my favorite hobby. I play

badminton three times a week. It makes me look cool,
comforts me, and keeps me healthy.
Nguyễn Ngọc Linh Chi

My hobby is playing guitar. For the past three months, I've been
practicing guitar. Playing the guitar allows me to unwind, learn
new tunes, and expand my vocabulary. If you stick with me, I
might one day become a fantastic guitarist, but for now all I know
how to do is play “Happy birthday."
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