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Part 1

Part 1 Topics

Sky and stars

TV programmes
Wild animals
The Sky and Stars
The Sky and Stars

Do you like to look at the sky?

Do you know much about the


How did you learn about the

A constellation = a
pattern of stars

The night sky

A sunrise at dawn
/ a sunset at dusk

The horizon = the

Yes, for sure. Whenever I
get the chance, I love to
take in a beautiful sunrise
or sunset. Mind you, I do
live in a city, so the sky is
often overcast or polluted
and it’s not so easy to
catch sight of the sun or
the stars
To be honest, not a great
deal. I mean, I learnt
about the the milky way
at school, and actually I
have picked up the
names of a few common
constellations from a
mobile app. So, I learnt
about the Great Bear and
Orion, things like that.




What kinds of flowers do you like?

Have you planted any flowers?

Have you ever sent flowers to anyone?

Are there any flowers that have special

meanings in your country?
A bunch of flowers

To water a flower


To have green fingers

I am not really a flower
person, but I do buy
flowers for our home now
and again, and I usually
go for carnations or
roses. I find the bright
colours and soft petals
can give a fresh and
relaxed feeling to the
That’s a good question, I
think the most well-
known one is the rose. A
rose usually symbolises
love and passion, so we
would give a red rose to
someone to express our
love for that person, or
you might give it to
someone you want to go
out with.
TV Programmes
TV Programmes
What kind of TV programmes do
you like?

Do you prefer to watch TV

programmes on the TV or your
mobile phone?

Do you always watch the same

kinds of programmes?

Do talk with friends about TV

programmes you have watched?
The emergence
(=appearance) of …

- Streaming services
- Subscription services
- Monthly fees
I don’t really mind,
probably a mix of both, to
be honest.
The TV, obviously, has a
bigger screen and better
quality sound, so it’s
overall a better viewing
That said, I am quite
happy to watch a short
episode on my phoneAnd
I’ve got some nifty,
bluetooth headphones
too, over-ear headphones
which have a great sound
I am guilty of often
watching the same kinds
of programmes. I’m really
into crime and action
series they’ re just so
easy to watch. And they
always keep you engaged
and on tenterhooks about
what’s going to happen
next. Yes, I’m a big fan of
that kind of programme.
Verb/Adj. + Prepostion +
Verb ING

I am fond OF walkING
I am guilty OF beING lazy
Types of programmes

Suspense series
Period dramas
Sci-fi programmes
Romantic series
Wild Animals
Wild Animals

Have you ever seen wild animals


Which wild animals do you like

the most?

Do you like to go to the zoo?

Wild Animals

Have you ever seen wild animals

Well, I have seen lots in
the zoo, such as lions
and elephants, but I’ve
never seen those kinds
of animals in the wild.
When I was a kid
growing up, I saw lots of
foxes, because there
were plenty of them in
the forests near where I
used to live.
Wild Animals

Do you like to go to the zoo?

Yes and no. I guess on
the one hand, zoos are
fun and it’s amazing to
get up close to those
magnificent creatures
like the lions. But, on
the other hand, the
cages in many zoos are
too cramped and the
living conditions of
many animals leave a lot
to be desired.

Do you like history?

Did you enjoy learning history when

you were a child?

When was the last time you read

about history?

Do you think history is important?


Do you like history?

I wouldn’t say I am a big
fan of history, but I do
enjoy watching historical
films or period dramas
on TV. I find it
fascinating to see the
costumes and lifestyle of
people in past times. For
example, I used to watch
Downtown Abbey and
loved seeing how
different society was

Did you enjoy learning history when

you were a child?
To be honest, not much. It
tended to be all facts and
figures that I couldn’t
remember very well. So it
was a bit tedious. It was
only when I left school
and started travelling
that I started to get a
taste for history.

What helps you concentrate?

What stops you from concentrating?

What do you do when you can’t


What helps you concentrate?

Peace and quiet. If
there’s lots of
background noise going
on, even if it’s not
really loud, then it
distracts me and I just
can’t focus on whatever
I am doing. So when I
am reading or studying
for example, I’m a
stickler for silence.
Peace and quiet. If
there’s lots of
background noise going
on, even if it’s not
really loud, then it
distracts me and I just
can’t focus on whatever
I am doing. So when I
am reading or studying
for example, I’m a
stickler for silence.

What do you do when you can’t

I find the best thing to
do is stop whatever I
am doing and go and do
something else. I mean I
have some techniques I
try, like breaking my
work down into 20
minute chunks, or
drinking water, and that
helps. But, more often
than not, I just change
I find the best thing to
do is stop whatever I
am doing and go and do
something else. I mean I
have some techniques I
try, like breaking my
work down into 20
minute chunks, or
drinking water, and that
helps. But, more often
than not, I just change
Do you often write with a pen?

Can you tell someone’s personality

from his or her handwriting?

Do you think people will still write

letters in the future?

What do you think are the differences

between writing with a pen and typing
on a computer?
I’d say so yes, I don’t
think we are about to give
up writing letters
To my mind, many people
feel they can express
their emotions better in a
letter, and handwriting is
more personal, so I think
we will still be writing
letters in the years to
Well, the way I see it,
writing with a pen is more
expressive, because
everyone has their own
style of handwriting
which apparently can
reveal a lot about
themselves. That said,
typing is much neater and
it’s easier to edit, you
don’t need to rub things
Typing with/on a keyboard
Typing on a computer
Writing with a pen

Calligraphy (n.)
=the art of writing
Graphology (n.)

=the study of handwriting

(and what it reveals / shows
about you)
The Weather

What kind of weather do you


What’s the weather like where

you live?

What do you do when it rains?

Do you prefer dry or wet

It rains a lot, and many
days, it just pours down,
non-stop. In the summer
though, it can get quite
hot, temperatures get up
to 40 degrees, sweltering
heat. It’s too hot for me,
to be honest.
Temperatures get up to 40
Temperatures go up to 40
Temperatures go down to
minus 5 degrees
Temperatures get as low
as minus 5 degrees
I prefer dry weather. You
can do so much more
when it’s not raining. I
can go walking or do any
kind of outdoors sports.
When it rains, it just puts
me off going out and I
end up wasting time
doing nothing in
particular at home
To put you off doing it
= to make you feel like not
doing it

It puts me off doING


Do you like singing?

Did you enjoy singing when

you were a child?

Will you take singing lessons in

the future?

Would you like to be a singer?

Well, I enjoy listening to
others sing, but me
personally, I think I’m
tone deaf. As much as I
might try, I just can’t hit
the right notes; I am
totally out of tune, every
time, without fail.
Yes, I love singing, you
know, when I am
pottering about at home,
doing the housework or
even in the shower, but
that said, I have never
sung in front of an
audience. I wouldn’t have
the stomach to do that.

How do you relax?

Do you think doing sports is a

good way to relax?

Is it important to relax?

Do students need more time to

relax than working people?
I do a number of different
things. I find mediation
useful, it helps me
disconnect from the
noise around me and it
helps me focus. On top of
that, I also enjoy brisk
walking or jogging. It
actually helps me focus
on a particular problem
and a solution, and after
that, the problem’s gone.
Absolutely, in this day
and age, we are under so
much pressure and
stress, that I know if I
don’t relax, I will just burn
out. I think mental health
is particularly important
too. So if we can build
relaxation into our daily
lives, then it helps us
look after our mental
health too.

Copyright © KeithSpeakingAcademy

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