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Certainly, here are 25 irregular verbs with their base form, past tense, and past participle forms:

1. Be - Was - Been

2. Have - Had - Had

3. Do - Did - Done

4. Say - Said - Said

5. Get - Got - Gotten (or Got in British English)

6. Make - Made - Made

7. Go - Went - Gone

8. Take - Took - Taken

9. Come - Came - Come

10. See - Saw - Seen

11. Keep - Kept - Kept

12. Know - Knew - Known

13. Leave - Left - Left

14. Feel - Felt - Felt

15. Put - Put - Put

16. Bring - Brought - Brought

17. Begin - Began - Begun

18. Think - Thought - Thought

19. Understand - Understood - Understood

20. Speak - Spoke - Spoken

21. Drive - Drove - Driven

22. Break - Broke - Broken

23. Sing - Sang - Sung

24. Eat - Ate - Eaten

25. Write - Wrote - Written

These irregular verbs have unique past tense and past participle forms that do not follow the regular "-
ed" pattern. Learning these forms is essential for using English verbs correctly in different tenses.

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