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Task 1

Complete with your identity!

Sure is ______ (kinds of weather), isn’t it? I feel _____________ (happy

expression) Let me introduce myself. My name is _______________ but you can call
me ___________ It is because I have _____________________ Do you know? I am
a ______________ I study/work at __________________ Yup, I come from
_______________________ If you go to my city someday, I am very happy to
accompany you to see a lot of recreation such as ___________, ________________,
or ________ Next, I have a lot of hobbies such as __________, __________,
____________ Let me explain you one of the best of my hobbies __________ I like it
because ______________________________ All right, I think is enough my speech.
So long take care, good bye.

Task 2
Read this news item text then answer the following questions!

Judika to produce duet album with wife

Jakarta: Singer Judika Sihotang plans to record a duet

album with his wife, Duma Riris Silalahi, arguing that it has been
a while since a married couple released such an album.
Judika, who had just launched his fourth album Hati dan
Cinta (Hearth and love), said he was inspired by the album from
Indonesian diva Krisdayanti and her then-husband Anang
“I listened to them when I was in high school. I have not
seen anyone using the same concept”, the 36-year-old said as
quoted by
Judika said he initially wanted his fourth album to be a
duet album but his wife’s pregnancy forced them to postpone the
plan. “Maybe we will start working on the album after Duma
finished breastfeeding,” he said.
(Taken from Jakarta Post, Saturday, November 22nd, 2004)

1. What is the text about?

2. The purpose of writing the text above is ….
3. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
4. “Maybe we will start … The underlined word refers to ….
5. How is the Judika’s wife?
6. What does Judika plan?
7. Find the synonym of:
a. postpone b. start
8. Find the antonym of:
a. work b. duet
9. Tell that news in your own words again!

Task 3
Pleasure garden, kinds of tools and equipment and textures.
Find the meaning of these following words and try to know their function.

Pleasure Garden

ornamental tree, patio, flagstone, rock garden, shed, latern,

hedge, edging, clump of flower, flower bed, climbing plan,

pergola, hanging basket, garden arch, lawn

Tools and equipment

hammer, shovel, spade, saw, screwdriver, pick, scythe,

edger, digging fork, wrench, pliers, watering can, sprinkler hose,

pump sprayer, garden shear, hand fork, weeder, trowel, seeder,

garden line, hook, hoe, lawn rake, secateurs, sickle, hand mower,

trimmer, spreader, wheelbarrow, rotavator, chainsaw


Hard, soft, rough, smooth, prickly, sharp, dull,

spotless, striped

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