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Q1: Frankie Avalon fell for this "Dynasty" blonde in "Beach Blanket Bingo"?

The crrect Answer is: Linda Evans

Q2: Home insulation is rated by R-value, R standing for this to heat flow?

The crrect Answer is: resistance

Q3: This character in "The Wizard of Oz" wants some brains to make him happier?

The crrect Answer is: the Scarecrow

Q4: (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Explorers Club in New York.) Using this radio
transmitter to keep in contact with his base camp, this admiral left camp on the afternoon of
November 28, 1929, & flew south; around 9 hours later, he & his crew became the first to fly
over the South Pole?

The crrect Answer is: Richard Byrd

Q5: In 1449 Henry VI instituted the (hopefully non-evil) office of sheriff here, now an
industrial city in central England?

The crrect Answer is: Nottingham

Q6: "Little Women" detailed the passage from childhood to womanhood of these 4 March

The crrect Answer is: Meg, Jo, Beth & Amy

Q7: It's the French name of the Seine's Left Bank, home to the Sorbonne & intellectual life?

The crrect Answer is: the Rive Gauche

Q8: The "XK" in the name of this British maker's famed XK-E refers to its engine, the 11th in
the X series?
The crrect Answer is: Jaguar

Q9: Save your tears because "it's no use crying over" this "spilt" beverage?

The crrect Answer is: milk

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