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Q1: This First Lady's final acting role was in "The Sam Darland Story", a 1962 episode of the

TV series "Wagon Train"?

The crrect Answer is: Nancy Reagan

Q2: To find the area of a circle, you multiply this by the radius squared?

The crrect Answer is: pi

Q3: From the Latin for "elbow", it's the forearm bone that...well, forms the elbow?

The crrect Answer is: the ulna

Q4: This term for items sold alone is from French for "according to the menu"?

The crrect Answer is: a la carte

Q5: No trees grow above this "line" near the tops of mountains?

The crrect Answer is: the timber line

Q6: Born in 1961, this famous woman was the daughter of the Eighth Earl Spencer?

The crrect Answer is: Princess Diana

Q7: Rabbit Island & Sea Lion Island are in this disputed South American group?

The crrect Answer is: the Falklands

Q8: Teri Pall claimed the 1965 invention of this device that had a range of 2 miles; we don't
know if it was a 900 MHz?

The crrect Answer is: a cordless phone

Q9: The "hock" is the last card drawn in this once-popular game, a homophone of an ancient

The crrect Answer is: faro

Q10: A Vienna library has a recipe from 1696 for this flaky pastry & ja, the filling is apple?

The crrect Answer is: strudel

Q11: The mineral seen here?

The crrect Answer is: turquoise

Q12: In 2014 these Charlotte NBA felines became the Hornets?

The crrect Answer is: the Bobcats

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