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Driver’s Manual
Copying, revision, translation and distribution of this work and all other instances of driver infor-
mation irrespective of form or method is forbidden without written consent from Scania CV AB.
All statutory rights are reserved by Scania CV AB.

The driver’s manual contains relevant information to enable you to operate the vehicle safely and
correctly. In addition, it tells you how to use the equipment included in your vehicle. (In certain
cases, it may also contain information on equipment not found in the vehicle.) Scania assumes that
every person driving a Scania vehicle has familiarised themselves with the content of the associ-
ated Driver’s Manual and (if applicable) agreed to the rights that Scania has reserved. Scania em-
ploys a policy of continual development, and we must therefore reserve the right to make changes
to equipment and technology supplied with the vehicle. For this reason, the information con-
tained in this driver’s manual cannot be called on to support claims resulting from any such

Today ECUs (Electronic Control Units), digital tachographs, FMS systems (Fleet Management
Systems) and other equipment in Scania vehicles can record and store information such as vehicle
specifications, modifications, repairs and the use of the vehicle. This information can be read by
remote download via its wireless communication units or during a workshop visit.

Scania, in its capacity as a manufacturer and original vendor of the vehicle and associated services,
has an interest in processing this type of operational data (either itself or using companies that are
members of Scania’s authorised distribution or workshop network) for three primary purposes:

1. Providing services: The owner of a Scania vehicle can order certain services related to the anal-
ysis and processing of operational data from members of the Scania organisation, allowing the
customer to evaluate its business operations or meet its legal obligations.

2. Enhanced customer benefits: Scania can create an environment that provides the best possible
customer service in its workshops by providing the correct parts information, correct vehicle data,
drawings and the correct information in the information products supplied by Scania.

3. Product development: Scania can benefit its design and engineering work by analysing opera-
tional data from actual conditions, with the objective of improving its products, making them
even more economical and environmentally friendly.

Scania confirms and guarantees that operational data, read and processed in accordance with the
above, will not be transmitted to third parties for any other than the stated purpose, that opera-
tional data will in no way be processed in any way that will impinge on the owner’s competitive-
ness, that no specific data regarding the driver of the vehicle will be processed or identified in a
Scania company’s processing of the operational data (to the extent that the information in general
can be considered to be personal data) and that no driver will be identified in the stored data other
than within the framework of a service that the owner has ordered from a Scania company.

When we use the term Scania workshop, we normally mean an Authorised Scania Workshop. An
Authorised Scania Workshop has been approved by DOS (Scania’s dealer and workshop stand-
ard), which covers a number of different customer services. An authorised workshop is responsible
for carrying out repairs under warranty in accordance with Scania’s warranty stipulations. An Au-
thorised Scania Workshop possesses the training, tools and equipment necessary to diagnose
faults and carry out common repairs on Scania vehicles. When a workshop for some reason is not
able to fulfil its commitments, it is possible to obtain help from Scania Assistance and the respon-
sible distributor. Many other workshops also possess the ability to carry out repairs on Scania ve-

hicles and Scania will oblige by supplying at a cost any documentation, training and tools that are
necessary. Scania is not able to assess the competence of these workshops or support them if re-
pairs are not carried out in a proper manner. Scania does not accept responsibility for repairs car-
ried out by these workshops.

Open source (Open Source Notice)

Parts of this software contains files which include open source (open source) licences, which may
require additional rights and obligations for the recipient. These files are supplied as found. A list
of applicable open source (open source) licenses is shown below. During a three year period after
receiving this product you can obtain a copy of the open source of these files by sending a request
to Scania at the following address:


Version 2, June 1991

Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Bos-
ton, MA 02110-1301 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this
license document, but changing it is not allowed.


The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By
contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and
change free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This General Public Li-
cense applies to most of the Free Software Foundation’s software and to any other program whose
authors commit to using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by the
GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to your programs, too.

When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Li-
censes are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software
(and charge for this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it,
that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you know you
can do these things.

To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights
or to ask you to surrender the rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you
if you distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.

For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give
the recipients all the rights that you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get
the source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.

We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and (2) offer you this license
which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the software.

Also, for each author’s protection and ours, we want to make certain that everyone understands
that there is no warranty for this free software. If the software is modified by someone else and

passed on, we want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so that any prob-
lems introduced by others will not reflect on the original authors’ reputations.

Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software patents. We wish to avoid the dan-
ger that redistributors of a free program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making
the program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed
for everyone’s free use or not licensed at all.

The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow.




0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains a notice placed by the cop-
yright holder saying it may be distributed under the terms of this General Public License. The
"Program", below, refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a work con-
taining the Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in the term "mod-
ification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".

Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License; they
are outside its scope. The act of running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the
Program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the Program (independent of
having been made by running the Program). Whether that is true depends on what the Program

1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program’s source code as you receive it, in
any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appro-
priate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this Li-
cense and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of
this License along with the Program.

You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your option offer
warranty protection in exchange for a fee.

2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of it, thus forming a work
based on the Program, and copy and distribute such modifications or work under the terms of
Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:

a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the
files and the date of any change.

b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in whole or in part contains or
is derived from the Program or any part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all
third parties under the terms of this License.

c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when run, you must cause
it, when started running for such interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice that there is no warranty
(or else, saying that you provide a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this License. (Exception: if the Pro-
gram itself is interactive but does not normally print such an announcement, your work based
on the Program is not required to print an announcement.)

These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work
are not derived from the Program, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate
works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you
distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole
which is a work based on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this
License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and
every part regardless of who wrote it.

Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work written en-
tirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.

In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program with the Program (or
with a work based on the Program) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not
bring the other work under the scope of this License.

3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, under Section 2) in object
code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one
of the following:

a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which must
be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for soft-
ware interchange; or,

b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give any third party, for a
charge no more than your cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete ma-
chine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of Sec-
tions 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,

c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to distribute corresponding
source code. (This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such an offer, in accord with Sub-
section b above.)

The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it.
For an executable work, complete source code means all the source code for all modules it con-
tains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and
installation of the executable. However, as a special exception, the source code distributed need
not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs,
unless that component itself accompanies the executable.

If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated
place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the same place counts as dis-
tribution of the source code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source along
with the object code.

4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program except as expressly provided
under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program
is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who
have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated
so long as such parties remain in full compliance.

5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing
else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Program or its derivative works. These ac-
tions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distrib-
uting the Program (or any work based on the Program), you indicate your acceptance of this
License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Pro-
gram or works based on it.

6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the Program), the recipient au-
tomatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program
subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recip-
ients’ exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by
third parties to this License.

7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other
reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order,
agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you
from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your
obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-
free redistribution of the Program by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through
you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from
distribution of the Program.

If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any particular circumstance,
the balance of the section is intended to apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in
other circumstances.

It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other property right
claims or to contest validity of any such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is implemented by public license practic-
es. Many people have made generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that system; it is up to the author/do-
nor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software through any other system and a licensee
cannot impose that choice.

This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the rest
of this License.

8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in certain countries either by patents
or by copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright holder who places the Program under this Li-

cense may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that
distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License
incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License.

9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the General Public
License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but
may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.

Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program specifies a version number
of this License which applies to it and "any later version", you have the option of following the
terms and conditions either of that version or of any later version published by the Free Software
Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose
any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation.

10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free programs whose distribution
conditions are different, write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is copy-
righted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free sta-
tus of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software gen-







How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs

If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, the
best way to achieve this is to make it free software which everyone can redistribute and change
under these terms.

To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to attach them to the start of
each source file to most effectively convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at
least the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.

<one line to give the program’s name and a brief idea of what it does.> Copyright (C) <year>
<name of author>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRAN-
TY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PAR-
TICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301 USA.

Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.

If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this when it starts in an interactive

Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author Gnomovision comes with ABSO-
LUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type ‘show w’. This is free software, and you are wel-
come to redistribute it under certain conditions; type ‘show c’ for details.

The hypothetical commands ‘show w’ and ‘show c’ should show the appropriate parts of the Gen-
eral Public License. Of course, the commands you use may be called something other than ‘show
w’ and ‘show c’; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.

You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your school, if any, to sign
a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:

Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program ‘Gnomovision’ (which
makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.

<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989 Ty Coon, President of Vice

This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into proprietary pro-
grams. If your program is a subroutine library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking
proprietary applications with the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser Gen-
eral Public License instead of this License.


Model / FCC ID: L2C0051TR IC: 3432A-0051TR

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and with Industry Canada license-exempt
RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not
cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.

Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio ex-
empts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) l’appareil ne doit
pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélec-
trique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.

Note: Changes or modifications not expressively approved by the party responsible for compli-
ance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. The term “IC:” before the radio
certification number only signifies that Industry Canada technical specifications were met.

Note: This equipment complies with radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled en-
vironment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance of 20 cm
between the radiator and the body of any persons, user or bystander.

Refer to for additional information.


The radio equipment fitted in the vehicle conforms with the 2014/53/EU Directive. Refer to the
complete text of the EU Declaration of Conformity that is found at the following website:


About the Driver’s Manual .............................................1

Read this first.................................................................................1
Feedback to Scania ........................................................................1
Admonitions in the Driver’s Manual ............................................1

Safety during vehicle maintenance ...............................................3
Danger of fire and explosion.........................................................3
Safety belt ......................................................................................4
Airbag ............................................................................................8
Safety regulations for fire extinguisher.......................................10
Smoke detector............................................................................12

Environment ..................................................................15
Roof air deflector ........................................................................15
Economical driving .....................................................................17
Checking nitrogen oxides ...........................................................23
White smoke limiter ...................................................................25
Handling hazardous substances ..................................................26
Scania Euro 6...............................................................................26

Instrument for vehicle information..............................29

Instrument cluster .......................................................................29
Menus in the Display ..................................................................32
Indicator lamps and symbols.......................................................36
Tachograph .................................................................................80
Tachograph .................................................................................86
Wireless download for the tachograph.......................................86
ID button.....................................................................................88


Tyre pressure monitoring ...........................................................92

Driving time and rest time support ............................................97
Hour counter.............................................................................101

Driver environment .....................................................102

Steering wheel ...........................................................................102
Direction indicator and wiper lever..........................................105
Adjusting the collapsible gear lever in the cab .........................109
Ergonomics ...............................................................................110
Fixed seat ...................................................................................112
Seat, basic ..................................................................................113
Seat, middle ...............................................................................114
Seat, premium ...........................................................................115
Folding seat ...............................................................................116
Reclining seat ............................................................................117
Seat heating ...............................................................................117
Extendable ladder......................................................................118
Fixed bed ...................................................................................118
Upper bed..................................................................................119
Kitchen module .........................................................................121
TV preparation .........................................................................125
Electrical socket in cab..............................................................127
Climate system ..........................................................................127
Air horn .....................................................................................137
Sound level control for reverse alarm.......................................137
Rear view mirrors and window winders ...................................138
Rear view mirror heating ..........................................................140
Heated windscreen ....................................................................141
Roof hatch .................................................................................142
Roof hatch .................................................................................143
Auxiliary heater .........................................................................143
Remote control for auxiliary heater..........................................151


App for the remote control of auxiliary heater.........................155

Electric heater ...........................................................................156
Outer storage compartments ....................................................158

Driver assistance system ..............................................159

Hand throttle.............................................................................159
Kick-down .................................................................................161
Acceleration control ..................................................................161
Cruise control............................................................................162
Cruise control with active prediction .......................................163
Adaptive cruise control .............................................................173
Calibrating the distance sensor.................................................183
Lane departure warning (LDW) ..............................................184
Scania Driver Support...............................................................187
Idling speed adjustment ............................................................193
Adaptive idling ..........................................................................195

Road-holding ...............................................................196
Air suspension ...........................................................................196
Alternative vehicle levels ...........................................................198
Tag axle lift................................................................................199
Load transfer .............................................................................201
Axle weight regulation, tag axle ................................................205
Operation unit for air suspension .............................................207
Manual level control .................................................................212

Mobility ........................................................................215
Selectable front wheel drive ......................................................215
Differential lock ........................................................................217


Low gear in transfer box ...........................................................220

Drive wheel disengagement ......................................................221
ESP ............................................................................................223
Traction Control (TC) .............................................................225

Gear changing and braking ........................................231

Gear changing ...........................................................................231
Clutch monitoring ....................................................................239
Collapsible gear lever ................................................................240
Opticruise ..................................................................................240
Opticruise ..................................................................................253
Exhaust brake ............................................................................268
Retarder .....................................................................................272
Downhill speed control.............................................................275
Downhill speed control with offset...........................................277
Parking brake ............................................................................279
Trailer brake..............................................................................283
Interlock valve ...........................................................................285
Hill hold ....................................................................................286
Hill start assistance....................................................................288
Automatic neutral position .......................................................290
ABS ............................................................................................290
EBS ............................................................................................292

Lighting ........................................................................297
Standard lighting.......................................................................297
Lighting in the cab ....................................................................301
Rotating beacon ........................................................................314

Locks and alarm ...........................................................315

Central locking..........................................................................315


Central locking and alarm.........................................................319

Starter lock ................................................................................329
Immobiliser ...............................................................................331

Infotainment system....................................................333

Loading and unloading...............................................348

Tail lift.......................................................................................348
Towing unit...............................................................................349
Trailer socket ............................................................................351
Trailer socket ............................................................................355
Compressed air, trailer connection...........................................357
Fifth wheel.................................................................................358
Fifth wheel.................................................................................362
Fifth wheel.................................................................................366
Fifth wheel.................................................................................369
Securing the vehicle on a ferry .................................................373

Check points..............................................................................375
Check the brake system for leaks..............................................378
Checking brake chamber stroke length ....................................379

Maintenance ................................................................380
Maintenance programme ..........................................................380
Tool kit......................................................................................380
Front grille panel.......................................................................382
Cab tilting..................................................................................382
External ladder ..........................................................................390
Renewing a bulb ........................................................................391


Wiper blade ...............................................................................402

Engine air cleaner .....................................................................402
Water separating fuel filter .......................................................403
Snow protection air intake ........................................................406
Radiator blind............................................................................408
Regeneration of the particulate filter........................................411
Draining the compressed air tanks ...........................................414
Disc brake..................................................................................416
Internal cleaning........................................................................419
External cleaning.......................................................................421
Tyres and rims...........................................................................425
Changing wheels .......................................................................432
Touching up paintwork ............................................................438
Waxing and polishing ...............................................................439
Wheel chocks ............................................................................439

Emergencies .................................................................441
Emergency exit..........................................................................441
Emergency kit ...........................................................................442
Warning triangle .......................................................................442
Towing and recovery ................................................................442
Shunting ....................................................................................452
Detaching the propeller shaft ...................................................453
Release the parking brake without compressed air ..................459
Chassis lifting points .................................................................462
Filler nipple for parking brake circuit.......................................465

Electrical system...........................................................467
Fuses and relays .........................................................................467
Batteries .....................................................................................493
Batteries .....................................................................................500
Battery master switch ................................................................503


Battery charger ..........................................................................506

Adaptive battery charging .........................................................507
Jump starting .............................................................................508
Jump starting .............................................................................511
Jump socket ...............................................................................516

Bodywork .....................................................................518
EG power take-off.....................................................................518
EK power take-off.....................................................................522
ED power take-off.....................................................................523
Bodybuilding and conversions ..................................................524
Wet kit.......................................................................................526
EXT switch................................................................................527
Operating the platform .............................................................528
Operating the platform .............................................................530
Box truck bodywork ..................................................................533

Oils and fluids ..............................................................540

Engine oil ..................................................................................540
Hydraulic oil..............................................................................540
Checking and topping up engine oil.........................................541
Power steering oil......................................................................545
Automatic chassis lubrication....................................................547
AdBlue .......................................................................................550
Filling clutch fluid .....................................................................556
Coolant ......................................................................................559
Topping up with coolant when expansion tank is empty.........563
Washer fluid ..............................................................................564

Fuel, biodiesel............................................................................565
Fuel heater.................................................................................568


The fuel system .........................................................................570

Raised idling speed ....................................................................571
Bleed the fuel system.................................................................572
Contaminants in the fuel...........................................................582

Technical data..............................................................585
Type plate..................................................................................585
Pressure in brake system ...........................................................585
Tyre pressure.............................................................................586

About the Driver’s Manual

About the Driver’s Manual

Read this first
Read the entire Driver’s Manual thoroughly before driving the
vehicle. Always follow the admonitions and instructions given.
The Driver’s Manual tells you what you need to know about the
vehicle to be able to drive it without risking damage to the
vehicle or injury to yourself or others.
The vehicle settings described in the Driver’s Manual may differ
from the settings in your vehicle.
It also covers vehicle maintenance and how to carry out minor
repairs. For more information on repairs, refer to Scania’s
workshop literature.

Feedback to Scania
Contact your dealer if you have views on the content of this
Driver’s Manual. The dealer can help you make a report to the
Scania factory. Scania is thankful for all suggestions regarding
improvements, as we continuously strive to make the Driver’s
Manual as user-friendly as possible.

Admonitions in the Driver’s Manual


This caption is used when there is a risk of

personal injury.

1 Complete
About the Driver’s Manual

This caption is used when there is a risk of
material damage to the vehicle or other property.

This caption is used for certain important

This prompt is used when there is information
which will affect the environment.

This prompt is used when there is information
which will affect the ergonomics.

20170627 2

Safety during vehicle maintenance
Work performed on the vehicle, such as inspection and service
or repairs, must be carried out by someone who has a very good
understanding of the work involved in order to avoid any risk of
personal injury or damage to property and the environment. If in
doubt, contact your Scania workshop.
When working indoors with the engine running, provide
adequate ventilation or use an exhaust extraction unit.
Always have a margin of safety when danger is involved. Protect
yourself as well as others. Don’t take risks!

Danger of fire and explosion

Avoid open fires, welding and suchlike when close to substances
that are combustible and explosive, such as oil and diesel fuel oil.

Flammable material
If your load consists of flammable material which can come into
contact with hot parts of the vehicle during loading and
unloading, you must remove any spillage before driving off.
Clean thoroughly to reduce the risk of fire.
The following parts on the vehicle normally become hot when
driving: exhaust pipe, exhaust manifold, exhaust end pipe,
turbocharger and silencer.
Examples of flammable materials are wood chips, bark, shredded
paper and grain.

3 Complete

Safety belt
The protection provided by the belt is best if the waist strap is
worn low over the hips. The diagonal strap should be positioned
as far in on the shoulder as possible without coming too close to
your neck. Make sure the belt is not twisted or chafing against
any sharp edges.
The belt must not be slack at any point. Check especially
thoroughly if you are wearing bulky clothes.


To reduce the risk of injury in a collision, the

driver and passengers should always use safety
belts when in motion.

Safety belt and child car seat


A child must always wear its own safety belt.

Without its own safety belt, the risk increases for
the child to receive serious injuries in connection
with powerful braking or collision.

20170627 4

• Children shorter than 135 cm must use a car seat.

Without a car seat, the risk of serious injuries increases
in connection with powerful braking or collision. Baby
car seats must be used for children who are not able to
sit upright on their own.

Scania’s passenger seats are not tested for child or
baby car seats. The use of a child or baby car seat
is therefore done at your own risk.

Seat belts and pregnancy

Pregnant women must always wear a safety belt. Remember:
• The lap strap must be worn as low as possible, below the

• The shoulder strap must go over the chest. It must not be

worn across the stomach.


If the seatbelt is not fastened correctly, sudden

breaking or a collision could potentially cause the
seatbelt to dig into the stomach, resulting in
serious injury to both the baby and the mother.

5 Complete

To increase the protection for the driver, the safety belt is

equipped with a belt pretensioner. The belt pretensioner is
always activated in the event of a heavy frontal collision and
reduces forward body movement. The belt pretensioner also
releases if the vehicle rolls over, but not if it is hit from the side
or in the case of minor collisions.

After the collision


The safety belt, belt pretensioner and other

constituent parts must be inspected after each
Even safety belts and components that are not
used in the collision must be inspected and
renewed if they show signs of damage or other

Scania recommends renewing all component parts of the safety

belts that have been used in a collision. Renewal is not necessary
after a minor collision when a Scania workshop cannot find any
damage and considers the function to be fault-free.

20170627 6



Belt pretensioners must be disposed of in a safe

manner before scrapping the vehicle.

Symbols in the instrument cluster


Yellow symbol.

The symbol may be displayed if the belt pretensioner has been

When the symbol lights up while you are driving, a fault has
occurred. This fault may mean that the belt pretensioner will not
be activated in a collision. The belt pretensioner must then be
checked immediately by a Scania workshop.
The normal safety belt function will work even if the symbol is

Fault codes
If there is a fault on the belt pretensioner, fault codes are
generated. For more information on how to view the fault codes,
refer to the section IVD.

7 Complete



In particular, it is important to wear the safety

belt in vehicles fitted with airbag or curtain
airbag. This is to ensure the correct sitting
position if the airbag or curtain airbag inflates.

Airbag in steering wheel

The airbag is triggered during a frontal collision to protect the

The crash safety system detects

that the vehicle has collided and

deploys the airbag.

20170627 8

Curtain airbags


The curtain airbags are located behind the panel above the door
and release if the vehicle has a frontal collision or overturns.
The curtain airbags prevent you from, among other things,
falling out of the cab or hitting your head in a collision or when


Equipment must not be fitted to the inner roof of

the vehicle, door pillars or side panels. This can
lead to impaired protection.

9 Complete

Symbols in the instrument cluster


Yellow symbol.

A yellow symbol comes on if a fault has occurred in the system.

The fault may mean that the airbag is not triggered during a
collision. Contact a Scania workshop for checking.

Safety regulations for fire

Please read these instructions carefully and pass on the
information to other possible users of the fire extinguisher. This
should be done before it is placed/mounted in position, or
before it is used for the first time. The fire extinguisher needs to
be turned every three months so that the powder in the fire
extinguisher does not shrink. Information on how to use the fire
extinguisher is found on the fire extinguisher label.
• If possible, provide users with information about how to
use the fire extinguisher and explain the risks of misuse.
Keep children away from fire extinguishers.

• Do not aim the jet of extinguishing medium directly at

someone. Keep a safety distance of at least 1 metre when
extinguishing burning clothes on a person.

20170627 10

• Only skilled service technicians trained in accordance

with local legislation may open and carry out
maintenance on the fire extinguisher.

• The fire extinguisher may be pressurised. Do not expose

it to force from outside and do not use force to open it.

• Allow a skilled service engineer to depressurise damaged

or rusty fire extinguishers or fittings. This must be done
before the fire extinguisher is taken to a waste disposal

• It is not permitted to make any modifications, e.g.

welding or soldering, to the fire extinguisher.

• Keep the fire extinguisher clean. Do not use any strong

detergents, just clean it with a damp cloth.

• The fire extinguisher should only be used as a fire

extinguisher container.

• Do not expose it to direct sunlight or to the effects of the


• Always secure the fire extinguisher properly in the

vehicle. It must be secured in special holders so that it
cannot be damaged by the vehicle’s vibrations and
movement, or fall out of its holders.

• Never hand over the fire extinguisher to third parties

without giving them these instructions.

11 Complete

Data on operational use of the fire

extinguisher including extinguishing
medium (user data)

Operating temperature range refer to instructions on the

(related to extinguishing fire extinguisher label

Nominal operating pressure refer to instructions on the

(continuous pressure fire extinguisher label
extinguisher) at +20°C:

The information stated on the extinguisher label concerning

operating range, nominal operating pressure, quantity of
extinguishing medium and propellant gas pressure applies to a
fully operational fire extinguisher including extinguishing
The label may be located on the fire extinguisher or in the
Driver’s information folder.

Smoke detector
The smoke alarm is triggered when it detects smoke particles.
The smoke alarm can react to particles in cigarette smoke and to
some extent to dust.

20170627 12

The button flashes at 45 second intervals during normal

operation. The alarm starts at a lower noise level and increases
after approximately 50 seconds to a higher noise level.

The external environment affects the service life
of the smoke alarm.

The smoke alarm is located above the door on the


driver side or in the ceiling on the driver side.

Checking the smoke alarm

Check that the smoke alarm is working at least
once a week and always after holidays or any other
extended period of absence.

To check that the smoke alarm is working, hold down the button
for 5-10 seconds. The alarm should then sound and the button
should flash for as long as it is pressed.

13 Complete

After the check, the smoke alarm is set
automatically to timer mode.

If the alarm goes off for no reason, this may be because the smoke
alarm is dirty. The smoke alarm must then be renewed.
The smoke alarm should always be checked during servicing in
the workshop.

Timer function
Since the alarm can also be triggered for reasons other than
smoke from a fire, there is a timer function which allows the
driver to switch off the smoke alarm temporarily. The function
can be used when smoking. Briefly pressing the button switches
off the smoke alarm for 10 minutes. This can also be done when
the alarm has gone off. The button flashes at 10 second intervals
when in timer mode.

Renewing the battery

When it is time to renew the battery, the button flashes and the
smoke alarm chirps at 45 second intervals. This alarm signal is
triggered approximately one month before the battery is
completely flat. The battery lasts for 1-2 years depending on the
number of alarms and periods of high temperatures. The smoke
alarm takes a 9-volt battery, type 6R61, 6LR61 or 1604 A.

20170627 14

Roof air deflector

Crank for adjusting roof air



An optimum setting of the roof air deflector is important as it has

a great effect on the fuel consumption.

An incorrectly adjusted roof air deflector has an
exceptionally negative effect on the fuel
consumption. Scania recommends that you
contact your Scania workshop for help with the
optimal setting.

If a Scania workshop cannot help with the optimum adjustment,

a temporary adjustment of the roof air deflector can be made.
This can e.g. apply to tractors that change semi-trailers several
times a week. A temporary adjustment should only be made in

15 Complete

exceptional cases due to the negative effect on the fuel


Rules of thumb for temporary adjustment of the roof air


• If possible, get the assistance of an extra person for

simpler adjustments.

• Aim to get the air flowing from the roof air deflector to
flow a little above the front edge of the trailer or

• It is better to set the roof air deflector too high in relation

to the trailer than the opposite. A roof air deflector set
too low will give a higher fuel consumption than one set
too high.

20170627 16

1 2

1. Optimum setting of the roof air 3. Too low setting of the roof air
deflector. deflector.
2. Too high setting of the roof air

Contact a Scania workshop for adjusting the air deflector.

Economical driving

Your vehicle affects the environment

In order to improve fuel economy and reduce exhaust emissions,
Scania is constantly striving to increase engine efficiency and
reduce the air/rolling resistance of vehicles. It is nevertheless
inevitable that your vehicle and your driving will affect the

17 Complete

Exhaust gases contain, for example, carbon dioxide, nitrogen

oxides and hydrocarbons.
• Carbon dioxide emissions contribute to the greenhouse
effect, and are regarded as being the environmental
problem which is most difficult to overcome.

• Nitrogen oxides contribute to the acidification of soil and

water and to eutrophication.

• Hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides help to form ground

level ozone which is harmful to human life, animals and

Drive economically and reduce the

environmental impact
The most important aspect of economical driving is a long-term,
permanent fuel saving. The less fuel your vehicle consumes, the
less exhaust gases it emits. It is therefore possible to save money
and the environment by reducing fuel consumption. The main
factors affecting the fuel consumption are your driving and the
condition of the vehicle.

Your driving
• Plan ahead when driving so that you avoid large
variations in speed.

20170627 18

• Economical driving with good forward planning and

greater use of the vehicle’s kinetic energy can reduce the
fuel consumption by 10%.

• Use the retarder and exhaust brake to save the wheel


• A preheated engine is subject to less wear when starting

than a cold engine.

• Run the engine at idling speed for approximately 1

minute after driving before switching off the engine.
Otherwise there is a risk of the turbocharger being

Vehicle condition
• A well-serviced engine and fuel system give good
efficiency. In the long run it is always more expensive to
neglect vehicle maintenance than to observe the
recommended service intervals. A vehicle that is well
looked after is always more economical in operation
than one that is neglected and poorly maintained.

• The vehicle’s service life and fuel economy are improved

if the vehicle is kept in good condition.

19 Complete

A clean air filter considerably reduces the fuel

Economy gear ratio

If your vehicle has economy gear ratio, it will have an engine
speed of approx. 1,200 rpm at cruising speed. The low engine
speed means that you save fuel. It may require rather more gear
If your vehicle is equipped with overdrive, you can drive in 11th
gear at cruising speed with a heavy load, such as on hilly terrain
or when the vehicle is fully laden. You will have better pulling
power and will not need so many gear changes.
If your vehicle is equipped with Opticruise you should drive in
automatic mode to obtain the best fuel economy and driving

• Insufficient pressure in the tyres increases the rolling
resistance and therefore also the fuel consumption. In
addition, the tyres rapidly become worn and this also
affects safety when driving. Incorrect tyre pressure can
increase fuel consumption by up to 5%.

20170627 20

Check the tyre pressure frequently. Carry out the
check when the tyres are cold.

• Choose the correct tyres to suit your driving. If you use

energy tyres, the fuel consumption is reduced by 4-6%.
An unnecessarily deep tread leads to greater rolling

• Make sure that the rims and tyres on double-mounted

wheels are the same type and size.

Air resistance
• The air resistance is affected by the road speed. If the
road speed is doubled, the air resistance increases by a
factor of four. As the height and width of the vehicle
increases, its air resistance also increases. This also
applies if there are roof racks and other protruding
objects on the vehicle.

• By adapting the bodywork and decreasing the height by

0.4 m, it is possible to save 2 litres of fuel per 100 km at a
speed of 80 km/h.

• Flat surfaces to covers and loads are important.

• The setting of the air deflector is important. An incorrect

setting increases the fuel consumption by 4-5%.

21 Complete

Driving hints
• You get the highest pulling power and cheapest operation
at engine speeds of between 1,000 and 1,600 rpm.

Do not overrev as it increases fuel consumption.
Driving in the red zone can damage the engine.

• Before changing up, accelerate just enough to keep the

engine speed after gear change at about 1,000 rpm.

• Before changing down, let the engine speed drop to about

1,000 rpm. Avoid changing gear if the engine can
manage anyway.

• Make use of the kinetic energy. Release the accelerator

pedal before a stop or on a downhill slope and roll

Allow the gear to engage and do not declutch.
This is to avoid damaging the gearbox.

• Drive as smoothly as possible and maintain the vehicle

speed. Increased vehicle speed leads to increased fuel

20170627 22

• Avoid unnecessary idling.

For more information, refer to the Menus in the display section.

Checking nitrogen oxides

Driving a vehicle that emits more nitrogen oxides
in the exhaust gases than intended could violate
national legislation. This could also mean that
the conditions for national tax and duty relief will
not be met. Comply with national legislation.

The purpose of check the amount of nitrogen oxides in the

exhaust gases is to ensure that the vehicle does not emit more
nitrogen oxides than intended. In general, national legislation
specifies requirements for nitrogen oxide emissions as well as
what measures must be taken if permitted limits are exceeded.

Display messages

Symbol for exceeded nitrogen oxide levels in the


exhaust gases.

A warning and a fault message is displayed in the instrument

cluster when:

• There is a fault in the nitrogen oxide control system.

23 Complete

• The vehicle emits more nitrogen oxides in the exhaust

gases than intended.

Once 50 hours of operating time have elapsed since the warning

was first lit, engine power is limited by 40%. The number of
hours remaining before engine power is limited is displayed in
the instrument cluster. The limitation is activated once time has
run out and the vehicle has been stopped.

Display messages

Symbol for exceeded nitrogen oxide levels in the


exhaust gases.

A warning and a fault message is displayed in the instrument

cluster when:

• There is a fault in the nitrogen oxide control system.

• The vehicle emits more nitrogen oxides in the exhaust

gases than intended.

Once 36 hours of operating time have elapsed since the warning

was first lit, engine power is limited by 40%. The number of
hours remaining before engine power is limited is displayed in
the instrument cluster. The limitation is activated the first time
the vehicle is started after the time has run out.

20170627 24

Display messages

Symbol for exceeded nitrogen oxide levels in the


exhaust gases.

A warning and a fault message is displayed in the instrument

cluster when:

• There is a fault in the nitrogen oxide control system.

• The vehicle emits more nitrogen oxides in the exhaust

gases than intended.

White smoke limiter

The white smoke limiter makes the engine emit cleaner exhaust
gases and maintain the correct operating temperature.
The white smoke limiter can, for example, be used when you
want to heat up the cooling system and cab by running at idle.
When the engine has become too hot, the white smoke limiter is
automatically switched off.

Remember that the white smoke limiter increases the exhaust

noise somewhat and therefore should be used with caution at

The white smoke limiter settings are made in the instrument

cluster. Use the OK button to navigate the display menu. You
can find the selection under Settings. For more information, refer
to the Menus in Display section.

25 Complete

Handling hazardous substances

Coolant, engine oil, hydraulic oil and similar substances are not
to be discharged into the sewage system or on the ground.


Refrigerant may only be handled by authorised


Isocyanates are used, e.g. in some paints, putties, glues and
plastic foams. Inhalation of isocyanates in the form of vapour,
dust or aerosol may cause irritation of mucous membranes with
asthmatic symptoms from the respiratory passages and produce
an impairment of lung function. Even short exposures may cause
lasting hypersensitivity.
When products containing bound-in isocyanates are heated,
these may be set free. This applies to grinding, welding, cutting,
etc. Therefore, provide for adequate ventilation in the working
area. Air-fed respirators should be used.

Scania Euro 6
The vehicle is certified for Euro 6 emission requirements. In
order for the vehicle to work optimally and to comply with Euro
6, the driver must care for the vehicle as prescribed in Scania’s
recommendations. This applies during driving and during
regular maintenance.

20170627 26

As part of Euro 6 certification, vehicle emissions must be

checked automatically during operation and different limitations
must be activated if the vehicle does not comply with the
requirements of Euro 6.

Driver inducement system

The driver inducement system monitors faults which may result
in raised emissions of nitrogen oxides and particles. In addition,
it monitors attempts to prevent or affect the exhaust gas
aftertreatment system.
When a fault is registered, a warning symbol is displayed
together with fault information in the instrument cluster. All
diagnostic information for emissions is saved in the control
system and can be read later using a diagnostic tool.

Fuel grade
The sulphur content in the fuel must not exceed 10 ppm
(0.001%). A higher content could damage the engine and
emission control.
For more information, refer to the section Fuel, diesel.

Particulate filter
Scania Euro 6 includes a particulate filter, which reduces the
quantity of particles in the exhaust gases. Occasionally, it may be

27 Complete

necessary to activate a regeneration of the particulate filter

Engine power is limited if the particulate filter is excessively full.
For more information, refer to the section Regeneration of the
particulate filter.

Symbol for regeneration of the particulate filter.

Scania Euro 6 includes emission control technology – SCR –
which reduces the amount of nitrogen oxides in the exhaust
gases. Ensure that the SCR system remains functional by
topping up AdBlue regularly.
If the vehicle AdBlue tank is empty or the SCR system has been
damaged, the engine power and speed of the vehicle are limited.
Refer to the AdBlue section for more information.

Symbol for exhaust gas aftertreatment with AdBlue.

20170627 28
Instrument for vehicle information

Instrument for vehicle

Instrument cluster

2 3 4
1 5

7 8

1. Speedometer 6. Fuel level gauge

2. Direction indicator 7. Indicator lamps and warning
3. Display symbols

4. General warning symbols and 8. Coolant temperature gauge

indication symbols. 9. Display right, shows the AdBlue
5. Tachometer level, outdoor temperature and

29 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

1 2 3 4 5

6 8


1. Speedometer 6. Fuel level gauge

2. Direction indicator 7. Indicator lamps and warning
3. Display symbols

4. General warning symbols and 8. Display right, shows the AdBlue

indication symbols. level, outdoor temperature and
clock. Coolant temperature gauge
5. Tachometer

The tachometer displays the engine speed in revolutions per
minute, rpm.

The tachometer has 4 fields:

• White, 0-2,000 rpm and 2,200-2,400 rpm.

• Blue, 2,000-2,400 rpm. The engine auxiliary brake is

strongest here.

20170627 30
Instrument for vehicle information

• Red, above 2,400 rpm. If the engine speed is in the red

zone, there is a risk of damage to the engine.


1 2

1. Field A
2. Field B

3 4 3. Field C

4. Field D

The are 4 selectable fields in the display. You can select which
function you want to see in each field. Navigate to a function,
click the OK button and select in which field the display will be
shown. Delete a field by clicking the OK button, select delete
field and then select which field is to be deleted.

31 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information


1 b364924

1. Selectable field.

There is 1 selectable field in the display. You can select which

function you want to see in the field. Navigate to a function, click
the OK button and select insert in field. Delete the field by
clicking the OK button and select delete field.

Menus in the Display

Navigating in the instrument cluster

Use the switches on the right-hand side of the steering wheel to
navigate in the instrument cluster.

1. Menu navigation
3 1 2. OK button
3. Back button

2 4. Quick selection

20170627 32
Instrument for vehicle information

Main menus
The are 5 main menus in the instrument cluster.

1. Vehicle information 4. Media
2. Trip information 5. Settings
3. Instantaneous data

Vehicle information

Under the vehicle information menu you can find information

about the following:

• Differential locks

• Level adjustment

• Load display

• Tyre pressure

33 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

Trip information

Under the trip information menu you can find information

about the following:

• Cruise control

• Trip meter

• Fuel average

• Fuel overview

• Running hours

• Driving score

• Drive and rest times

Instantaneous data

Under the instantaneous data menu you can find information

about the following:

• Brake and oil pressure

20170627 34
Instrument for vehicle information

• Fuel level

• Fuel consumption

• Oil temperature

• Battery voltage


Under the media menu you can find information about the

• Media information

• Phone status

• Contacts

• Navigation


35 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

Under the settings menu you can find information about the

• Start-up check

• Functions

• Auxiliary heater

• Auxiliary trip meter

• Vehicle

• Display

• Information.

• Language

− To make it easy to change language, the language

selection is always last under the Settings menu.

Indicator lamps and symbols

The red or yellow warning lamp lights up if there is a fault on
the vehicle. Texts and symbols in the display or indicator lamps
in the instrument cluster indicate the fault that has occurred.

A red warning is displayed. The warning lights up red


even when it has been acknowledged.

20170627 36
Instrument for vehicle information

A yellow warning is displayed. The warning lights up


yellow even when it has been acknowledged.

Information levels
The information in the instrument cluster is displayed in 3 levels.


Red means a risk of serious injuries or death, or damage to the

vehicle or other property. You must take appropriate action


Yellow means that something on the vehicle is in a state which

risks damaging the vehicle. Rectify the fault as quickly as
possible. Yellow information can also mean that an active
function requires extra attention.

White, blue, green

White, blue and green show information from a function that is

operating normally.

Read what the information means in the relevant section of the
Driver’s Manual. Some symbols are displayed along with an

37 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

acoustic signal. The acoustic signal only sounds when the engine
is running.

Lights up blue

Main beam is on.

Lights up yellow

Rear foglamp is on.


Lights up yellow with acoustic signal

The headlamp rotary control is in the


dipped beam or position lamp position

when the voltage is switched off.

Lights up yellow

Main or dipped beam fault.


Action: Check whether a bulb is

defective. For more information, refer to
the section Renewing a bulb. Contact a
Scania workshop if the fault persists.

20170627 38
Instrument for vehicle information

b374078 Lights up red

Fault in the charging circuit.

Action: Stop the vehicle as soon as

possible. Switch off the engine. Contact
a Scania workshop.

Lights up yellow

Exhaust gas aftertreatment system


Action: Do not switch off the battery

master switch until the symbol has gone

Lights up red

Gas leakage.

Action: Stop the vehicle as soon as

possible. Switch off the engine. For
more information, refer to the section
Vehicle gas and safety.

39 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

Lights up yellow

Extremely low or high tyre pressure.


Action: Stop the vehicle and correct the

tyre pressure. For more information,
refer to the section Tyre pressure

Lights up white

Tyre pressure low.


Lights up white

Maintenance should be carried out.

Lights up white

Low level in the washer fluid tank.


Lights up red, with or without acoustic


The driver’s safety belt is not fastened.

20170627 40
Instrument for vehicle information

Lights up yellow

– The belt pretensioner or airbag has


been deployed or

– Fault in the crash safety system.

Action: Contact a Scania workshop.

Lights up yellow

The tool hatch is open.


Lights up yellow

Immobiliser fault.

Action: Contact a Scania workshop.

Lights up red

The instrument cluster has no contact


with the control units with which it

should be communicating.

Action: Stop the vehicle as soon as

possible. Check the fuses. Contact a
Scania workshop if the fault persists.

41 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

Lights up yellow

Fault in the instrument cluster.


Action: Contact a Scania workshop.

Lights up red

Fault in the instrument cluster.


Action: Stop the vehicle as soon as

possible. Contact a Scania workshop.

Lights up yellow

– No card or paper in the tachograph or


– Fault in the tachograph.

Action: For more information, refer to

the section Tachograph.

Lights up yellow

Lighting system fault.

Action: Stop the vehicle. Check the fuses

and the battery master switch. Contact a
Scania workshop if the fault persists.

20170627 42
Instrument for vehicle information

b200353 Lights up red

Coordinator fault or a fault affecting the


Action: Stop the vehicle as soon as

possible. Check the fuses. Contact a
Scania workshop if the fault persists.

Lights up yellow

The coordinator has not been


Action: Stop the vehicle. Contact a

Scania workshop.

Lights up red

Electric cab tilting is still activated.


Action: Deactivate before starting off.

43 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

Lights up red while driving

Brake pressure in the parking brake


circuit is too low and it is starting to be


Action: Stop the vehicle as soon as

possible. Contact a Scania workshop.

Flashes red with an acoustic signal

The parking brake is not applied and the


ignition has been switched off or the

door opened.

Flashes red

Serious fault in the parking brake.


Lights up red

The parking brake is applied.


Lights up green

Autohold is activated and the parking


brake is not applied.

20170627 44
Instrument for vehicle information

Lights up red with an acoustic signal

The brake pressure is too low, which


means the braking performance may be

considerably impaired.

Action: Stop the vehicle as soon as

possible. Contact a Scania workshop.

Lights up red

Fault on the vehicle electronic brake


system (EBS) or the brake pressure in

the circuit for the parking and trailer
brake is too low.

Action: Stop the vehicle as soon as

possible. Contact a Scania workshop.

45 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

Lights up yellow

– Fault which affects the brake system or


– The vehicle has full braking effect, but

not full EBS functionality or

– The brake discs are too hot or

– Fault on the air processing system

(APS), or

– High air consumption in the brake


Action: Contact a Scania workshop.

Lights up yellow

– Critical air consumption in the


pneumatic system.

Action: Check for any leaks over the

entire road train. Contact a Scania
workshop for checking.

20170627 46
Instrument for vehicle information

Lights up white

High air consumption in the pneumatic



Action: Check at the next workshop


Lights up yellow

– The brake linings are worn or


– Fault in brake lining wear sensors.

Action: Contact a Scania workshop.

Lights up green

The retarder is activated.


Lights up yellow

Retarder fault; no retarder braking


Action: Contact a Scania workshop.

47 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

b374075 Lights up yellow

High oil temperature in retarder.

Action: Contact a Scania workshop for


Lights up yellow

– Fault on vehicle anti-lock brake system


(ABS), or

– One or more wheel hubs are

abnormally hot.

Action: Contact a Scania workshop.

Lights up yellow

Fault on trailer anti-lock brake system


(ABS) – only applies at speeds over 10


Action: Contact a Scania workshop.

Lights up white

There are no anti-lock brakes (ABS) on

the trailer attached to the vehicle.

20170627 48
Instrument for vehicle information

Lights up red

Low brake pressure in the trailer brake



Action: Stop the vehicle as soon as

possible. Check connections to the
trailer. Contact a Scania workshop.

Lights up white

The trailer brake has been applied via


the trailer brake switch.

Lights up white

Hill hold will be released soon.


49 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

Lights up red while driving


Insufficient oil pressure which will

quickly damage the vehicle.

Action: Stop the vehicle as soon as

possible. Switch off the engine. Check
the engine oil level. Contact a Scania
workshop if the fault persists.

Lights up yellow

The oil pressure in the engine is too low

or too high. Along with the symbol
there may be a counter which indicates
the time remaining until the situation
becomes critical. Risk of engine damage.

Action: Check the engine oil level.

Contact a Scania workshop if the fault

Lights up yellow

The engine oil level is too high or too



Action: Check the oil level.

20170627 50
Instrument for vehicle information

Lights up white

Vehicle speed is limited.


There may be a counter associated with

the symbol. The counter indicates how
much time remains until speed
limitation is activated.

Lights up white

Engine power is limited.

There may be a counter associated with

the symbol. The counter indicates how
much time remains until power
limitation is activated.

Lights up red

Serious engine fault.

Action: Stop the vehicle as soon as

possible. Switch off the engine. Contact
a Scania workshop.

51 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

b200352 Lights up yellow

– Engine fault or

– The battery master switch was

switched off too soon last time it was
used or

– The battery master switch was

switched off before the ignition 10 times
in a row.

Action: For more information, refer to

the section Battery master switch. Contact
a Scania workshop if the fault persists.

Flashes yellow

A flashing engine symbol indicates that

the nitrogen oxide check is working. For
more information, refer to the section
Checking nitrogen oxides.

20170627 52
Instrument for vehicle information

b374114 Lights up yellow

Risk that the level of contaminants in

the exhaust gases emitted by the vehicle
will be too high. In some cases the
engine power is limited and in some
cases the vehicle speed is also limited.

Action: Pay attention to the messages in

the instrument cluster display. For more
information, refer to the section
Checking nitrogen oxides.

Lights up yellow

Low coolant level in the expansion tank.


Lights up red

The coolant temperature is too high.


Action: Reduce the engine load. For

more information, refer to the section

53 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

Lights up yellow

The starter motor has overheated.


Action: The starter motor must rest for

at least 5 minutes before the next
attempt to start it. For more
information, refer to the section Jump

Lights up yellow

The engine air filter cartridge is blocked


and must be renewed.

Action: Renew the air filter cartridge.

Refer to section Engine air cleaner for
more information.

Lights up white

The air filter cartridge is starting to get



Action: Check the air filter cartridge at

the next workshop visit. Refer to section
Engine air cleaner for more information.

20170627 54
Instrument for vehicle information

b374138 Lights up red

The particulate filter is excessively full

and engine power is limited.

Action: Contact a Scania workshop. For

more information, refer to the section
Regeneration of the particulate filter.

Lights up yellow

The particulate filter is full.

Action: Carry out manual regeneration.

For more information, refer to the
section Regeneration of the particulate

Lights up white

The particulate filter is starting to

become full.

For more information, refer to the

section Regeneration of the particulate

55 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

Lights up yellow

– Low level in AdBlue tank or


– SCR system fault.

Lights up yellow

Risk that the level of contaminants in


the exhaust gases emitted by the vehicle

will be too high. In some cases, engine
power is limited and in some cases
vehicle speed is also limited.

Action: Pay attention to the messages in

the instrument cluster display. Fill with
reductant. For more information, refer
to the section AdBlue. Contact a Scania
workshop if the fault persists.

Lights up yellow

High exhaust gas temperature.


Lights up yellow

Low fuel level.


20170627 56
Instrument for vehicle information

Lights up yellow

Low level of AdBlue in the AdBlue tank.


Lights up white

Engine shutdown activated.


Lights up yellow

Low fluid level in clutch.


Lights up yellow while driving

Unintended clutch slippage.


The engine power is temporarily

reduced for some engine types.

57 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

Lights up yellow at start-up

The clutch has been exposed to


unnecessary wear.

Lights up white

Information about the gearbox.


Lights up yellow

Fault on the gearbox.


Action: Pay attention to the messages in

the instrument cluster display. Contact a
Scania workshop for checking.

Lights up yellow

High oil temperature in gearbox.


Low power steering oil level.


20170627 58
Instrument for vehicle information

Lights up white

The adaptive cruise control is active.


Lights up white

The adaptive cruise control is in the


pause mode.

Lights up yellow

The adaptive cruise control does not



Lights up white with an acoustic signal

Adaptive cruise control has been


switched off automatically.

Lights up yellow

Limited or deactivated AEB.


Action: Activate AEB or clean in front of

the camera or radar. For more
information, refer to the section AEB.

59 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

Lights up yellow

– Blocked camera, or

– Defective camera.

Action: In case of a blocked camera,

clean in front of the camera. In case of a
defective camera, contact a Scania

Lights up white

Blocked radar.

Action: Clean in front of the radar.

Lights up red with an acoustic signal

Collision warning.

Action: Apply the brakes.

Lights up yellow

The lane departure warning (LDW)


does not work.

Action: Contact a Scania workshop for


20170627 60
Instrument for vehicle information

Lights up white

Downhill speed control indicator.


Flashes yellow

– The vehicle’s Electronic Stability


Programme (ESP) is active, or

– Traction Control (TC) is active or

– The trailer’s Electronic Stability

Programme (ESP) is active.

For more information, refer to the

sections ESP and Traction Control (TC).

Lights up yellow

– Fault on the vehicle’s Electronic


Stability Programme (ESP) or

– Traction Control (TC) is completely

or partially switched off.

Action: For more information, refer to

the sections ESP and Traction Control
(TC). Contact a Scania workshop for

61 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

Lights up white

Reduced functionality on the Electronic


Stability Programme (ESP).

For more information, refer to the

section ESP.

Lights up yellow

Traction Control (TC) is in off-road


mode or the wheels are allowed to rotate

at different speeds in roller brake test
mode or when washing wheels.

For more information, refer to the

section Traction Control (TC).

Lights up yellow

All-wheel drive fault.

Action: Contact a Scania workshop.

Lights up yellow

One or more longitudinal differential

locks are engaged, but no lateral
differential lock.

20170627 62
Instrument for vehicle information

b374066 Flashes yellow

One or more lateral differential locks are


Also longitudinal differential locks may

be engaged when the symbol flashes.

Lights up white

The transfer gearbox is in neutral.


Hill driving

Refer to the Scania Driver Support


section for more information.

Increase the speed before a hill


Refer to the Scania Driver Support

section for more information.

Use of brakes

Refer to the Scania Driver Support

section for more information.

63 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

b363518 Anticipation

Refer to the Scania Driver Support

section for more information.

Choice of gears

Refer to the Scania Driver Support


section for more information.

Standard mode

Power mode

Economy mode

Off-road mode

20170627 64
Instrument for vehicle information

Standard mode

Power mode

Economy mode

Off-road mode

Fault in clutch system. 2-pedal mode is

activated but a receipt may be required
depending on the situation.

Refer to the section If there is a fault on

Opticruise for more information.

65 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

Lights up yellow

– The vehicle is not at normal drive level



– Vehicle level 1 or vehicle level 2 is


Lights up yellow

Fault in the air suspension system.

Action: Contact a Scania workshop.

Lights up yellow

Load transfer is activated.


Lights up yellow

Load transfer is not available; the bogie


axle differential is not engaged.

Lights up yellow

Load transfer on the trailer is activated.


20170627 66
Instrument for vehicle information

Lights up yellow

The tag axle on the towing vehicle is



Lights up yellow

The tag axle on the trailer is raised.


Lights up yellow

The tag axle lift cannot be used; it may


cause the driving axle to be overloaded.

Lights up yellow

One or more power take-offs are



Lights up red

Fault in steering circuits 1 and 2, both


flow and pressure.

Action: Contact a Scania workshop.

67 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

Lights up red

Fault in steering circuit 1. Steering


circuit 2 is activated automatically.

Action: Contact a Scania workshop.

Lights up yellow

Fault in steering circuit 2.


Action: Contact a Scania workshop.

Lights up red

Steered tag axle fault (EST).


Action: Stop the vehicle at the nearest

safe place. Contact a Scania workshop.
For more information, refer to the
section EST.

Lights up yellow

Steered tag axle fault (EST).


Action: Contact a Scania workshop.

20170627 68
Instrument for vehicle information

Lights up red

Remote controlled trailer coupling open

Lights up yellow

First axle on the trailer tri-axle bogie lift

Lights up yellow

Third axle on the trailer tri-axle bogie


Lights up yellow

Bodywork heating activated


Lights up red

Towing device unlocked


69 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

b209610 Bodywork unlocked

Fifth wheel unlocked


Crane extended

Supporting legs unlocked


The platform is not in the normal


20170627 70
Instrument for vehicle information

b213676 Tail lift lowered

Lights up yellow

Bodywork warning

Truck tipper body raised


Trailer tipper body raised


Underrun protection raised


71 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

b373606 Underrun protection lowered

Truck tailboard spreader open


Trailer tailboard spreader open


Box body open/unlocked


Box body raised



20170627 72
Instrument for vehicle information

b209629 Maximum trailer angle

Sensor error, foot plate


Demountable body unlocked


Platform cover open


Bodywork temperature outside

threshold values

73 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

b213682 Trailer steered tag axle locked

Trailer tag axle raised


Lights up white

Bogie drive roller active


Plough floating

Sand spreader active


20170627 74
Instrument for vehicle information

b209635 Sand spreader active

Towing device locked


Platform locked

Bodywork locked

Fifth wheel locked


Winch active

75 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

b373620 Bodywork filled

Mixer unit active


Functions can be controlled from the

outside of the vehicle

Working lamp active


Message received

Shows a red, yellow, green or blue light

The colour of the symbol depends on the vehicle specification.

20170627 76
Instrument for vehicle information

Rotating beacon

Horizontal fifth wheel adjustment


Vertical fifth wheel adjustment



Work light, left-hand


77 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

b387935 Work light, right-hand

Flashing lights

Reversing lights

Level adjustment

Plough locked

Sand heating

20170627 78
Instrument for vehicle information

b387952 Snow chains

Box lighting

Speed limitation

Door open

79 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information


This tachograph records driving time and stationary time. It is a
one-day tachograph and records operational data for maximum
24 hours on each tacho chart. You should therefore change the
tacho chart every day, which can only be done with the vehicle
stationary and the voltage on.

This tachograph records driving time and stationary time. It is a
seven-day tachograph and records operational data for maximum
of seven days on each tacho chart. You should therefore change
the tacho chart every week, which can only be done with the
vehicle stationary and the voltage on.

The fuse for the alarm and tachograph is located
in the battery box.

20170627 80
Instrument for vehicle information

1 2 3 4


1. Open the cover. 4. Set the time and show the fault
2. Display. messages.

3. Switch between hours and minutes 5. Tachograph cover.

to set the time or scroll between
fault messages.

1. Date.
1 2
2. Time.
3. Driving time recorded shown while
4. Chart in tachograph.
6 5 4 3 5. Fault indication.

6. Total distance driven.

81 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

Tacho chart

1 2
Serial no: 1004758

Nagot som jag inte ser? xxx/xx

IP: 138.315 James?

Serie:107 Docka?
A 000
125 km/h
Ingen aning? 5 00 33

4 Check that the information at 1


and 2 matches 3 or 4.

For the tachograph to work correctly, the correct type of tacho

chart must be used. Check that the correct tacho chart is being
used by reading the information at 1 and 2 and comparing it with
3 and 4 on the tacho chart. The information at 1 and 2 should
match the information at 3 or 4. You can view the information at
1 and 2 by opening the hatch and carefully folding it down.
Contact a Scania workshop if you have any questions about what
type of chart you should use in this tachograph.

The previous day’s shift

A new tacho chart should be inserted in the tachograph each day.

Proceed as follows with the vehicle stationary and the power on:
1. Fill in the following information on a new tacho chart:

− Name of driver 1 and 2.

− Place where the shift starts.

− Today’s date.

20170627 82
Instrument for vehicle information

− The vehicle’s registration number.

− Distance driven.

2. Check and if necessary set the time.

3. Open the box cover, insert the tacho chart and close the

4. Check the symbols in the display

At the end of a working day

Proceed as follows with the vehicle stationary and the power on:
1. Open the cover and remove the tacho chart.

2. Close the hatch.

3. Check the recorded driving time and stationary time.

4. Enter the total and day’s distance driven.

Setting the time

You can only set the time when the vehicle is stationary.

Proceed as follows:
1. Press M.

2. Press plus or minus. The minute digits start to flash and

you can set the minutes.

83 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

3. Set the hours by pressing M. The date is automatically

changed if the time 24:00 is passed.

4. Confirm the setting by keeping M depressed for more

than 2 seconds. The main menu is then displayed again.

The time setting for the tacho chart holder is
automatically updated if the box is empty. If you
have set the clock with the tacho chart inserted,
you must remove the tacho chart and close the
box. The time is updated automatically. You can
then re-insert the tacho chart.

Fault messages
A symbol is displayed in the instrument cluster when a fault has
occurred in the tachograph.

Fault codes

Fault indication is automatically displayed in the tachograph

display. Fault codes can only be read when the vehicle is
stationary. The codes are shown in the display by pressing the M

20170627 84
Instrument for vehicle information

button twice. Scroll through the codes using the plus and minus

The time flashes. Fault code


The time has been changed with the tacho chart in the
tachograph. Remove the tacho chart and close the cover. Open
the cover, replace the tacho chart and close the cover.

The time flashes. Fault code



Fault in the time or fault in the tachograph. Reset the time.

Check also that the tacho chart has been inserted correctly and
that it is not damaged.

The fault symbol has come on.


Fault code 9060

Faulty tachograph. Open and close the cover once.

The tacho chart symbol (see

arrow) has gone out. Fault code


85 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

No chart in the tachograph. Stop the vehicle and insert a tacho

More fault codes are described in the manufacturer’s manual.

For the tachograph in this vehicle, refer to the manufacturer’s
manual. The tachograph manual applies to the tachograph in the
vehicle upon delivery. The manual can be ordered from Scania
as a spare part.
If the tachograph has been renewed, refer to the manual supplied
by the manufacturer.

Wireless download for the tachograph

The vehicle can be connected to Scania’s service for the remote
download of tachograph data. The service transfers data
wirelessly from the tachograph and driver card.
Tachograph and driver card data is transferred automatically.
Driver card data can also be transferred by pressing the switch
for downloading data from the driver card.
Downloading takes approx. 10 minutes and can be done while
the vehicle is stationary or moving. Remote download of driver
card data is only possible if the driver card is inserted in
compartment 1. Contact the vehicle owner for more information
about the download service.

20170627 86
Instrument for vehicle information


Switch for downloading data from the driver card.

Manually downloading driver card data

The power must be switched on when the download is started.
The download of driver card data will be completed even if the
power is cut off with the starter key during the download.

Proceed as follows to manually download data from the driver

1. Insert the driver card into tachograph card slot 1 and let
it remain there while downloading.

2. Press the download switch.

3. The LED in the switch will be lit during the download.

4. The LED in the switch goes out when the download is


If the power is cut off with the battery mastery
switch, the download of driver card data is

87 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

Failed download
If the LED in the switch starts to flash, then an error has
occurred and the download has failed. Press the switch once as
acknowledgement so the LED stops flashing.
A download can fail for a number of different reasons:

Switch Possible cause Solution

Flashes No driver card Insert a driver card

immediately in compartment 1

Lights up at first Problem with the Try again.

and then starts to company card Download failed
flash after a few again; contact the
minutes vehicle owner.

Lit for over 30 No mobile Move the vehicle

minutes coverage

ID button
The vehicle may be equipped with an ID button to allow the
vehicle’s driver to be identified.

20170627 88
Instrument for vehicle information

1. LED-lamp
2. Reader

3. ID button

Hold the ID button against the reader to identify the vehicle’s

driver. The ID button is magnetic and must be left on the reader
throughout the work shift.
The reader is equipped with an LED-lamp which signals the ID

The following statuses are possible:

• Driver unknown: The LED-lamp does not come on.

• Being registered: The LED-lamp flashes 5 times at 0.5 s


• The driver is registered: The LED-lamp is constantly on.

The vehicle can be driven/operated regardless of the status.

If the vehicle is equipped with both a tachograph and ID button,
the tachograph has priority.

89 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

The instrument cluster displays information about the vehicle’s
systems and you can read fault codes. The vehicle’s internal time
data, which is set at the factory, is used in the IVD. The clock in
the tachograph will control the clock in the instrument cluster
and thereby also the time indication in IVD.

Navigate into the menu Settings – Information – Diagnos/IVD.

Under Diagnos/IVD are two submenus:

ECU system
Here you select the system that you would like to investigate.
Then there are 2 options:
• Information.

1. The part number of the control unit

ACS Information
1 in question.
Part: 2222222 2. The part number of hardware in
2 Hardware: 3333333 the control unit in question.
Software: 4444444 3. The part number of the software in

the control unit in question.

• Fault codes

20170627 90
Instrument for vehicle information

1. Fault code
Fault codes
2. Number
Fault code: 222222222
Number: 33333 3. If the fault code is active
3 Active Yes
4. The first and latest time the fault
Last detected:
4 2016-09-01 22:22 PM code occurred or only the latest
time the fault code occurred,
depending on the vehicle’s


Self-test display
Here you can select a test that checks that indicator lamps and
other information is displayed correctly in the instrument
• Gauges

• Indicator lamps

• Sound

• Centre display

• Side displays

Electronic control systems

The list in the instrument cluster displays the electronic control
systems in the vehicle that can create fault codes and that are
supported by IVD. Which electronic control systems the list
contains depends on the vehicle’s specification.

91 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

Tyre pressure monitoring

Tyre pressure monitoring does not replace daily
checks. Manual checking of the tyres should be
carried out daily even on vehicles equipped with
tyre pressure monitoring.

Warnings are displayed based the reference value
that has been set. You can change the reference
value for each axle and adjust the values to the
vehicle usage.

The pressure sensors are fitted on the rims and
the control unit which is fitted on the frame must
not be coated with paint. This can disrupt the
wireless communications.

Tyre pressure monitoring monitors the air pressure in each tyre

and displays the information in the instrument cluster. Tyre
pressure monitoring only monitors the tyre pressure and cannot
affect the actual air pressure in the tyres.

20170627 92
Instrument for vehicle information


Warning of incorrect tyre pressure.

The following warnings may be shown in the instrument


• White warning is displayed when the air pressure is

insufficient in the tyre. Insufficient air pressure in the
tyres will affect tyre wear and fuel economy.

• Yellow warning is displayed for low tyre pressure. To

reduce the risk of a tyre blow-out you should increase
the tyre air pressure.

• Yellow warning is displayed when the tyre air pressure is

significantly higher than the reference value. High tyre
pressure affects road-holding ability which increases
tyre wear and the sensitivity to uneven road surfaces.

• A yellow warning is also displayed if air is leaking from

the tyres for a long period of time.

The applicable tyres light up in yellow in the instrument cluster

for too high or too low tyre pressures.
Tyres that are leaking air are marked with an exclamation mark
(!) by the tyres:

93 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

8.0 8.0 !5.0

8.0 8.0
8.0 !7.2
Tyres with air leaks are marked
8.0 5.0 8.0

with an exclamation mark (!).

The pressure sensors are fitted on the rims and
the control unit which is fitted on the frame must
not be coated with paint. Paint can interfere with
the wireless communication.

Show tyre pressure

Use the OK button to navigate the display menu.
1. Select Vehicle information.

2. Scroll to tyre pressure with the down arrow.

20170627 94
Instrument for vehicle information

8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1

8.1 8.1
8.1 8.1
Pressure is shown for all tyres on
8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1

the vehicle.

A dash is displayed:

• when the signal has previously been received from the

tyre’s pressure sensor but the contact was interrupted.

• when no signal has been received from the tyre pressure

sensor since the power was last switched on with the
battery master switch.

When the vehicle is stationary, it is possible that the signals from

some tyres are not reaching the control unit. Communication
works best when the vehicle is moving and the wheels are
rotating. If the battery master switch has been switched off, or if
the power was disconnected for some other reason, it may take
up to 20 minutes before all air pressures are displayed again.

95 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

View trailer tyre pressures

If the trailer is equipped with TPM, you can view the trailer tyre
pressures. View the tyre pressures of the tractor in the same way.

8.1 8.1

1 8.1 8.1
8.1 8.1

8.1 8.1

Displaying trailer tyre pressures

Setting reference pressure

Enter the reference pressure for the pairs of wheels on each axle.
The setting can only be changed when the vehicle is stationary.
Refer to the section on tyre pressures for information about the
recommended air pressures.
Use the OK button to navigate in the menu.
1. Select Settings and then Vehicle.

2. Select TPM reference pressure and press the OK


3. Reference pressure can now be set. Press the up arrow to

increase or the down arrow to decrease the value.

− Setting starts with the front axle.

20170627 96
Instrument for vehicle information

− Press the right-hand or left-hand arrow to select

the next axle.

4. Press the OK button to save the changes. Press the Back

button to end without saving.

After changing reference pressure, it may take 5-10 seconds

before the new value appears.

Driving time and rest time support

Driving time and rest time support exists to make it easier for the
driver to keep track of breaks and rest during a driving trip.
Driving time and rest time support is simple to use and displays
time data in the instrument cluster display during driving.

The system is a support function and should only
be seen as giving advice. Always adhere to
applicable legislation regarding driving and rest
times in the country you are currently in.

The following views may be shown in the instrument cluster:

• Overviews

• Accumulated time and upcoming activity whilst driving.

• Accumulated time and upcoming activity whilst resting.

The following symbols are shown in the views depending on

what type of rest or driving trip is in progress or coming up.

97 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

1. Break
1 2 3 4
2. Daily rest
3. Weekly rest

5 6 7 4. Driving trip
5. Day trip
6. Week trip
7. No remaining driving time for the

current week or 2-week period.

Driver activity
The view shows the current and next driver activity. The current
activity is always shown at the top.

1 01:43 02:47

2 1. Current driver activity

07:34 09:00

2. Coming driver activity

Driving times
This view displays the accumulated driving trip time and how
much time is left until the next activity. The left-hand value
shows the accumulated time and the right-hand value remaining

20170627 98
Instrument for vehicle information

1 2
00:17 04:13 1. Current driving time.
2. Remaining driving time.
00:17 08:43 3. Times over a day.
4. Times over a week.
4 5
16:24 39:36 5. Indication of extended driving


If the driver drives for a longer period than usual within a day, an
extended driving time indication is used. There are two
opportunities for extended driving time within a week.

Rest times
This view displays the accumulated break and rest time and how
much time is left until the next activity.
The left-hand value shows the accumulated time and the right-
hand value remaining time. Rest time marked in grey means that
the opportunity to use that rest time is deactivated. The driver
must choose a longer break or rest.

99 Complete
Instrument for vehicle information

1 2
00:12 00:33
1. Current rest time.
3 2. Remaining rest time.
00:12 08:48
3. Times over a day.
4 5
4. Times over a week.
00:12 44:48

5. Indication of reduced daily rest.

The minimum rest indication shows the earliest time that the
driver can continue with next driving trip. If the driver starts
driving trip before the total rest time is over, a reduced daily rest
indication will be used. There are three opportunities for
reduced daily rest within a week.
A break of 45 minutes can be divided into two breaks. One break
of 15 minutes and one later break of 30 minutes. A divided break
will always give a second break of at least 30 minutes. Regardless
of whether the first break was longer than 15 minutes.

An orange warning symbol is displayed when the driver has
exceeded the break or rest time.

20170627 100
Instrument for vehicle information

04:35 00:00

06:54 03:06

16:24 39:36

1. Exceeded time warning.

Hour counter

The vehicle is equipped with an hour counter which makes it

possible to monitor the operating time. The hour counter is
located inside the driver’s door on the side of the instrument

101 Complete
Driver environment

Driver environment
Steering wheel

2 3
1 4


10 9 8

The illustration above displays all switches available in the

steering wheel.

The switches have the following functions:

1. Radio: Change track, station, volume.

20170627 102
Driver environment

2. Radio: Selection of audio source.

3. Radio: Lower the volume.

4. Instrument cluster: Menu navigation

5. Instrument cluster: OK button

6. Instrument cluster: Back button

7. Instrument cluster: Quick selection

8. Downhill speed control

9. Adaptive cruise control

10. Cruise control

For more information on a switch, see the section for each


Press the middle of the steering wheel to activate the horn.

Adjustable steering wheel

The steering wheel is adjustable for height and rake so that a
comfortable driving posture can be obtained.

103 Complete
Driver environment


Adjust the steering wheel when the vehicle is

stationary and check that the settings are locked
before you drive off.


1. Open position

2. Locked position

Proceed as follows to adjust the height and rake:

1. Push the steering wheel adjustment button into the
open position. You will then have a few seconds to adjust
the steering wheel position.

2. Push the button into the locked position to lock the

setting. The settings also lock automatically after a few

Parking position

On vehicles with an adjustable steering column the steering

wheel can be angled until it is parallel with the cab floor.

20170627 104
Driver environment


The steering wheel may only be turned to the

parking position when the vehicle is parked.

Direction indicator and wiper lever

2 3 4 5

Controls on direction indicator and wiper lever:

1. Windscreen wipers and windscreen washers for
windscreen and headlamps: press the end of the lever.

2. Direction indicator: move lever up or down. With a

light press upwards or downwards the direction
indicator will flash 5 times and then switch off.

105 Complete
Driver environment

3. Switching between main and dipped beam: pull lever

towards you.

4. Windscreen wiper: turn the ring to start the windscreen

wiper and select the speed.

5. Windscreen wiper: turn the ring to select the

intermittent wiper speed.

Windscreen wipers
A light press on the end of the lever gives one sweep of the
windscreen wipers and a heavier press starts the washing of the
windscreen and headlamps. The windscreen wiper function is
adjusted with the left-hand ring and the windscreen wiper speed
is adjusted with the right-hand ring.

Select the windscreen wiper function:

• Dashed line: intervals

• Single line: slow speed

• Double lines: high speed.

Adjusting the windscreen wiper speed:

• Turn the ring to the desired speed. Upwards gives a

higher speed.

20170627 106
Driver environment

2 3 4 5

Controls on direction indicator and wiper lever:
1. Windscreen wipers and washers for windscreen and
headlamps: press the end of the lever.

2. Direction indicator: move lever up or down.

3. Switching between main and dipped beam: pull lever

towards you.

4. Windscreen wipers or rain sensor: turn the ring to select


5. Windscreen wipers or rain sensor: turn the ring to select

the interval wiper speed or rain sensor sensitivity.

107 Complete
Driver environment

Windscreen wipers
A light press on the end of the lever gives one sweep of the
windscreen wipers and a heavier press starts the washing of the
windscreen and headlamps. The windscreen wiper function is
adjusted with the left-hand ring and the windscreen wiper speed
is adjusted with the right-hand ring.

Select the windscreen wiper function:

• Dashed line: rain sensor or intervals

• Single line: slow speed

• Double lines: high speed.

Adjusting the windscreen wiper speed:

• Turn the ring to the desired speed. Upwards gives a

higher speed.

Rain sensor
Some of the positions of the direction indicator and wiper lever
can be used for the rain sensor. Activation and deactivation of the
rain sensor is done in the instrument cluster.

Proceed as follows:

• Start the rain sensor by turning the left-hand ring to the

dashed line.

• Change rain sensor sensitivity by turning the right-hand

ring to the desired position.

20170627 108
Driver environment

Set rain sensor or wiping interval

Activation or deactivation of the rain sensor is done in the
instrument cluster. When deactivating the rain sensor, the
interval wiper function is activated. Use the OK button to
navigate the display menu. You can find the selections under
Settings. For more information, refer to the Menus in Display

Adjusting the collapsible gear lever in

the cab
The collapsible gear lever position can be adjusted for optimum
adaptation to the driver.

1 2

1. M6 lock nut

2. Pivot screw

To adjust the gear lever:

1. Undo the gear lever boot and lift it upwards.

2. Undo the M6 lock nut.

109 Complete
Driver environment

3. Turn the pivot screw 0-180° to adjust the gear lever

knob. Beyond 180° the knob will move back to its
original position.

4. Tighten the M6 lock nut at the correctly adjusted


5. Press on the gear lever boot.

Frequently adjusting the sitting position and using the seat
settings is essential to prevent stress injuries to the back and neck.
Here are 10 tips on how to use the seat settings. Change the
settings frequently and adjust the seat to the best position for the
traffic situation.

Keep both feet on the floor while adjusting the seat.



4 7


20170627 110
Driver environment

1. Sit as close to the backrest as possible.

2. Set the damping in the seat so that it is suitable for your


3. Set the position of the seat horizontally and vertically so

that you have good visibility and can operate both the
steering wheel and the pedals comfortably. Check the
lengthwise position of the seat cushion. You should be
able to get two or three fingers between the seat squab
and the back of the knees.

4. Adjust the inclination of the seat squab so that the

pressure under the thighs is even. The angle between
the seat squab and backrest should be greater than 90

5. Push the backrest back slightly so you can grip the

steering wheel comfortably with slightly bent arms and
your back against the backrest.

6. Set the steering wheel so that you can work with your
arms close to the body and with your shoulders relaxed.
On long journeys, consider positioning your hands
lower down on the steering wheel so that it is easier to
relax the shoulders.

7. It is essential the lumbar support is adjusted correctly.

Adjust the lumbar support so that your seating position
is not cramped.

111 Complete
Driver environment

8. Adjust the side supports close to the upper body to

guarantee a good and stable support.

9. Set the head restraint so that you can easily lean

backwards and rest your neck.

10. The armrests should provide support for the arms and
elbows without limiting their free movement. They
should help to take the strain off the neck and shoulders.

Fixed seat


1 2 3

1. Adjusting the rake of the whole seat 3. Adjusting backrest rake

2. Adjusting height 4. Adjusting the longitudinal position
of the seat

20170627 112
Driver environment

The seat may also be fitted with the following:

• Seat heating

• Safety belt warning

Seat, basic


1 2 3

1. Adjusting height 3. Adjusting backrest rake

2. Quick lowering 4. Adjusting the longitudinal position
of the seat

The seat may also be fitted with the following:

• Seat heating

• Seat release control

• Safety belt warning

113 Complete
Driver environment

Seat, middle

7 8


1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Seat heating 7. Lower lumbar support

2. Shock absorber 8. Upper lumbar support
3. Adjusting the rake of the whole seat 9. Adjusting the seat cushion
4. Adjusting height lengthwise

5. Quick lowering 10.Adjusting the longitudinal position

of the seat
6. Adjust the backrest rake

The seat may also be fitted with the following:

• Seat release control

• Armrest

• Safety belt warning

20170627 114
Driver environment

• Belt pretensioner

Seat, premium



11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

1. Adjusting backrest rake 8. Seat heating

2. Adjusting the angle of the upper 9. Seat ventilation
backrest section 10.Adjusting the rake of the whole seat
3. Backrest side support 11.Rapid evacuation of height control
4. Upper lumbar support 12.Adjusting the longitudinal position
5. Lower lumbar support of the seat
6. Adjusting height 13.Adjusting the seat cushion
7. Shock absorber lengthwise

The seat may also be fitted with the following:

• Seat release control

• Armrest

115 Complete
Driver environment

• Safety belt warning

• Belt pretensioner

Folding seat

1. Backrest angle
2. Lengthwise adjustment of whole

1 2 seat

Corresponding controls can be found on the inside of the seat.

The seat backrest can be folded down to form a table. The head
restraint can be adjusted manually. The seat cushion can be
folded up.

The seat can also have these functions:

• Seat heating

• Armrest

20170627 116
Driver environment

Reclining seat

1. Lift the seat up against the

1 backrest until it stops to be able to
rotate and change the seat’s
position longitudinally.
2. Adjust the backrest rake
3. Adjust the longitudinal position of
the seat

4 4. Adjust the seat squab angle

Seat heating
The seat heating has three positions: No heating, 25% heating
or 100% heating.

Make sure the seat heating in the passenger seat
is not turned on if the seat is not occupied. This
may shorten the service life of the seat heating.

117 Complete
Driver environment

Extendable ladder

Ladder to the upper bed

An extendable ladder is available for the upper bed. This is
located on the underside of the upper bed. You can unfold the
ladder with a couple of simple manoeuvres.
The ladder is made to take a load of up to 140 kg.
During the trip, the ladder must be stored and fastened in place.

Extend the ladder as follows:

1. Release the ladder by pushing on the button in the

2. Move the ladder downwards and towards you.

3. Pull out the ladder to its full length.

Fixed bed

You can fold up the entire bed to access the storage areas under
the bed, for example.

20170627 118
Driver environment

Proceed as follows to fold the bed up or down:

• Fold up: pull the handle outwards and move the bed up at
the same time.

• Fold down: push down the bed until the bed is in a locked

Cleaning and maintenance

Follow the washing instructions on the cover.

The mattress cover can be removed and cleaned.

Proceed as follows to remove the mattress cover:

1. Lift the mattress off the bed.

2. Remove the mattress cover using the zipper.

Upper bed
The upper bed can be folded down when the vehicle is
stationary. The bed is attached to the back of the cab and is
attached using belts in the ceiling.

119 Complete
Driver environment

Lowering and raising the upper bed

Hold the button in to fold down


the bed.

Proceed as follows to fold down the bed:

1. Press the button on the underside of the long side of the

2. Continue to hold the button in while the bed is folding.

Release the button when the bed is completely lowered.

Proceed as follows to fold up the bed:

• Push the bed upwards until it is completely folded up.

Locking takes place automatically.

Cleaning and maintenance

Follow the washing instructions on the cover.

The mattress cover can be removed and cleaned.

20170627 120
Driver environment

Proceed as follows to remove the mattress cover:

1. Fold the bed up against the wall.

2. Detach the two eyes on the long side of the bed closest
to the cab rear wall.

3. Remove the mattress cover using the zipper.

Kitchen module

Microwave oven
For information about the microwave oven, refer to the
manufacturer’s manual.

Coffee maker
For information about the coffee maker, refer to the
manufacturer’s manual.

The refrigerator temperature can be at most 40°C below the
ambient temperature.
Press the power button in the control panel to start or switch off
the refrigerator.
If the refrigerator is not to be used for a longer period of time,
the lid should be slightly open so that the air can circulate.

121 Complete
Driver environment

Control panel

1 2 3
1. Power button
2. Temperature mode button
3. Display

The refrigerator has an energy saving function
which means that it is switched off automatically
if the vehicle is shut down and the refrigerator
has consumed 20 Ah.
If the refrigerator has switched off automatically
due to the energy saving function, it must be
restarted manually by pressing the power button
in the control panel.

If the refrigerator is running when the vehicle is switched off, the

refrigerator’s energy saving function is activated. The display on
the refrigerator control panel shows the number of hours
estimated to remain until shutdown. When restarting with the
energy saving function, it may take a few minutes for the
refrigerator to calculate how many hours are left. 99 is shown in
the display until the calculation is done.
The refrigerator has 3 temperature modes. The temperature for
the different temperature modes is set automatically.

20170627 122
Driver environment


Select the Fridge mode (Fridge) by pressing the temperature

mode button a number of times. When the Fridge mode is
selected, 2 snow flakes are shown in the display.
The temperature of the Fridge mode is approx. 2°C to 7°C.


Press the temperature mode button and select the Freezer mode
(Freezer). When the Freezer mode is selected, 3 snow flakes are
shown in the display.
The temperature of the Freezer mode is approx. -13°C to -17°C.


Press the temperature mode button and select the Chill mode
(Chill). When the Chill mode is selected, 1 snow flake is shown
in the display.
The temperature of the Chill mode is approx. 7°C to 12°C

Cleaning and maintenance

Clean the refrigerator regularly. Switch off the refrigerator and

wipe it internally and externally with a mild soap solution. Wipe
the refrigerator dry after cleaning. Rub the seals on the door with
talcum powder once a year.

123 Complete
Driver environment

Fault messages

If a refrigerator fault occurs, the following fault messages may be

shown in the refrigerator display or signalled in the case of an
audio signal:

Message Lamp in Acoustic Event

in the the signal
display display

- Flashes - Temperature above

red the limit value

- Lights up 2 short 1 hour until shutdown

green signals due to low voltage in
the vehicle battery

- Lights up 3 short 30 minutes until

green signals shutdown due to low
voltage in the vehicle

EL Flashes 4 short Shutdown due to low

red signals voltage in the vehicle

CP Flashes - Shutdown due to cab

red tilting

E1 Flashes 1 long Communication error

red signal in the display

20170627 124
Driver environment

Message Lamp in Acoustic Event

in the the signal
display display

E2 Flashes 1 long Fan fault

red signal

E3 Flashes 1 long Compressor blocked

red signal

E4 Flashes 1 long Compressor speed

red signal fault

E5 Flashes 1 long Overheated ECU

red signal

E6 Flashes 1 long Temperature sensor

red signal fault

TV preparation
Your vehicle is prepared with a wall bracket for a TV. On the
wall bracket, attach a TV bracket that the TV can be attached

125 Complete
Driver environment

2 1. Wall bracket
2. AUX-input

3. 12 volt electrical socket

The maximum load on the wall bracket is 10 kg.

The screw holes’ locations in the wall bracket have the

dimensions 75 × 75 mm.

The limitations that apply for the TV are as follows:

• Maximum external dimensions for the TV are 415 × 655


• The thickness from the back of the TV bracket to the

front of the TV is maximum 60 mm. This also includes
any electrical cables that should be parallel to the back of
the TV. If the thickness is more than 60 mm, the bed
cannot be lowered.

• The TV must be able to be connected to a 12 volt

electrical socket.

20170627 126
Driver environment

Scania recommends TV sets intended for e.g. trucks or caravans

as they often have a built-in antenna amplifier.

Fitting the TV bracket

Remove the 4 screws from the wall bracket. Screw the TV
bracket in place.
When the TV is fitted, the upper bed should be raised to
facilitate the installation. After the installation, check that the
bed can be lowered.

Electrical socket in cab

There are 12, 24 and 230 volt sockets located inside the cab. 12
and 24 volt sockets can be loaded with 360 watts. The 230 volt
socket can be loaded with 350 watts.

The vehicle is equipped with two USB ports. One is located in

the instrument panel and one is located in the cab rear wall. The
USB port located on the rear wall of the cab is adapted for
charging and charges USB units up to 2.4 A.

Climate system
The automatic climate system checks and controls the climate in
the cab. The climatic comfort can be regulated with e.g. air
conditioning, short-stop cooler, fan, air distribution, heater,
auxiliary heater, short-stop heater and recirculation depending
on what your vehicle is equipped with.

127 Complete
Driver environment

Scania recommends that the climate system is set to automatic

mode. Personal settings can then be made for temperature and
air distribution.

Depending on the battery’s state of charge, the
times for the climate system’s rest functions may
be shortened.
The vehicle has no function that prevents any
discharge of the batteries when using e.g. rest
cooler, auxiliary heater or other equipment that
affects the climate.

The following settings can appear in the panel depending on the

vehicle’s specification.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. Recirculation 6. Fan
2. Air conditioning 7. Auxiliary heater or short-stop
3. Temperature heater

4. Air distribution 8. Auxiliary cab cooler or short-stop

5. Max defroster

20170627 128
Driver environment

• Press the button once to start automatic recirculation
mode. The LED in A lights. This means that
recirculation is switched on automatically when the air
quality outside the cab is too poor.

• Press the button a second time to start forced

recirculation. The LED in ON lights.

• Press the switch a third time to switch off the


Air conditioning
• Press the button once to start automatic air conditioning
mode. The LED in A lights. This means that the air
conditioning optimises the temperature to achieve the
lowest possible fuel consumption. The air conditioning
is also used to dry the air and prevent fogging on the

• Press the button a second time to start the air

conditioning maximum mode. The LED in ON lights.
The max. position is used e.g. for the need to dry a
higher atmospheric humidity. Note that the maximum
position will increase the fuel consumption. Therefore,
do not use the maximum position unnecessarily.

• Press the button a third time to switch off the air


129 Complete
Driver environment

• Turn the temperature rotary control until the desired cab
temperature is shown in the display.

• Press the button on the rotary control to start the climate

system’s automatic mode. Automatic mode means that
also the fan, air distribution, air conditioning and
recirculation are automatic.

Air distribution
Adjust the air distribution by pressing the air distribution
buttons as required. The buttons for the selected air distributors
light green.

Max defroster
Press the button once to start the function for removing frost or
mist from the windscreen.

Turn the fan rotary control until the desired fan speed is shown
in the display.
The following settings can appear in the panel depending on the
vehicle’s specification.

20170627 130
Driver environment

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. Recirculation 5. Max defroster
2. Air conditioning 6. Fan
3. Temperature 7. Auxiliary heater
4. Air distribution 8. Auxiliary cab cooler or short-stop

Air conditioning
• Press the button once to start automatic air conditioning
mode. The LED in A lights. This means that the air
conditioning optimises temperature in the cab to
achieve the lowest possible fuel consumption.

• Press the button a second time to start the air

conditioning maximum mode. The LED in ON lights.
The max. position is used e.g. for the need to dry a
higher atmospheric humidity. Note that the maximum
position will increase the fuel consumption. Therefore,
do not use the maximum position unnecessarily.

• Press the button a third time to switch off the air


131 Complete
Driver environment

Press the button once to start recirculation. The diode in the
switch is lit when the recirculation is active.

• Turn the temperature rotary control until the desired
temperature is shown in the display.

• Press the button on the rotary control to start the climate

system’s automatic mode. Automatic mode means that
also the fan, air distribution and air conditioning are

Air distribution
Adjust the air distribution by pressing the air distribution
buttons as required. The buttons for the selected air distributors
light green.

Max defroster
Press the button once to start the function for removing frost or
mist from the windscreen.

Turn the fan rotary control until the desired fan speed is shown
in the display.

20170627 132
Driver environment

Turn the temperature rotary control to the required

Auxiliary heater
For more information about the auxiliary heater functions, see
the Auxiliary heater section.

Air conditioning
Press the button once to start the air conditioning. The LED in
the switch is lit when air conditioning is active.

Press the button once to start recirculation. The diode in the
switch is lit when recirculation is active.

Air distribution
Adjust the air distribution by pressing the air distribution
buttons. The buttons for the selected air distributors light green.

Turn the fan rotary control to the required fan speed.

133 Complete
Driver environment

Auxiliary cab cooler

The auxiliary cab cooler is used to keep the temperature in the
cab cool while parked.
• Press the auxiliary cab cooler button once to start the Eco
function. The function means the auxiliary cab cooler is
run at low level and is switched off automatically after 8

• Press the button a second time to start the Pwr function.

The function means the auxiliary cab cooler is run at a
higher level and is switched off automatically after 2

Short-stop ventilation
Short-stop ventilation is used to air the cab for short stops or
when sleeping in the cab.
• Press the short-stop ventilation button once to start the
Lo function. The function means the fan is run at low
level and is switched off automatically after 8 hours. The
function is suitable when e.g. sleeping in the cab.

• Press the button a second time to start the Hi function.

The function means the fan is run at a high level and is
switched off automatically after 2 hours. The function is
suitable for use at, for example, short breaks.

20170627 134
Driver environment

Mist or frost
• Activate the defroster to guide the air to the windscreen.

• Increase the temperature to heat the air in the cab.

• If required, activate the air conditioning to dry the air.

• Activate recirculation in damp weather.

• Select a high fan speed.

Extra temperature settings

Set the desired temperature using the temperature rotary
control. In addition, you can select the Low , High or High
Quick settings for maximum cooling, maximum heating or extra
quick heating.

Maximum cooling
Turn the temperature rotary control 1 notch past the minimum
position to select Low. The cab is then cooled using the fan, air
distribution and recirculation.

Maximum heating
Turn the temperature rotary control 1 notch past the highest
selectable temperature to select High. The cab is then heated by
guiding out maximum heat and optimum fan, air distribution and

135 Complete
Driver environment

Extra quick heating

Turn the temperature rotary control 2 notches past the highest
selectable temperature to select High Quick. The cab is then
heated by guiding out maximum heat and optimum fan, air
distribution and recirculation. The automatic climate system
also activates, if necessary, the exhaust brake, retarder and
auxiliary heater to heat the coolant, if the vehicle is equipped
with these functions.

Mist or frost
Press the button for maximum defroster to dry and heat the air.
Note that the maximum position will increase the fuel
consumption. Therefore, do not use the maximum position

Temperature setting in case of a fault

If there is a fault in the climate system, a number between 0 and
100 will be displayed. 0 means 0% heat and 100 means 100%
heat. You have to regulate the heating from 0%-100% in 5%
increments yourself, as the climate system cannot regulate the
temperature automatically.
Error is also displayed if there is a fault. Contact a Scania
workshop for repair if the fault occurs.

20170627 136
Driver environment

Air horn b361449

Switch for air horn.

The air horn sounds together with the ordinary horn when the
switch is activated.

Sound level control for reverse alarm


Switch for reverse alarm sound level adjustment.

Press the bottom of the switch to reduce the sound volume of the
reversing alarm, the indication on the switch then comes on.
Reset the sound level by pressing the top of the switch. The
sound level is also automatically reset when you switch off the

Press the bottom of the switch to switch off the sound for the
reverse alarm, the indication on the switch then comes on. Reset
the sound level by pressing the top of the switch.

137 Complete
Driver environment

Rear view mirrors and window

The switches are located on the inside of the doors.

Adjusting the rear view mirrors

Wide angle and main mirror

1. Joystick for controlling the

2 3 selected rear view mirror
1 2. Left-hand wide-angle mirror
3. Right-hand wide-angle mirror
4 5
4. Left-hand main mirror

5. Right-hand main mirror

Press the switch for the mirror you want to adjust. The switch for
the selected mirror lights green. Use the joystick to adjust the

Adjusting groups of rear view mirrors

Press the switches for the top rear view mirrors (2) and (3) or
bottom (4) and (5) at the same time to adjust them
simultaneously. The mirrors are adjusted according to centre of
the vehicle starting with the mirror on the driver’s side.
Press the switches for the left-hand rear view mirrors (2) and (4)
or right-hand (3) and (5) at the same time to adjust them
simultaneously. The mirrors are adjusted by turning in the same

20170627 138
Driver environment

Front view mirror


Front view mirror

Use the joystick to adjust the selected mirror. The selected

switch lights up green.

Close-proximity mirror

Close-proximity mirror

Use the joystick to adjust the selected mirror. The selected

switch lights up green.

Adjusting the front view mirror and close-proximity mirror at

the same time

Press the switches for the front view mirror and close-proximity
mirror simultaneously to adjust them at the same time. The
mirrors are adjusted around a point on the ground.

Window winders

Switch for window winders.

Lift or press the switch to control the window winders.

139 Complete
Driver environment

Window winders b364505

Switch for window winders.

Lift or press the switch to control the window winders. Use the
one-touch function by lifting or pressing down the switch 2 steps
to activate the automation in the window winders.

The window winder has a safety function that
makes it rewind if e.g. something is blocking the
window when winding up. After 2 failed
attempts, the quick-press function is switched off,
but is activated again when the window has been
closed completely. The safety function can also
release if the vehicle is subjected to bumps, e.g.
holes in the road, while winding the window up.

Rear view mirror heating


Switch for rear view mirror heating

Press the switch to activate heating of the rear view mirror. The
switch lights up yellow. The switch is located in the door on the
driver’s side.

20170627 140
Driver environment


Switch for rear view mirror heating

Press the switch to activate heating of the rear view mirror. The
switch lights up yellow. The switch is located in the door on the
driver’s side.

From the vehicle’s instrument cluster, it is possible to set if the

heating of the rear view mirror is to be time-based or activated
continuously. The settings are carried out under the settings
menu in the instrument cluster.

Heated windscreen
The vehicle is equipped with heated windscreen.

Switch for heated windscreen.

141 Complete
Driver environment

To reduce the load on the vehicle’s batteries, the
function should be deactivated when not being
actively used.
Avoid using heated windscreen together with
other functions that consume a lot of power, for
example the cab heater.
The function can only be activated when the
engine is running.

Roof hatch

Switch for opening and closing the roof hatch.

Opening the roof hatch:

• Press once quickly on the lower part of the switch to open

the hatch fully.

• Hold in the button to open the hatch gradually until the

button is released.

Closing the roof hatch:

• Press once quickly on the upper part of the switch.

20170627 142
Driver environment

• Hold in the button to close the hatch gradually until the

button is released.

Roof hatch

Opening the roof hatch:

1. Pull the handle with a rotating movement downwards,
round and back.

Auxiliary heater
The auxiliary heater heats the cab. It is powered by the vehicle’s
fuel and heats the coolant in the vehicle coolant system. Control
of the auxiliary heater varies depending on the vehicle climate

The auxiliary heater can heat the cab, the engine or the cab and
engine. It is powered by the vehicle’s fuel and heats the coolant
in the vehicle coolant system. Control of the auxiliary heater
varies depending on the vehicle climate system.

143 Complete
Driver environment

The vehicle is equipped with an auxiliary heater that uses excess

heat in the engine coolant. The heat is routed to the cab through
the heating system.
Engine pre-heating makes cold starts easier and extends the life
of the engine. The heat is routed to the cab through the heating
system. Note the warnings and advice on care and usage.

The auxiliary heater may stop working if it is not
used for long periods of time. To prevent this
from happening, run the auxiliary heater for
about 15 minutes once a month.


To avoid accidents which can result in injury, it is

important to follow the instructions below when
using and maintaining the auxiliary heater.

• The auxiliary heater must not be turned on while the

vehicle is in a garage.

• When refuelling, the auxiliary heater must have been

switched off for at least 3 minutes before driving the
vehicle into the refuelling area.

20170627 144
Driver environment

• Do not use the auxiliary heater where highly flammable

fumes or gases may build up.

• The windows and roof hatch must be closed when the

auxiliary heater is active.

To prevent the auxiliary heater from being
damaged or its service life reduced, it is important
to follow the points below when using and
maintaining the auxiliary heater.

• The auxiliary heater may only be started if it is filled with


• To protect the auxiliary heater against corrosion, the

refrigerant must contain at least 10% antifreeze all year
round. In areas where there is no risk of frost damage,
only corrosion inhibitor needs to be added.

145 Complete
Driver environment

It is best if you switch off the auxiliary heater by
using the button on the climate system’s control
panel or by the remote control.
The vehicle has no function that prevents any
discharge of the batteries when using e.g.
auxiliary heater or other equipment that affects
the lighting or climate.

If the auxiliary heater is run on biodiesel, the auxiliary heater

service life is shortened. The starting ability can be affected at
low temperatures. For more information on operation at low
temperatures, see the section Fuel, biodiesel.

Starting the auxiliary heater

Start the auxiliary heater by pressing the auxiliary heater button.
The button is located in the climate panel.
Before starting the auxiliary heater, check that the outlets for
exhausts and combustion air are not blocked.

Button for activating the auxiliary heater.

20170627 146
Driver environment

Starting the auxiliary heater

Start the auxiliary heater by pressing the auxiliary heater button.
The button is located in the climate panel. Press the button
several times to change the auxiliary heater functionality.
Before starting the auxiliary heater, check that the outlets for
exhausts and combustion air are not blocked.

Button for activating the auxiliary heater.

Number of Functionality
button presses

1 The auxiliary heater heats the cab.

2 The auxiliary heater heats the cab and


3 The auxiliary heater heats the engine.

4 The auxiliary heater is switched off.

Starting the auxiliary heater

Start the auxiliary heater by pressing the auxiliary heater button.
The button is located in the climate panel. Press the button
several times to change the auxiliary heater functionality.

147 Complete
Driver environment

Before starting the auxiliary heater, check that the outlets for
exhausts and combustion air are not blocked.

Button for activating the auxiliary heater.

Number of Functionality
button presses

1 The auxiliary heater heats the cab.

2 The auxiliary heater heats the cab and


3 The auxiliary heater heats the engine.

4 The auxiliary heater is switched off.

When the climate system is set to maximum heating, the

auxiliary heater may start automatically. It is always possible to
shut down the auxiliary heater manually.

Starting the auxiliary heater with a warm engine

Under certain conditions, the auxiliary heater will not respond

when you start it with the switch. This is because the coolant in
the cooling system is at a high temperature. The auxiliary heater
starts automatically when the temperature in the cooling system

20170627 148
Driver environment

Starting the auxiliary heater with a cold engine

When the cab and engine are cold, it can take a long time before
heat is felt in the cab. The auxiliary heater is set by the
manufacturer to run at full power for a maximum of 2 hours.
Then it goes down to a lower power mode. The auxiliary heater’s
different operating modes at full power and shorter periods at
lower power are normal. Do not restart the auxiliary heater.

Starting the auxiliary heater with a cold engine

When the cab and engine are cold, it can take a long time before
heat is felt in the cab.

Switch off the auxiliary heater

Press the button to switch off the auxiliary heater. After the
button is pressed, it takes approximately 3 minutes before the
auxiliary heater is switched off.

Preset start of the auxiliary heater

Via the vehicle instrument cluster, it is possible to set the
auxiliary heater to start. The settings are carried out under the
settings menu in the instrument cluster.
It is possible to program the start in two ways, using a start time
and stop time.
Start time means that the auxiliary heater starts at the specified

149 Complete
Driver environment

Stop time means that the auxiliary heater stops at the specified
time. The auxiliary heater automatically starts in advance and
heats the vehicle to the specified temperature, and for the
specified time.
It is also possible to set duration, repetition and zone.

Emergency stop


Only use the emergency stop in the event of

danger. There is a risk of overheating.

Proceed as follows to stop the auxiliary heater in emergency:

1. Switch off the vehicle battery master switch.

2. Pull out the fuse. The fuse is located in the central

electric unit and has the symbol shown in the following

3. Disconnect the auxiliary heater from the battery

Fuse symbol for auxiliary heater. The fuse is in the

central electric unit, which is located in the instrument

panel in front of the passenger seat.

20170627 150
Driver environment

Remote control for auxiliary heater


2 4

1. Activating the auxiliary heater
OK +
2. Alarm
3. Auxiliary cab cooler
4. Snooze function
5. Step up or down and confirm your


151 Complete
Driver environment


4 1. Activating auxiliary heaters
6 2. Alarm
3. Auxiliary cab cooler
4. Snooze function
OK +
7 5. Start/switch off the audio source
6. Selection of audio source
7. Volume
8. Step up and down and confirm

your selection

The remote control functions may be affected
when the battery master switch has been
switched off and the vehicle has not been started.

20170627 152
Driver environment

Activating the auxiliary heater

Button for activating the auxiliary


Symbol displayed in the instrument cluster when the


auxiliary heater is activated.

Press the button to start the auxiliary heater. Adjust the

temperature using plus and minus. When the auxiliary heater is
activated, a symbol is displayed in the instrument cluster.

Auxiliary cab cooler


Button for activating the cab cooler.

Symbol that is displayed in the instrument cluster


when the cab cooler is activated.

Press the button to start the cab cooler. The temperature can be
controlled using the plus and minus. When the function is
activated, a symbol is displayed in the instrument cluster. Press
the button again to switch off the auxiliary cab cooler.

153 Complete
Driver environment

Alarm clock b170283

Button for activating the alarm clock.

Proceed as follows to set the alarm clock:

1. Press the alarm clock button.

2. Step up or down to select the hour. Press OK.

3. Step up or down to select the minutes. Press OK.

4. Choose between buzzer, radio and buzzer + radio by

stepping up or down. Press OK.

Symbol displayed in the instrument cluster when the


alarm clock is activated.

When the alarm clock is activated, a symbol is displayed in the

instrument cluster.
The buzzer is automatically shut off after 3 minutes. You can also
switch off the buzzer manually.

Switch off the buzzer manually in one of the following ways:

• Press the alarm clock button.

• Press OK.

20170627 154
Driver environment

• Switch on the power.

The radio is automatically switched off after 30 minutes if you

have not pressed the radio button, the alarm clock button or OK.
If you turn the key to the drive position, the radio is not switched

Snooze function

Button for activating the snooze function.

If you press this button when the alarm clock is in operation, the
buzzer will fall silent for 10 minutes.
The radio will also be silent for 10 minutes.

App for the remote control of auxiliary

It is possible to control the auxiliary heater remotely by using an
app. The app is called Scania Fleet Management and is available
for installation on mobile phones and other mobile units.

With this app it is possible to:

• Start the auxiliary heater.

• Program the start time.

• Program the stop time.

155 Complete
Driver environment

Sometimes it can take a few minutes for the vehicle to wake up

and acknowledge the command. This is not a fault, it is due to the
status of the vehicle when the commend is sent.
For more information about the auxiliary heater functions, see
the Auxiliary heater section.

Electric heater

Electric cab heater


Electric cab heater electrical socket.

The vehicle is prepared for an electric cab heater. Connect an

electric cab heater in the cab to a 230 V socket in the cab.
Connect a connection cable between the electrical input for the
electric cab heater and a 230 V socket. The electrical input for
the electric heater is located on the frame behind the cab on the
driver’s side. Connect the electric cab heater approx. 2 hours
before starting, in order to heat up the cab.

20170627 156
Driver environment

Electrical engine heater


Electrical input for the electrical engine heater.

The vehicle is equipped with an electrical engine heater.

Connect a connection cable between the electrical input for the
electrical engine heater and a 230 V socket. The electrical input
for the electrical heater is located on the frame behind the cab on
the driver’s side. The operating time should be adapted based on
the outside temperature. The recommended minimum times

Outdoor temperature Operating time

0-10°C 1h

-10°C 2h

-20°C 3h

157 Complete
Driver environment

Outer storage compartments

Storage compartment under cab

At high engine temperatures, the interior of the
storage compartment could become hot.

Fixed accessories should be retrofitted in a Scania workshop.

If the vehicle is fitted with electrical sockets, you can connect

portable accessories to them. The sockets are marked as 12 V or
24 V and are normally fitted on the instrument panel. Alternative
locations are possible.

The voltage in 24 volt sockets can vary. Therefore
make sure that the accessories connected to 24
volt sockets can withstand continuous voltages up
to 30 V. Otherwise there is a risk that the
accessories will be damaged.

20170627 158
Driver assistance system

Driver assistance system

Hand throttle
The hand throttle works in a similar way to the cruise control.
The difference is that the hand throttle controls the engine speed
instead of the road speed.

You can, for example, use the function to set the engine speed
when operating a crane.

You can use the hand throttle function when the vehicle is
stationary and when driving at low speeds, max. 10 km/h.

1. Return to previously saved engine

1 speed.
2. Shut off the hand throttle function

2 3. Activate the hand throttle function


and adjust the engine speed.

Setting the engine speed

The hand throttle’s preset engine speed is the engine speed you
get when you press the reset button (1).

Proceed as follows to change the hand throttle’s preset engine

1. Set the required engine speed by pressing + or - on the
cruise control button (3) on the steering wheel.

159 Complete
Driver assistance system

− A quick press on + increases the engine speed by 20

rpm. A long press on + (at least 3 seconds) increases
the engine speed by 200 rpm.

− A quick press on - decreases the engine speed by 20

rpm. A long press on - (at least 3 seconds) decreases
the engine speed by 200 rpm.

2. Save the new preset engine speed for hand throttle by

pressing the reset button (1) for at least 3 seconds.

After the hand throttle speed has been set, you can also change
the engine speed while driving with a short press on + or -.
Changes made with these short presses are not stored when you
switch off the engine.


You can disengage the hand throttle function in one of the

following ways:

• Press 0 on the steering wheel button (2)

• Depress the brake pedal

• Depress the clutch pedal

• Switch off the function with the master switch in the

instrument cluster. The function is off when it is set to 0.

• The function is switched off automatically when the

speed is above 15 km/h.

20170627 160
Driver assistance system

Kickdown is used to change down a gear, e.g. when overtaking.
Kickdown can also be used to delay changing up, so that the
higher gear is engaged at a higher engine speed.

Keep the accelerator pedal in the kickdown position to avoid the

engine losing power when changing up whilst driving uphill.

Acceleration control
To reduce fuel consumption and improve drive comfort, the
vehicle is fitted with acceleration control. The improvements are
most noticeable at low rolling resistance, when the vehicle has
low load or during operation with many stops and starts.
The driver is only aware of the acceleration control when the
vehicle fails to deliver full torque at low rolling resistance.
At high rolling resistance, e.g. under heavy load, driving on an
uphill slope, the acceleration control does not affect the engine
The degree of acceleration control can be adjusted at a Scania

Temporary disengagement
The acceleration control can be temporarily disengaged at
speeds of more than 30 km/h. To do this, depress the accelerator
pedal to the kick-down position. At high rolling resistance, the
acceleration control cannot be certain of affecting the engine
torque. In such cases, depressing the accelerator pedal to the
kick-down position makes no difference.

161 Complete
Driver assistance system

Cruise control
The road speed must be at least 15 km/h for
cruise control to be engaged.

The symbol lights up white in the instrument cluster


when the cruise control is active.

Proceed as follows to activate the function:

1. Press quick selection and navigate to the cruise control.

2. Select Cruise control.

3. Press the toggle switch.

1. Return to the previously set speed.

3 2. Switch off/disengage the cruise
control temporarily.
3. Activate the cruise control and
2 adjust the speed. The button has 2
steps in each direction. Press the
button 1 step to adjust the speed
by 1 km/h. Press the button 2 steps

to adjust the speed by 5 km/h.

20170627 162
Driver assistance system

If you wish to disengage cruise control temporarily, press 0 on

the steering wheel switch. The set speed remains in the memory
as long as the engine is not switched off.
If you wish to return to the set speed, press the switch in the
steering wheel to return to the previously set speed. If, however,
you wish to engage the cruise control at your new speed, press +
or -.

Disengaging cruise control

Proceed as follows to disengage the cruise control:

• Switch off the function via the instrument cluster.

• Press 0 on the switch in the steering wheel.

• Depress the brake pedal.

• Depress the clutch pedal.

• Activate the retarder.

• Activate the exhaust brake.

Cruise control with active prediction

Cruise control must be set at a minimum of 50
km/h for active prediction to be activated.

163 Complete
Driver assistance system

Cruise control with active prediction regulates the set cruise

control speed in an economical way within a permitted speed
range. Active prediction is activated when you activate cruise
control. When the function is active, the permitted speed range
is lit green in the instrument cluster.

1 2

85 91

-15 -10 -5 +5 +10 +15

1. The symbol lights up when there is 2. The interval lights up green when
acess to map data. the function is active.

Active prediction uses map data to determine when it is time to

change the vehicle speed. The map data shows what the terrain
ahead of the vehicle looks like.

The vehicles also use map information to prioritise the choice of

gears to give more economic driving in relation to the
approaching terrain.

For example, the vehicle can:

• Change down before steep hills.

• Select a lower gear with a higher engine speed rather than

changing up and reducing the engine speed.

20170627 164
Driver assistance system

If neither map data nor GPS reception is available, active

prediction works like a normal cruise control. The symbol for
GPS reception is not displayed in the instrument cluster.

If the adaptive cruise control is activated and there is a vehicle

within the set time window, vehicle speed will not be increased.

You can cancel an ongoing raising or lowering by pressing the

switch in the steering wheel to return to the previously set

1. Return to the previously set speed.

3 2. Switch off/disengage the cruise
control temporarily.
3. Activate the cruise control and
2 adjust the speed. The switch has 2
steps in each direction. Press the
switch 1 step to adjust the speed
by 1 km/h. Press the switch 2 steps

to adjust the speed by 5 km/h.

If suitable, eco-roll will activate automatic coasting in neutral to
reduce fuel consumption.

Eco-roll is activated when you activate cruise control with active

prediction. For more information, see Cruise control with active

165 Complete
Driver assistance system

For eco-roll to be able to activate automatic coasting in neutral,

the following is required:

• The Opticruise lever is in the automatic position

• Performance mode economy or standard is selected

If the time window on the adaptive cruise control is set at level 1

or 2, eco-roll will operate in a restricted manner. For more
information, refer to Adaptive cruise control.

When automatic coasting in neutral is in progress, this is

indicated as follows:

• The engine speed goes down to idling speed

• N is displayed in the engaged gear field

Cancel automatic coasting in neutral by doing one of the


• Switch off cruise control

• Use one of the vehicle brake systems

• Change gear manually using the Opticruise lever

• Change to a performance mode which does not support


• Depress the accelerator pedal

20170627 166
Driver assistance system

AEB is an advanced emergency braking system which uses a
camera and distance sensor to mitigate the effects of road
accidents with the vehicle in front.


AEB is only an aid. AEB does not adapt to

driving conditions or the weather. The driver is
always responsible for driving the vehicle in a
safe manner.
Tampering with the vehicle speed signal may
cause the AEB not to function as intended or to
be activated incorrectly.

The forward looking camera must be calibrated
after the windscreen has been renewed.

Collision warning

Symbol for collision risk.

167 Complete
Driver assistance system

When AEB detects a collision risk, the system is activated in 3

1. A red warning with an audible signal is shown in the
instrument cluster.

2. If the driver does not react and the risk remains, AEB
brakes the vehicle slightly.

3. If there is no further reaction and the risk remains, AEB

brakes the vehicle with full force.

The driver can always cancel the warnings or the braking by:

• pressing the AEB switch on the instrument panel.

• Step on the accelerator pedal clearly and quickly.

• Press the accelerator pedal to the kickdown position.

At an early stage the driver can also cancel the warning by:

• Depressing the brake pedal.

• Activate the direction indicators.

The driver can always take over control of braking by pressing

the brake pedal. This cancels the warning and automatic braking.
The more critical the situation, the harder the brake pedal needs
to be pressed.
If adaptive cruise control is activated, it can indicate a collision
warning and try to alleviate the situation before AEB issues a

20170627 168
Driver assistance system

For more information, refer to the section Adaptive cruise control.

After the vehicle brakes with full force and is stationary, the
brakes will hold the vehicle for a few seconds to prevent the
vehicle from moving. The brakes are released if the driver
presses the brake or the accelerator pedal.

Activation and availability


Switch for AEB, advanced emergency brake.

AEB is activated automatically, when the power is switched on.

The lamp on the switch lights up green.
AEB can be deactivated using the switch. The lamp on the switch
lights up yellow. The switch is spring-loaded and the same switch
resets AEB.

AEB is available when:

• the vehicle speed exceeds 15 km/h.

AEB can be limited or deactivated when:

• the distance sensor is blocked or faulty.

• the camera is blocked or faulty.

• there are faults with the brake system of the vehicle or the

169 Complete
Driver assistance system

• the air suspension of the vehicle is set far outside the

normal drive position.

• the vehicle is driven in darkness.


Symbol for limited AEB.

When AEB is limited, the symbol lights up yellow and a

corresponding message is shown in the instrument cluster.

The following messages may be displayed:

• System fault: AEB is deactivated because of a fault with

the distance sensor.

• Reduced function: AEB is limited and still partly active.

AEB may not brake or issue collision warnings in time.

1 2
1. Blocked distance sensor

2. Blocked camera

If the distance sensor or camera is blocked by dirt, snow or ice for

example, the respective symbol is shown with a corresponding
message in the instrument cluster.
If the problem is not addressed, the AEB function will be
deactivated or limited.

20170627 170
Driver assistance system

For a blocked camera, activating the windscreen wipers may be

all that is needed. Make sure you keep the camera free from dirt,
snow and ice.

Different traffic conditions


AEB is only an aid and may have difficulty

identifying vehicles and locating them correctly
in certain traffic conditions. AEB may overlook a
collision risk or be activated when there is no risk
of collision.


When driving into and out of bends, it may be difficult for AEB
to identify the road ahead. AEB may therefore fail to issue a

171 Complete
Driver assistance system

warning about vehicles on the road or issue an incorrect warning

about vehicles off the road.


Slip roads and the hard shoulder.

At slip roads and when vehicles are moving on the hard shoulder
it can be difficult for AEB to identify vehicles ahead.

Switching lanes

Vehicles that are switching lanes right in front of your vehicle

cannot be identified immediately by AEB until they are within
the identification zone.

20170627 172
Driver assistance system

Adaptive cruise control


The vehicle will not brake automatically for

stationary obstacles. The adaptive cruise control
only controls the distance to moving vehicles
ahead and not to stationary obstacles on the road.


The vehicle will not brake automatically for

stationary obstacles. Adaptive cruise control only
controls the distance to moving vehicles ahead
and not to stationary obstacles on the road.


Do not use adaptive cruise control on slippery

road surfaces. The adaptive cruise control does
not adjust the distance to vehicles ahead in
relation to the prevailing road conditions.

173 Complete
Driver assistance system

Adaptive cruise control helps the driver keep the distance to the
vehicle in front. The vehicle decelerates automatically if the
adaptive cruise control detects that the vehicle in front is
travelling more slowly. The vehicle follows the vehicle in front
with a preset time window. The vehicle resumes the set cruise
control speed as soon as the traffic situation permits.
The function is customised for driving on motorways and main

The adaptive cruise control does not ignore
AEB. AEB works as usual even when the adaptive
cruise control is activated.

The symbol is displayed in the instrument cluster when


the adaptive cruise control is active.

Proceed as follows to activate the function:

1. Press quick selection and navigate to the cruise control.

2. Select cruise control.

3. Press the toggle switch.

20170627 174
Driver assistance system

1. Return to the previously set speed.

3 2. Switch off/disengage the cruise
control temporarily.
3. Activate the cruise control and
2 adjust the speed. The switch has 2
steps in each direction. Press the
switch 1 step to adjust the speed
by 1 km/h. Press the switch 2 steps

to adjust the speed by 5 km/h.

If you wish to disengage cruise control temporarily, press 0 on

the steering wheel switch.
If you wish to return to the set speed, press the switch in the
steering wheel to return to the previously set speed. If, however,
you wish to engage the cruise control at your new speed, press +
or -.
Switching from adaptive cruise control to normal cruise control
changes the set speed to the actual vehicle speed if this is lower
than the previously set speed.
The adaptive cruise control can adapt the vehicle’s speed down
to stationary. The function can be reactivated automatically after
being stationary for max. 3 seconds. After being stationary for a
longer period, the function must be reactivated manually by
pressing the return button (1) or by lightly depressing the
accelerator pedal. When this occurs, the following symbol is
displayed in the instrument cluster.

175 Complete
Driver assistance system

The symbol is displayed in the instrument cluster when

the adaptive cruise control must be reactivated


The lowest settable speed is 15 km/h.

When the vehicle approaches a stationary or
slow-moving vehicle, the adaptive cruise control
has limited possibilities to regulate the distance.
This is only possible when your vehicle is moving
at a low speed.

Take over the control of the vehicle when you, at high speed, get
close to stationary or slow-moving vehicles. Reactivate the
adaptive cruise control when the difference in vehicle speed is

The symbol is displayed in the instrument cluster when


the adaptive cruise control is active.

Proceed as follows to activate the function:

1. Press quick selection and navigate to the cruise control.

2. Select cruise control.

3. Press the toggle switch.

20170627 176
Driver assistance system

1. Return to the previously set speed.

3 2. Switch off/disengage the cruise
control temporarily.
3. Activate the cruise control and
2 adjust the speed. The switch has 2
steps in each direction. Press the
switch 1 step to adjust the speed
by 1 km/h. Press the switch 2 steps

to adjust the speed by 5 km/h.

If you wish to disengage cruise control temporarily, press 0 on

the steering wheel switch.
If you wish to return to the set speed, press the switch in the
steering wheel to return to the previously set speed. If, however,
you wish to engage the cruise control at your new speed, press +
or -.
Switching from adaptive cruise control to normal cruise control
changes the set speed to the actual vehicle speed if this is lower
than the previously set speed.

Adaptive cruise control cannot be activated:

• directly after engine start

• at speeds of 3 km/h or lower

• when the clutch is being operated

• when the service brake is being used

• when safety belt has been unbuckled

177 Complete
Driver assistance system

• when open driver’s door is open

• when activating certain power take-offs.

The adaptive cruise control is disconnected if the safety belt is

unbuckled or the driver’s door is opened. If this is done when the
vehicle is stationary, the parking brake is applied at the same

Change the time window

Press the upper part of the switch to reduce the time

window to the vehicle ahead. Press the lower part of
the switch to increase the time window to the vehicle


The time window has 5 levels, with 1 dash being the shortest time and 5 dashes
being the longest time between your vehicle and the distance to the vehicle in

20170627 178
Driver assistance system

If the adaptive cruise control senses a vehicle ahead, this is

displayed in the instrument cluster by the vehicle lighting up.

1 2

1. The vehicle lights up


2. Speed of the vehicle in front

When the distance sensor is blocked, the symbol is

displayed together with a message in the instrument


The symbol lights up yellow in the instrument cluster when the

adaptive cruise control is deactivated due to a blocked distance
sensor, for example. Make sure that nothing is blocking the
distance sensor.

Collision warning

Symbol for collision risk.

A red warning is shown in the instrument cluster and a buzzer

tone sounds when the prevailing traffic situation may require you
to brake heavily. The system only performs limited braking. You

179 Complete
Driver assistance system

must brake the vehicle yourself to use full brake force. The
collision warning is shown when adaptive cruise control is active.
If AEB is activated and adaptive cruise control cannot alleviate
the situation, AEB may act and apply heavy braking. AEB is
activated automatically, when the power is switched on.
For more information, refer to the section AEB.

Different traffic conditions


Adaptive cruise control is only an aid and may

have difficulty identifying vehicles and locating
them correctly in certain traffic conditions.
Adaptive cruise control may overlook a collision
risk or be activated when there is no risk of

20170627 180
Driver assistance system



In bends as well as before and after bends it can be difficult for

the adaptive cruise control to identify vehicles ahead. The
vehicle may be braked unexpectedly or too late.

Sideways position

Problems may occur if your vehicle is to one side in relation to

the vehicle ahead. The adaptive cruise control may not identify a
vehicle ahead. You will have to brake yourself to increase the

181 Complete
Driver assistance system


Slip roads and the hard shoulder

At slip roads and when vehicles are moving on the hard shoulder
it can be difficult for the adaptive cruise control to identify
vehicles ahead. The vehicle may be braked unexpectedly or too

Switching lanes

Vehicles that are switching lanes immediately in front of your

vehicle cannot be identified by the adaptive cruise control until
they are within the identification zone. You will have to brake
yourself to increase the distance to the vehicle which is switching

20170627 182
Driver assistance system

Calibrating the distance sensor


During calibration, AEB and adaptive cruise

control are deactivated. The systems will not
prevent collision or be activated to alleviate the
traffic conditions.

If the vehicle has been to the workshop for renewal of the

distance sensor, the distance sensor must first calibrate itself for
approx. 10 min. A message is shown in the instrument cluster
when calibration is in progress. Calibration takes place
automatically. The final part of the calibration is carried out
while driving when the distance sensor reads the surrounding

The symbol is displayed in the instrument cluster when


the vehicle’s distance sensor is being calibrated.

Type approval for radio

The distance sensor must be type approved in accordance with
national regulations in each country.
Read more at and
the small print at the start of the manual for further information.

183 Complete

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