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Lesson Summary

Intermediate to Advanced techniques for email marketers. 50% of the responsibility for email
deliverability is yours.

Your Spam, or Junk, Box “Why is this message in Spam?” (1:25)

Sample 1: Content-driven.

Content in the email is causing it to land in Spam; could be the language used or simply the fact that the
receiver hasn’t been opening emails from this sender.

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Sample 2: ESP (2:25)

The Email Service Provider is having trouble delivering the email.

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Sample 3: “Be careful with this message.” (3:10)

Trust issue on your website. Could be content in your email, but more likely that your domain (utm) is
triggering the Spam filter on Chrome.

Optimizing Deliverability (4:20)

Content and Authority:

 Google places relevance on your domain name.

 You need authoritative content on your website.

How to Create Content? (5:15)

Recommended platforms and providers include:

 WP Engine

 Install a great theme - Fiverr or Upwork for contractors

 Content writers - iWriter, UpWork, Freelancer, Facebook groups

 Start releasing content on a schedule

 Share the content

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Link Cloaking: (6:45)

 Changes the appearance of a link.

 Gives you full control over the link.

Benefits of Cloaking:

 Track all your links

 Change your links on the fly

 Redirect based on the clicker’s actions

 Increases security of links for delivery

Tools - Choose the One You Like the Best After Researching Your Options:

 ClickPerfect

 ClickMagix

 ClickMeter

 or Google link trackers

 Self-hosted

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What’s the Best Time To Send Emails? (8:40)

 Generally, between 8-9am EST and between 3-4pm EST.

 If your subscribers are used to a particular time, use that time.

 Use Automation Software to deploy Optimized Timing which is based on the prospect’s behavior.

Traditional Metrics: (11:30)

 Size of your list

 Unsubscribers

 Number of Clicks

Engagement Metrics:

 How many people are opening your emails?

 How many people are clicking the links inside your emails?

 How many people replied to you?

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#1 Metric = Open Rate:

 Unique = exact amount of people who opened the email

 Raw = how many times people open the email

 Minimum 10-15% rate to look for

 Industry standards are generally higher

 Open up several different Gmail accounts for testing.

 This lets you check to see which inbox accounts receive your emails and into which box they land.

 Adjust your emails as needed - subject line, body, domain, links.

 Don’t open the emails! This will affect the behavioral metrics Google uses to determine

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