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Q1: Letter referring to string originally used to hold up Indians' loincloths?

The crrect Answer is: G

Q2: A Dutch treat is kaasdoop, a fondue usually made with this type of Dutch cheese?

The crrect Answer is: Gouda

Q3: This recent ad slogan didn't translate into Spanish; it literally meant "are you

The crrect Answer is: got milk?

Q4: The study of insects is entomology; the study of these insect features is pterology?

The crrect Answer is: wings

Q5: (Jon of the Clue Crew speaks with Kelly's voice, then Kelly speaks with Jon's!) It's what
Jon's doing to my words... & what I'm now doing to his?

The crrect Answer is: lip-syncing

Q6: To Hungarians it's Vasarnap; to Norwegians, Sondag?

The crrect Answer is: Sunday

Q7: (Sarah of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from the UC Davis Malting & Brewing Science
program.) These dried flowers that give beer much of its flavor come in different types; the
aromatic ones are volatile & quickly steamed off, so they're added at the end of the boil?

The crrect Answer is: hops

Q8: (Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from the FBI headquarters in Washington,
D.C.)Â These passports belonged to Cynthia and Richard Murphy, real names Lidiya and
Vladimir Guryev, who were among 10 foreign agents arrested in a 2010 operation that
inspired this Emmy-winning FX series about Russian spies masquerading as U.S. citizens?
The crrect Answer is: <i>The Americans</i>

Q9: The Australian Natl. Univ. created an algorithm in 2016 to help warn coastal cities of
this dangerous event?

The crrect Answer is: a tsunami

Q10: A set of religious principles or beliefs; the Apostles' is one?

The crrect Answer is: creed

Q11: By A.L.S.,June 2, 1941?

The crrect Answer is: Lou Gehrig

Q12: He became the first pope to fly when he visited Jordan & Israel on a "pilgrimage of
prayer & penance"?

The crrect Answer is: Pope Paul VI

Q13: The Ski resort town of Park City is the home of this film festival sponsored by Robert
Redford's organization?

The crrect Answer is: Sundance

Q14: Wo ie ni?

The crrect Answer is: Chinese

Q15: It's found in the universal blood donor type?

The crrect Answer is: O

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