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Economic vs Economical

Economic is typically used in the context of an economy, or to refer to the production of goods
and services. An example for economic is “she served on the council for economic

Extra examples (if necessary):

 She spent the last three years as the President's chief economic adviser.
 They were warned that too much inflation could have a disastrous economic effect.
 The jobs report indicated that the economic forecast was looking better.

In the other hand, economical usually means “thrifty” or “operating with little waste,
something profitable. You can also use this word to describe a person who doesn't waste
money. Some synonyms for economical include cheap, inexpensive, prudent, and low-cost. For
example, a car that only uses a small amount of petrol is economical.

Extra examples (If necessary):

 I have been trying to be more economical when shopping for groceries.
 This cereal doesn’t taste very good, but it's the economical option

In conclusion, if you want an adjective related to the economy, economic is your word. If you
want a word to describe something that saves money, like buying used textbooks, use

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