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A Le%er to Megs

To my Megs,

I was si/ng journaling, reflec7ng on everything that I have gone through over the past three
weeks. As you know the process, you will understand that the goal is to discover who you are.
Although this very structural program is only for some, I managed to gain a massive advantage
from it. I walked into the clinic not knowing what had happened to me, not knowing how my life
as I knew it, the person I thought I was, turned out not to be who I was meant to be.

Three weeks down the line, I walked back out the same doors I came in through, the same
doors the empty version of me walked through. Not only knowing where to start to find myself
but with a small glimpse of what I could be. I walked out as a whole man, hoping and believing
that I had found my direc7on as a person and everything else would fall in place as it was meant

During these three weeks, I met you. This is why you have made it onto my list of leEers to
write. (Don’t worry, yours is a goodie ;) ). It was my second week in the clinic when you came
along. Although you only spent one week there, the impact that you have made will stretch for
years to come.

Megs, you only showed uncondi7onal support since the minute we met each other. You opened
your arms, listened to me, and understood me like no one ever has. All of this without any
judgement. I have also learned the process you are going through and the challenges you have
faced and are yet to meet. Whenever you had a moment between the start and the end of your
day, you always managed to be there for me. This means more to me than you could ever

You usually fill 7me alone with late-night movies, fantas7c music, and endless conversa7ons
about art, fashion, and interior design. When you leM, the FaceTimes with you were parts of the
days I looked forward to aMer a long day of analyzing myself. When you were there, the breaks
between groups on the bench, the giggles, laughs, tears, and moments of silence as we process
our thoughts. You have played a very unexpected yet significant role in my recovery and star7ng
a new life. I only now hope that I have been doing the same for you and will con7nue to do so

The incredible outcome of this unexpected encounter is that I was allowed the fantas7c
opportunity to know you, to get to know you. Megs, you are the most loving person I know, and
this has no limits. You are aEen7ve, always being there for me to debrief my days. Your
resilience glows from you as if it came naturally, but I know why. The immediate sense of
comfort when it comes to speaking about my most vulnerable parts. The feeling of trust and
honesty that I get from you. Let us not forget that gorgeous smile paired with the cutest dimples
packaged with a laugh that makes me want to melt and those beau7ful blue eyes. Megs, I could
sit here and go on and on about your excep7onal quali7es and aEributes you have as a human;
the list is endless. I can honestly say that it was a blessing ge/ng to know you and to have you
in my life. I have so much to learn from you.

I will always be thankful that the worst-case scenario s7ll means I will be your best friend. A life
without you in it is a life that goes beyond any belief of happiness. I am beyond grateful that you
are in mine.

AMer ge/ng to know you, I have all the faith, trust and understanding that you will come out
the other side of the next week and a few days, being the person, you have longed to be. I am
confident of this because it is just who you are; you are a fighter and strong-willed, beau7ful
human. And I will be in your corner, picking you up when you fall and celebra7ng with you when
you win. Thank you for being in my life and all the support and love you have given me! I could
not have done this without you. I am beyond excited for the memories to come!
– Danni xx (Your Danni)

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