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Specialist tourism: dark tourism

What is it?
Dark tourism is a type of tourism where you visit sights of previous accidents or bad
events usually where many people were killed or injured. The target audience is
usually older more mature people looking to pay their respects or learn more.

Dark tourism sights (examples)

Chernobyl is the sight of an explode nuclear reactor plant where
many people were killed in initial blast but many where also killed in
the aftermath from all the radiation and the effects of this Russian
explosion can be seen all he way up to Scandinavia

Hiroshima bombing site

Hiroshima is the bombing site of a Japanese city that was bombed by
a nuclear bomb during WW2 this completely flattened the city and
killed 135,000 people.

Pompei is a city that was buried in ash after the volcano Mount
Vesuvius exploded the ash complete buried everything and froze
the city in time.

Pompei volcano explosion

Concentration camp Auschwitz
9/11 memorial
Auschwitz is a polish camp that was used to torture 1.3 million
Jews during the second world war you can see these ruins
The 9/11 memorial is a dug in fountain the footprint of one of
the towers that collapsed in the plane crash of 9/11

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