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English tenses- exercises

1.When we/arrive/ at the cinema, the film/already/start.

2.Tom/do/his homework when he/get/ an SMS.

3.What /you/do/ now?

4.We/usually/go/to school by bus.

5.You/ever/eat/ shrimps?

6.You/use/the computer? Because I’d like to check my emails.

7.We/go/ to Spain last summer holiday.

8.When Sue/come back home, she realize that somebody /break into
it and /steal/ her jewellery.

9.We/have/lunch when Tom/arrive.

10.They/sometimes/eat out during the weekdays.

11.Look! Sue /wear/ this beautiful dress.

12.My friends/like/swimming at the weekends.

13.In the future more and more people/have health problems

because of pollution.

14.Don’t worry. I /help/ you with the shopping.

15.I/already/see/ this film.

16.I promise I/not do/it again.

17.When I /arrive/home, my mum/eat/already/ lunch.

18.We/have/ a really good time at the party last Saturday.

19.Tom / go/ up the stairs when he/fall and/ break/ his arm.
20.I think I/get married and /have children one day.

Translate the parts of the sentences into English.

1.I (zazwyczaj wstaję) at 6 am.

2.Tom (nigdy nie był w ) Japan.

3.We (oglądaliśmy film) when the lights went out.

4.When I arrived at the party, Mike (już poszedł)

5.They (uwielbiają pływać) in the lake.

6.I don’t think the weather (będzie ładna dziś)

7.I (nie rozumiem) Maths. It’s really complicated.

8.Eve (pływała w morzu) when she saw a jellyfish. Luckily, she wasn’t

9.(Czy słuchasz radia) or shall I turn it off?

10.(Właśnie zrobiłam ) my homework.

11.(Czy lubisz) learning foreign languages?

12.(Czy kiedykolwiek byłeś w ) London?

13.I think I (pojadę do Krakowa)

14.Look at the clouds. (Zamierza padać)

15.Sue (maluje swój pokój) at the moment.

16.Tom (zazwyczaj zaczyna pracę) at 8 am.

17.I (oglądnęłam) a great film yesterday. It was fantastic.

18.(Spacerowaliśmy w parku) when it started to rain.

19.John (rzucił palenie).

20.This week I (czytam ) the next part of Lords of Rings.

*21.Jake (zatrzymał się, by zapalić.)

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