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ANGLAIS. (“Chez Francis” Case).


The case we are going to treat today is a case of 1999 called "The case of the staw

It's a political and legal case that took place in Corsica following the nightly fire of a
straw hut serving as a restaurant on a beach and illegally installed on the corsican
public maritime domain.
The investigation on this case will demonstrate the involvement (implication) of
several "gendarmes" in the fire having obeyed the orders of their hierarchy and the
prefect of the region outside of any legal framework. This case echoes several debates
such as the issue (question) of responsibility in obeying a legal command.

To understand this case, it's fundamental to understand the context. Indeed (en effet),
the affair of the straw huts, takes place at the time of the conflict on the development
of the island between the state and the owners of corsican straw huts, considered at the
time as the symbol of the disrespect of the rule of law.
Following the assassination of the corsican prefect, a new prefect was appointed
(nommé) with the idea of ensuring (assurer) better respect for the rule of law (etat de
droit) in Corsica. The latter (ce dernier) was Bernard Bonnet, chosen for his reputation
of great firmness (grande fermeté).

Bernard Bonnet, successor to Claude Erignac, who had been assassinated, wanted to
put an end to the illegal installation of straw huts on the corsican public maritime
domain, many of which (dont beaucoup) were owned by corsican nationalists
(appartenaient à des nationalistes corses) who were suspected of various criminal

In april 1999, Bonnet, by judicial decision, prepared to have two straw huts destroyed
in the Golf of Ajaccio (par décision judiciaire, s'apprête à faire détruire deux paillotes
sur le Golf d'Ajaccio), but had to back down because several straw hut owners
opposed this action. Yves Feraud, owner of the straw hut involved in our case, will be
one of the main actors of this rebellion against the authority of the prefect by
organizing the blocking of the port (blocage du port).

The prefect eventually agrees (le prefet finit par accepter) to suspend the destruction in
exchange for the written promise of eight of the owners to raze their constructions
themselves, at the end of the touristic season.

But he will ultimately loses his composure (mais il finira par perdre son sang-froid)
and will attack himself to the straw huts through the intermediary of its services of
ANGLAIS. (“Chez Francis” Case). ALEXANDRE

Now, I’m going to talk about this case in more details. In fact, this trial will
therefore take place at a time when the French government was trying to apply
policy of restoring the rule of law in Corsica, strongly marked by violence.

During the night from 19th April to 20th 1999, a fire ravages the hut "CHEZ
FRANCIS" built illegally on the public maritime domain Corsica. Its owner,
Feraud quickly spreads the accidental track, after having found near the paillote
leaflets saying "Feraud balances cops" : It would be a settling of accounts
between Corsicans. However, as the investigation progressed, several clues were
left behind, including a transmitting device tuned to the frequency of a group of
security Platoons. So, suspicions turned against these gendarmes.
Colonel Henri Mazères, who heads the entire gendarmerie in Corsica, was
interrogated about this case. Following this hearing, the district attorney
prosecutes and places in custody three gendarmes. They admit to having
participated in a special operation to destroy the straw hut. They had only
obeyed illegal order. These three gendarmes thought that by obeying this special
order from the “Prefect”, and by developing evidences to accuse innocent
Corsican bandits, they would have applied the rule of law in Corsica. However,
it's the exact opposite in reality !

Who did gave this order ? Colonel Henri Mazères and the “Prefect” Bernard
Bonnet are later accused. These two men are taken into custody and suspended
from their duties. The “Prefect” Bonnet had ordered this clandestine fire because
he wanted revenge for the illegal installation of straw huts on the beach.
Although he recognizes the facts, the “Prefect” Bernard Bonnet will continue to
evoke a political and judicial conspiracy. Indeed, even before judges decide his
fate, the Prime Minister at Matignon would have known that the “Prefect”
Bonnet would be indicted. So, the “Prefect” as well as the gendarmes involved
will be judged, especially at the court of first instance on January 2002, then on
appeal on January 2003 and in cassation on October 2004…

Maintenant, je vais parler de cette affaire plus en détail. En fait, ce procès aura
donc lieu à un moment où le gouvernement français tentait d'appliquer une
politique de rétablissement de l'état de droit en Corse, fortement marquée par la

Dans la nuit du 19 au 20 avril 1999, un incendie ravage la cabane "CHEZ

FRANCIS" construite illégalement sur le domaine public maritime Corse. Son
propriétaire, Yves
Feraud répand rapidement la piste accidentelle, après avoir trouvé près de la
paillote des tracts disant "Féraud balance les flics" : Ce serait un règlement de
comptes entre Corses. Cependant, au fur et à mesure de l'avancement de
l'enquête, plusieurs indices ont été laissés derrière, dont un appareil émetteur
réglé sur la fréquence d'un groupe de pelotons de sécurité. Alors, les soupçons se
sont tournés contre ces gendarmes.
Le colonel Henri Mazères, qui dirige toute la gendarmerie de Corse, a été
interrogé sur cette affaire. Suite à cette audience, le procureur de la République
poursuit et place en garde à vue trois gendarmes. Ils avouent avoir participé à
une opération spéciale de destruction de la paillote. Ils n'avaient fait qu'obéir à
un ordre illégal. Ces trois gendarmes pensaient qu'en obéissant à cet ordre
spécial du "Préfet", et en élaborant des preuves pour accuser d'innocents bandits
corses, ils auraient appliqué l'Etat de droit en Corse. Pourtant, c'est tout le
contraire dans la réalité !

Qui a donné cet ordre ? Le Colonel Henri Mazères et le « Préfet » Bernard

Bonnet sont ensuite accusés. Ces deux hommes sont placés en garde à vue et
suspendus de leurs fonctions. Le « Préfet » Bonnet avait ordonné ce feu
clandestin car il voulait se venger de l'installation illégale de paillotes sur la
plage. Bien qu'il reconnaisse les faits, le "préfet" Bernard Bonnet continuera
d'évoquer un complot politico-judiciaire. En effet, avant même que les juges ne
décident de son sort, le Premier ministre à Matignon aurait su que le « préfet »
Bonnet serait mis en examen. Ainsi, le « Préfet » ainsi que les gendarmes
impliqués seront jugés, notamment en première instance en janvier 2002, puis en
appel en janvier 2003 et en cassation en octobre 2004

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