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In The findings of this article on the impact of Artificial intelligence to drug

development include
The study highlights achievements with regards to the use of Ai in drug development
for example Atomwise's AI technology quickly identified potential Ebola treatments
from existing medicines in just one day.

The study lists difficulties with the use of Ai in drug development

1. Finding diverse and high-quality data for training AI models in drug
development can be challenging, especially for rare diseases. Limited data
availability and inconsistency can affect the accuracy and dependability of
2. Protecting patient data privacy and security while utilizing sensitive information
in drug development is crucial. Adhering to regulations like HIPAA and GDPR
can be complex but necessary.
3. Addressing bias in data and models is important to ensure fairness and accurate
predictions. Inaccurate representation of certain groups could lead to incorrect
diagnoses and negative outcomes.
4. While AI can reduce costs in drug development, implementing AI technologies
can still be expensive. Considerations should be made for the initial investment
and ongoing maintenance costs.

The report identifies opportunities to improve the efficiency of using AI in drug

1. To better prevent the potential inaccuracy of AI-generated data, hospitals are
advised to generate their own data and compare it with the results obtained from
AI systems for a comprehensive analysis.
2. Open sharing of code, data, and methodologies should be encouraged to promote
transparency in AI research
3. The pharmaceutical industry should establish ethical guidelines for the
development and use of AI, with a focus on promoting transparency and
responsible decision-making.
4. Collaboration between pharmaceutical organizations and trade associations is
crucial in promoting uniform data formats, reporting guidelines, and
methodology within the AI in drug development community. This helps establish
standards and ensure consistency. 🤝

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