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Mental Health

Detection Model

Table of Contents
What is Mental Health ?
Identifying Stress Inducing Factors
Collection Of Data
Machine Learning Technique
Outcome and Personalised Solutions
Current progress
What is Mental Health ?
Mental health refers to a person's emotional,
psychological, and social well-being.
It encompasses one's ability to manage stress,
form healthy relationships, and make rational
Good mental health contributes to a person's
overall quality of life, productivity, and resilience
in the face of challenges.
Mental health challenges can manifest as mood
disorders, anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders,
and more.
Mental health is an essential aspect of overall
health and should be prioritized and supported.
Primary Motivation: Early Detection of Mental Health Issues
- One of the core motivations behind our project is the early detection of mental
health issues.

Providing Accessible and Affordable Solutions

- We are driven by the commitment to provide accessible and affordable solutions
for individuals dealing with mental health challenges.

Reducing the Stigma Associated with Mental Health

- Another significant motivation is to reduce the stigma often attached to mental
health. By promoting early detection, we aim to foster a more open and
understanding society.

Statistics on the Benefits of Early Detection

- Early detection of mental health issues has proven to be highly beneficial:
- According to the World Health Organization, early diagnosis and treatment can
lead to up to 80% of those with depression and anxiety disorders recovering or
Identifying Stress Inducing
Collection of data
Machine Learning
Predicting the level of
Personalised Solutions
Identifying Stress Inducing Factors

Diet Fits of anger

Travelling new places Income
Social network Gender
Helping others Daily walking steps
Donations Time for passion
BMI Meditation
To Do Completed
Sleep Hours
Lost Vacation
Collection of data
Google form (circulated in the college )
Kaggle dataset (preprocessed data)

Structured data containing the information regarding the
various factors affecting the stress. Here the data is stored
in the form of key value format in the backend from where it
could fetched through the help of api’s .
Machine Learning Techniques Used

Support Vector Machine (SVM) Logistic regression

Outcome and Personalised Solutions
Model is trained to predict stress in four levels.
SVM is used to train model with accuracy - .
Based on the level of stress , personalised solution is
The stress level is also shown in the form of
percentage .
Reflecting the major cause of stress.
Displaying work-life
Current Progress
Data collection

The interface gui for the actual site

Model is almost in the final stage of completion

Backend and training of model

Selected dataset for training and test of model.
Google form of original survey conducted by Authentic- to collect datas.
Work life balance score is calculated in accordance of book 360
Google form circulated by us to add more rows to dataset.
Book:"A Deep Learning Approach for Detecting Stress from Speech."
Authors: Mohammad H. Mahoor, Matthew J. Rattani, Juan F. Mancilla
Published In: IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2019. Link:
[IEEE Xplore]
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