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Inferring Geographical Ontologies from Multiple Resources for Geographical

Information Retrieval.

Conference Paper · January 2006

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3 authors, including:

Davide Buscaldi
Université Paris 13 Nord


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Inferring Geographical Ontologies from Multiple
Resources for Geographical Information Retrieval∗

Davide Buscaldi Paolo Rosso Piedachu Peris Garcı́a

Universidad Politécnica de Universidad Politécnica de Universidad Politécnica de
Valencia Valencia Valencia
Camino de Vera, s/n Camino de Vera, s/n Camino de Vera, s/n
Valencia, Spain Valencia, Spain Valencia, Spain

ABSTRACT GeoCLEF 1 [5] evaluation exercise at the CLEF 2005, re-

Many documents that can be found in the World Wide Web cently repeated in 2006, and the advances of the SPIRIT2
include some kind of geographical information, often in an project [6]. These efforts are aimed to the solution of typical
implicit way. The use of resources like gazetteers and geo- issues of the geographical IR task.
graphical ontologies can improve the results in Geographi-
cal Information Retrieval. Unfortunately, the construction In many cases, explicit geographical information is miss-
of such ontologies is a long and laborious process; there- ing from the documents, for instance the indication of a
fore, building an ontology in a semi-automatical way exploit- broader geographical entity is omitted when it is supposed
ing multiple sources is an interesting and useful task. Our to be well-known to the readers (e.g. usually France is not
work is focused on the integration of data from gazetteers named in a news related to Paris). Another common prob-
(GNS and GNIS), the WordNet general domain ontology, lem is the synonymy, when there are many ways to indicate
and Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The result of our ef- a geographical entity. This is particularly true for foreign
fort is an ontology implemented as a set of Prolog clauses, names, where spelling variations are frequent. The solution
that can be easily expanded with both new data and rela- to these problems has been generally individuated in the use
tionships. of geographical-oriented ontologies [4, 6]. The manual con-
struction of this kind of resources is usually a long, laborious
process, and in many cases they are not freely available, such
Categories and Subject Descriptors as the Getty Thesaurus of Geographical Names3 (TGN). In
H.4 [Information Systems Applications]: Miscellaneous order to overcome this issue, we made some attempts [2, 3]
to use the geographical information included in WordNet,
General Terms the well-known general domain ontology developed at the
Geographical Information Retrieval, Ontologies, Wikipedia, University of Princeton [7].
WordNet, gazetteers
Unfortunately, the quantity of geographical information in-
cluded in WordNet is quite small. Although it is quite
1. INTRODUCTION difficult to calculate the number of geographical entities
Most of the information available in electronic format, such stored in WordNet, due to the lack of an explicit annota-
as in the World Wide Web or in digital libraries, involves tion of the synsets, we retrieved some figures by means of
some kind of spatial awareness. For instance, news usually the has instance relationship, resulting in 654 cities, 280
describe an event and the place where this event occurred: towns, 184 capitals and national capitals, 196 rivers, 44
“Earthquake in Turkey”, “Visit of the Pope in Valencia”. lakes, 68 mountains. On the other hand, gazetteers like the
Currently, the Information Retrieval (IR) research commu- Geonet Names Server4 (GNS) and the Geographic Names
nity is increasing its efforts dedicated to the retrieval of ge- Information System5 (GNIS) are freely available and pro-
ographical information, as testified by the creation of the vide plenty of geographical informations. The problems of
these resources is that they do not organize the information
∗We would like to thank R2D2 CICYT (TIC2003-07158-
in a structured way like ontologies, and that they contain
C04-03) and ICT EU-India (ALA/95/23/2003/077-054) re- too many names; therefore, increasing the ambiguity of ge-
search projects for partially supporting this work. ographical names (for instance, 16 places named “Genoa”
can be found in various locations all over the world: one in
Italy, another in Australia and the remaining ones in the
United States).

Encyclopedias also contain a quantity of geographical infor- code (00), and obviously the name of the place (Aruba).
mation. One of the most interesting and recent phenomena This is how the previous data are translated into the Prolog
in the Web is the success of Wikipedia6 as source of informa- database:
tion. We already studied the possibility of using Wikipedia
for Question Answering [1], a task related to the IR field,
and we realized that it could be exploited also for the Ge- island("Aruba").
ographical Information Retrieval, since the articles usually in("Aruba", "AA00").
include useful information (such as boundaries) that can be
used in order to extract relationships among geographical The first clause states that Aruba is an island, while the
entities. second one states that Aruba is included in the region AA00.
As it can be noticed, this is a combination of the ISO country
Each of the discussed resources presents advantages and code and the regional code. This uniquely identify a region
disadvantages. For instance, gazetteers lack informations in the world. We defined a predicate, abbr/2, which allows
about the composition of geo-political entities such as Eu- to individuate the full name of a code. Therefore, in the
rope, England, Scotland. This information can be retrieved database the following clauses are also present:
by means of WordNet and/or Wikipedia. In this paper we
describe our work in order to integrate the information ex-
tracted from WordNet, the GNS and GNIS gazetteers and abbr("AA00", "Aruba (general)").
Wikipedia into a geographical ontology. in("AA00", "Aruba").
abbr("AA", "Aruba").
2. BUILDING THE ONTOLOGY country("Aruba").
In this section we describe each of the steps taken in order to
build the ontology. We have to remark that the construction
The information about the regional codes was retrieved from
of the ontology has been undertaken with the aim of improve
the “First-order Administrative Division Code to First-order
and extend the portion of the WordNet ontology that was
Administrative Division Name Cross Reference”.
used for our previous works in the field of Geographical In-
formation Retrieval [2, 3]. In detail, we were interested to
In the case of the GNIS, US alphabetical state codes (FL,
extend geographical names in a document collection with the
AZ, NJ, etc.) were used as regional codes, combined with
indication of the containing entities. Therefore, the largest
the ISO code for the United States (US). For instance, the
part of the work was to extract information of containment
information about the containment relationship P hoenix →
between the entities. The ontology has been implemented
Arizona → U SA is expressed into the database by means
as a Prolog database, therefore it can be easily expanded
of the following clauses:
with new relationships and/or data.

2.1 Extraction of Data from Gazetteers city("Phoenix").

The GNS and GNIS gazetteers contain a lot of geographi- in("Phoenix", "AZUS").
cal information respectively about places outside and inside abbr("AZUS", "Arizona").
the United States (more than 5, 500, 000 places for the GNS in("Arizona", "US").
and almost 40, 000 for the GNIS - concise dataset). Both state("Arizona").
gazetteers use a similar format, where in each line there is at
least the name of a place, its coordinates, the indication of
As said above, we used the concise dataset of the GNIS, that
the containing entity (state for the GNIS, a regional code +
is, large features that should be labeled on maps with a scale
the ISO code of the country for GNS), and a class.The places
of 1 : 250, 000. The reasons of our choice were, again, the
are classified using feature designation codes; for instance,
reduction of polysemy, and the fact that queries over large
“populated places” are assigned the PPL code, “volcanoes”
databases are too slow to be used efficiently during the au-
are identified with VLC and so on. In order to reduce poly-
tomated indexing of a large collection of documents (as we
semy among places of different type, we selected only places
needed for our previous work [2, 3]). Unfortunately, as de-
of the following classes: bay, cape, gulf, hill, island, lake,
tailed above, the places listed in the GNS are far more than
mountain, ocean, populated places, port, sea and volcano.
those listed in the GNIS, and it is not possible to download
These classes were chosen for their relative importance with
a reduced dataset such as for the GNIS. Therefore, we at-
respect to other classes (such as “garden” or “airfield”), and
tempted to establish the importance of a named place by
after an analysis of the GeoCLEF questions.
looking into an encyclopedia.
As an example, consider this portion of a line from the GNS:
2.2 Filtering Names through Wikipedia
The consideration that stands behind the attempt is that
123000 -695800 ISL AA 00 Aruba large, important geographical features correspond to well-
known names. Popular names can be found in an encyclo-
pedia, and more if the encyclopedia can be edited by anyone,
Since coordinates of geographical places are not given in
as in the case of Wikipedia. Therefore, we tried to add to
WordNet, we considered as useful information only the class
the database only names that are included into the titles
(ISL -island- in this case), the country code (AA) the region
of the articles of Wikipedia. Unfortunately, there is an is-
6 sue with this approach relative to popular names that are
not names of geographical entities, or better, that are much the GNS and GNIS are extracted the names of the two con-
more popular than the locations we would like to add to the taining entities (respectively region and country) c1 and c2 ,
database. For instance, Leno is a popular showman (Jay the two holonyms h1 (direct) and h2 (direct holonym of h1 )
Leno) in the United States, but it is also a small town in of n in WordNet and the class of n from WordNet through
Northern Italy and many other places that can be found in the relationship instance of (this can be city, river, country,
GNS but not in Wikipedia. etc.). Let us define D as the set of clauses in the database.
The actions that can be taken at this point are:
In order to overcome this issue, we had to select from the
whole collection only the articles referring actually to some
geographical name. We extracted from WordNet a set of • if h1 = c1 ∧ h2 = c2 : add to the database the syn-
geographical trigger words using the holonymy (part-of) re- onyms (Sn ) of n in WordNet; ∀s ∈ Sn add the clause
lationship and its reverse, meronymy. We retrieved iter- in(”s”, ”c1 ”). to the database, if it does not contain
atively all the meronyms from two root synsets: north- already s.
ern hemisphere and southern hemisphere. The result is the
list of all the geographical synset included in WordNet. The • if h2 = c2 ∧ h1 6= c1 ∧ in(h1 , c2 ) ∈ / D: add to the
words contained in these synsets and in the definition of database the clauses in(”h1 ”, ”c2 ”). and in(”n”, ”h1 ”).
each one (the gloss) were added to the set of trigger words,
with the exception of stop-words. For instance, consider the A manual mapping has been done between regional codes
following synset (between braces) and its gloss: and WordNet synsets in order to write the clauses follow-
ing the same format used when extracting data from the
{Paris, City of Light, French capital, capital of gazetteers.
France} - the capital and largest city of France;
international center of culture and commerce. The second step was done semi-automatically, adding to
the database all the clauses of containment between coun-
tries and continents entities, selected from WordNet starting
The terms added to the set of trigger words in this case
from the root geographical concepts (northern and southern
are: Paris, City, Light, French, capital, France, largest, city,
international, center, culture, commerce. The 10 most fre-
quent words extracted in this way are: city, state, popula-
tion, area, world, km, country, new, north, river. 2.4 Boundaries
Another interesting relationship that it is not present in the
Therefore, the obtained words can be considered as quite gazetteers but can be retrieved from Wikipedia is if two enti-
representative of the geographical domain. In order to de- ties are bounding each with another one. We analyzed some
termine whether a Wikipedia article is in the geographical articles in order to identify textual (“shallow” as opposed to
domain or not, we need to measure its similarity to the set syntactical, “deep” ones) patterns that are often used. The
of trigger words. Let us name Wa the set of words in an recent efforts of the Wikipedia community in order to im-
article a of Wikipedia, T the set of trigger words extracted prove the quality of the geographical section (WikiProject
from WordNet, then the similarity score S(a, T ) between a Geography8 ) give an important contribution to the stan-
and T is computed by means of the Dice formula: dardization of the patterns.
2|Wa ∩ T |
S(a, T ) = (1) Common expression are “X borders Y”, “X shares borders
|Wa | + |T | with Y”, “X is a ... bordering Y”, “X is bordered by Y”,
We indexed only the documents with S(a, T ) > 0, 04. We where X is the country described in the article and Y are
used the Xapian7 search engine to index the Wikipedia snap- one or more internal links to other countries. We collected
shot. manually a set of regular expressions matching these pat-
terns. Internal links can be easily identified in Wikipedia
2.3 Integration with WordNet since they are written between double square brackets (in
At this point, we realized that some useful informations were the xml dumps).
missing from the ontology. For instance, we had the infor-
mation that Cambridge is a place in the United Kingdom, For simplicity, we included boundaries only for location of
Cambridgeshire, but the GNS does not contain any refer- the class country. For every country in the database, the
ence that Cambridge is in England. Neither the GNS tells respective entry in Wikipedia was examined in order to in-
whether France is in Europe or in America. Considering that dividuate one of the defined patterns. If the countries in the
many topics of the GeoCLEF make reference to locations in links were already present in the database, a relationship
this way, (for instance, topic 26: Wine regions around rivers bound(X, Y). was added for each country.
in Europe), this was a major issue to deal with. Fortu-
nately, the missing information can be found in WordNet. For instance, consider the page of France in Wikipedia; the
For instance, in WordNet England is a meronym of United passage describing the boundaries of France with neighbor-
Kingdom. ing countries is: “France is bordered by Belgium, Luxem-
bourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Andorra, and
The integration with WordNet is done in two steps. In the Spain”. These countries are also present in the database,
first one, for each name n from the ontology obtained from there fore the following clauses are added to it:
7 8 Geography
bound(France, Belgium). we would have also the names related to the Genoas in the
bound(France, Luxembourg). United States and in Australia.
bound(France, Germany).
... Whereas in the first case we can simply add to the database
bound(France, Spain). a synonymy relationship, based on hierarchy similarity and
on footprints (but coordinates can be obtained only from the
gazetteers), in the second one we need to disambiguate the
In order to reduce the number of clauses, we observed that term inside the text, a task recognized as one of the most
the boundary relationship is reflexive. Therefore we checked difficult in the field of Natural Language Processing.
also the presence of bound(Y,X). in the database before
adding bound(X,Y). to it.
This paper describes our efforts in order to create in a semi-
3. USING THE ONTOLOGY automatical way an ontology that can be used effectively as
Thanks to the flexibility of Prolog, all the information in the a resource for the Geographical Information Retrieval task.
ontology can be easily retrieved. For instance, suppose that We made use of three resources: gazetteers, Wikipedia and
we need to find all the cities in a given region Y; therefore, WordNet. The information contained in the three resources
we have to add to the database only the following rule: is very heterogeneous, and we succeeded to integrate them
only at a small extent, mostly because the construction of
the ontology was subordinated to the needs arisen from our
city_of(X,Y):- city(X), abbr(Z,Y), in(X,Z).
previous experience in the use of WordNet for the GeoCLEF
task. We still need to verify if the use of the ontology give
The most useful information, we planned to use for Geo- benefits over the use of WordNet alone. Moreover, the on-
CLEF, is the containment. In this case the rules are: tology itself does not solve the ambiguity problems. Further
investigations will be aimed at developing disambiguation
methods that use the ontology (possibly an improved ver-
cont(X,Y):- in(X,Y). sion of it), and a performance comparison with an imple-
cont(X,Y):- in(Z, Y), cont(X,Y). mentation of the same ontology with a relational database
instead of Prolog.
Our aim was to use the ontology for the expansion of geo-
graphical terms in a collection of documents. The indexing 5. REFERENCES
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of Genova, Genoa. The second one is the polysemy: suppose In Communications of the ACM, volume 38, pages
that Genoa was found in the text instead of Genova, then 39–41, 1995.
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