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Q1: To date, he's the only former U.N.

secretary- general to be elected president of a


The crrect Answer is: (Kurt) Waldheim

Q2: For 10 seasons she played tough TV journalist Murphy Brown?

The crrect Answer is: Candice Bergen

Q3: Aided or assisted, specifically in the commission of a crime?

The crrect Answer is: abetted

Q4: Instrument name of the paper fold seen here?

The crrect Answer is: accordion fold

Q5: Future president John F. Kennedy?

The crrect Answer is: Navy

Q6: Perhaps you'll write for your college paper, like this school's Daily Trojan?

The crrect Answer is: USC (University of Southern California)

Q7: Seen here, his attempt to enroll at Ole Miss in 1962 led to riots but was ultimately

The crrect Answer is: James Meredith

Q8: Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin shared the 1978 Nobel Peace Prize with this
Egyptian president?

The crrect Answer is: Sadat

Q9: "And the Big Buttercream Breakthrough" & "And the Taste Test"?

The crrect Answer is: <i>2 Broke Girls</i>

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