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Q1: English readers & Disney viewers know Hugo's "Notre-Dame de Paris" by this title?

The crrect Answer is: "The Hunchback of Notre Dame"

Q2: This one of the Ancient Wonders was toppled by an earthquake around 225 B.C.?

The crrect Answer is: the Colossus of Rhodes

Q3: Research by an 8th grade civics class in Massachusetts got Elizabeth Johnson a pardon
for her 1693 conviction for this crime?

The crrect Answer is: witchcraft

Q4: David Crosby is a public sufferer from it?

The crrect Answer is: hepatitis

Q5: This planet that orbits the Sun at a mean distance of 1.5 astronomical units has a day
about 40 minutes longer than ours?

The crrect Answer is: Mars

Q6: U.S. elects 46-year-old Bill Clinton president?

The crrect Answer is: 1992

Q7: This hall of fame ex-Chief QB is actually much better known as a 49er QB?

The crrect Answer is: Joe Montana

Q8: "Why couldn't Jesus have been a father & still been capable of all those miracles?"?

The crrect Answer is: <i>The Da Vinci Code</i>

Q9: U.S. & British representatives in Europe signed this treaty December 24, 1814?
The crrect Answer is: the Treaty of Ghent (ended the War of 1812)

Q10: The NYC Dept. of Transportation tries not to do major work at the same time on the
Brooklyn & this next bridge up the East River?

The crrect Answer is: the Manhattan Bridge

Q11: It advertises its product as "The Pfabulous Pfaucet with the Pfunny Name"?

The crrect Answer is: Price Pfister

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