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Q1: Added ranch to the greens, or plucked the bird for cooking?

The crrect Answer is: dressed

Q2: The Germans call this miniature vegetable "rosenkohl" or rose cabbage?

The crrect Answer is: Brussels sprouts

Q3: The name of these protective leggings comes from a word for a dense growth of shrubs?

The crrect Answer is: chaps

Q4: A prisoner,a trap,a leak?

The crrect Answer is: Things that are sprung

Q5: Defeated after a run for mayor of NYC, he became an "I.E." contributor in 1990; 4 years
later, he got the mayor gig?

The crrect Answer is: Giuliani

Q6: Terry Jones was crushed by a 16-ton weight in a comedy sketch from this British

The crrect Answer is: Monty Python

Q7: Since William the Conqueror in 1066, English monarchs have been crowned in this
London landmark?

The crrect Answer is: Westminster Abbey

Q8: O Magazine has a section on flashes of understanding--these moments?

The crrect Answer is: Aha! moments

Q9: In May 1927 this plane was tested by flying from San Diego to NYC; it took 20 hours, 21

The crrect Answer is: the Spirit of St. Louis

Q10: Suspect Peter, no last name, appears to have eaten these gourds as well as imprisoned
his wife in one?

The crrect Answer is: a pumpkin

Q11: Hebdomada Major in Latin, it runs from Palm Sunday to Easter?

The crrect Answer is: Holy Week

Q12: Mary wants to join this branch of the military?

The crrect Answer is: the Army (from Mary)

Q13: This word for a small package precedes "post" in a subclass of standard mail?

The crrect Answer is: parcel

Q14: City in which March 26,1979 peace treaty between Israel & Egypt was signed?

The crrect Answer is: Washington, D.C.

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