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Q1: It's the longtime member of the percussion section heard here?

The crrect Answer is: a triangle

Q2: He's the man on the bill that's the value of this answer?

The crrect Answer is: Benjamin Franklin

Q3: In 1927 the Cyclone roller coaster made its debut in this New York City site?

The crrect Answer is: Coney Island

Q4: Cecil Forester & Francis Fitzgerald?

The crrect Answer is: Scott

Q5: Around 313: this Roman emperor starts championing Christianity?

The crrect Answer is: Constantine

Q6: A city near Detroit is named for this Ottawa chief who united the Great Lakes tribes in

The crrect Answer is: Pontiac

Q7: Laura Ingalls Wilder's "The Long ____"?

The crrect Answer is: Winter

Q8: Name of 8 kings of England since 1272, it was also General Lee's middle name?

The crrect Answer is: Edward

Q9: To flip within one's crypt?

The crrect Answer is: to turn over in one\'s grave

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