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Q1: The ancient Egyptian ceremony of the judgment of the dead was also called the

judgment of this god of death?

The crrect Answer is: Osiris

Q2: This family of poets born in & around Boston includes Amy, James Russell & Robert?

The crrect Answer is: the Lowells

Q3: The African colobus species of this animal dines on leaves?

The crrect Answer is: Monkey

Q4: If you're in Rabat, you must be in the capital city of this country?

The crrect Answer is: Morocco

Q5: The Betty seen here turns heads in this town?

The crrect Answer is: Riverdale

Q6: Cinnamon Imperials is a generic term for these hard candies; the ones from Ferrara Pan
have this "fiery" name?

The crrect Answer is: Red Hots

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