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How many month's salary a wedding ring costs?

1.3 months

What is it called to celebrate 25 years

of marriage using the name of a color?
1. Silver wedding

What is the special ability that

the Elephant Nose Fish, which has
a lower jaw like an elephant's trunk, possesses?
1. Power generation

What is the title for a specialist selecting

wine for customers at restaurants?
4. Sommelier

What historical event took place

at the beer hall "Hofbräuhaus" in Germany?
1. Hitler's speech

As of 2023, what is the name

of the oldest existing tavern in Japan?
3. Mimasuya

What animal is also the origin of the name

of the high-end Japanese sake "Dassai"?
3. Otter

What is a liquor store called where you

can consume purchases on-site?
3. Kakuuchi

Auguste Rodin's bronze statue "The Thinker

What work was this originally a part of?
4. Gate of Hell

Who is the Heian poet who wrote "This and this,

going and returning are separated, knowing and
not knowing, the barrier of Osaka"? - ○maru?
1. Semi

In the indie game "Papers, Please" themed

on immigration inspection,
which country is the protagonist working in?
3. Arstotzka

What is the term for the certificate that was

necessary to pass through the barrier, using
a part of the body to pass ○ shape?
3. Hand

What caused the collapse of the

Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989?
3. Politician misunderstanding

What were the three leaves put in the pot?

4. Red Clover

What is added next?

1. Flower Slime's beak

What was the last one?

3. Marsh Elf's breath

Correct answer: Marsh Elf's breath

What is the potion to be added?
3. Lizard

Which direction should it be stirred in the end?

1. Counterclockwise

What's the term for the dense, spear-and-shield

armed infantry in ancient Greek army?
4. Phalanx

What was Leonard Lawrence's nickname

in 'Full Metal Jacket'?
1. Smiling Fatman

What's the term for an irregular military group

known for surprise attacks, also used to describe
sudden heavy rainfalls?
3. Guerrilla

What was Erwin Rommel's nickname

for his World War II achievements?
3. Desert Fox

What's the personified term for Russia's harsh

cold that thwarted invasions like Napoleon's?
1. General Winter

What's the informal term for Japan's semi-official

prostitution area from 1946-1958?
4. Red Line

What's the name for adult entertainment venues

with nude saunas and bars in Germany and Australia?

Who is the Roman Emperor known for lechery,

cross-dressing, and turning his palace into
something like a brothel?
3. Heliogabalus

Which work is by French writer Marquis de Sade,

also the origin of 'sadism'?
3. The Prosperity of Vice

Who is the legendary woman who, marching

naked through the city, inspired a confectionery
manufacturer's name?
1. Godiva

Mont Saint Michel, a World Heritage Site in France,

translates to 'Saint Michael's 〇〇' in Japanese.
4. Mountain
In Latin, it means the morning star, what is the
name of the devil Satan before he fell from heaven?
1. Lucifer

What are onion, bell pepper, and celery called in

Cajun cuisine similar to 'Father, Son,
and Spirit' in Christianity?
3. The Holy Trinity

In the parody religion satirizing anti-evolutionists,

what form does the worshipped flying monster take?
3. Spaghetti

What's the name of the spear used to confirm

Jesus Christ's death by stabbing his side?
1. Longinus

What breed of cow, characterized by black and

white stripes, is commonly associated with dairy
production in Japan?
4. Holstein

What long-haired livestock caused a

speculation boom in Japan around 1930,
referred to as 〇〇 frenzy?
1. Angora rabbit

Which rodent livestock, part of the guinea pig

family and referred to as "cuy" in South America,
is used for food?
3. Guinea pig

What's the steak with foie gras and black

truffles, named after a composer?
3. Rossini

What's the round, white, high-quality Italian

cheese made from buffalo milk?
1. Mozzarella

Who is the fairy king in Shakespeare's

'A Midsummer Night's Dream'?
4. Oberon

Which of the following is not

a Japanese yokai or fairy?
1. Leprechaun

A fairy circle is a natural phenomenon

where a specific object. Which is it?
3. Mushroom

In the game series 'Pokemon', which of the

following is a weakness of the Fairy type?
3. Poison

Who was the famous writer around 1917 who

believed in the Cottingley fairy photos in England?
1. Conan Doyle
What's the cocktail made from gin and vermouth,
also known as the king of cocktails?
4. Martini

What forms the Freemasons symbol,

combining a right angle rule and what else?
1. Compass

What was the medieval European punishment

for drunks involving wearing a barrel?
3. Drunkard's Mantle

At the German Oktoberfest, people who are

drunk and fallen are called 'Bierleichen',
but what does this mean?
3. Beer Corpse

What's the green, wormwood-made liquor

with hallucinogenic effects that some
countries regulated?
1. Absinthe

What is the name of the city

where this work is set?
4. Dahlsika

What is the real name of Mika's

quite foolish rival, Bell?
1. Beelzebub

What's Azu,
Mika's cheeky junior's real name?
3. Azrael

What's the pseudonym of angel Freya

when active on earth?
3. Leia

What title suits Mika, now a high-ranking

angel due to love and lust?
1. Perverted Angel
2. Hentai Angel
3. Lewd Angel
4. Toilet Angel

Which creature in Greek mythology killed Orion

and named a constellation after itself?
1. Scorpion

What is the medium to large-sized mammal with

a very hard buttock, which is endemic to Australia?
1. Wombat

What is the SF novel by George Orwell

that depicts a dystopian society?
3. 1984

What is the 1796-built hall's name in

Aizuwakamatsu City, Japan, known
for its unique style?
3. Turban Shell Hall

What's the global myth where humans lost

immortality by choosing food over stone?
3. Banana-type Myth

What's the name of the dried meat, nuts,

and fat-based preserved food eaten by
Native Americans?
3. Pemmican

What is the 'Three Treasures of the National

Palace Museum' jade marrow sculpture,
in Taiwan, modeled after?
3. Pork

What is the large fish that lives in tropical waters,

called 'Shibitokurai' in Japan and 'Mahi Mahi' in Hawaii?
3. Dorado

What's the small East Asian animal recently

naturalizing in places like the Izu Peninsula?
3. Hedgehog

What is the name of the main Norse god,

also considered the basis for the 12th tarot
card, 'The Hanged Man'?
3. Odin

What's the name for a fossil of a broadly-distributed

creature that helps determine the age of strata?
3. Index fossil

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