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Q1: The appropriate initiation ceremony?

The crrect Answer is: right/rite

Q2: Sacramento?

The crrect Answer is: California

Q3: A bullet whose flight can be visually observed?

The crrect Answer is: a tracer

Q4: The last shot of the day is also known as this gin cocktail shot--because the next shot is
in that cocktail's glass?

The crrect Answer is: a martini shot

Q5: This 5-word idiom meaning "to take responsibility" comes from what a baseball batter
does before seeing a pitch?

The crrect Answer is: step up to the plate

Q6: A cascade is a series of these, closely spaced & descending over a steer rocky surface?

The crrect Answer is: waterfalls

Q7: Name of the plane on which Lyndon Johnson took the oath of office?

The crrect Answer is: Air Force One

Q8: On May 20, 1921 President Harding presented to this woman a capsule of radium with a
street value of $100,000?

The crrect Answer is: Marie Curie

Q9: All sharks have at least one dorsal fin & one caudal fin, better known as this?

The crrect Answer is: Tail

Q10: Whether you're in Zimbabwe or Hong Kong, 100 cents add up to 1 of these?

The crrect Answer is: dollar

Q11: Adam Smith published "The Wealth of Nations" in this year, the same one in which we
declared independence?

The crrect Answer is: 1776

Q12: To say offensive things about God or religion?

The crrect Answer is: blaspheme

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